Heyo Everyone,
Welcome to PART 4 of the patch notes.
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
Bug Fixes and Changes
- Fixed an issue where Zarona Combat Shotgun special attack damage was not affected by the Damage stat.[/*]
- Solved an issue with melee weapons push-follow attack not entering the sprinting state.[/*]
- Fixed an issue where the windup animation for the Heavy 2 attack on the Turtolsky Mk VI Heavy Sword would be incorrect when chained from a Light 3 attack.[/*]
- Removed the snap of the camera when swapping weapons while recoiling for Double-Barrelled Shotguns.[/*]
- Fixed the Agni MK Ia Shock Maul and the Indignatus Mk III Shock Maul having odd animation blendings between specific attacks, and solved an issue in which their hitstop animations were not properly playing when hitting an armoured enemy during push follow-up attacks.[/*]
- Added a small amount of chain timing to cancel into Blitz or Ability after connecting with a Special activated attack on the Ogryn Brute-Brainer Mk XIX Latrine Shovel and Brute-Brainer Mk V Latrine Shovel.[/*]
- Fixed an issue where the ‘Brute-Brainer Mk XIX Latrine Shovel’ and ‘Brute-Brainer Mk V Latrine Shovel’ didn’t get attack speed bonuses from Talents and Blessings for the majority of their attacks.[/*]
- Fixed an issue where the ‘Brute-Brainer Mk III Latrine Shovel’ didn’t get attack speed bonuses from Talents and Blessings for its first Heavy attack.[/*]
- Fixed an issue where the ‘Indignatus Mk III Shock Maul’ and the ‘Agni Mk Ia Shock Maul’ didn’t get attack speed bonuses from Talents and Blessings for their Special attack.[/*]
Fixes for Talents, Abilities and Blitz Abilities
- Veteran’s Shock Trooper: The talent is now correctly not working when ammo is completely expended.[/*]
- Fixed an issue where entering Veteran’s ‘Executioner’s Stance’ wouldn’t activate ‘Weapons Specialist’.[/*]
Tweaks to Weapons, Talents, Abilities and Blitz Abilities
- Attack speed from Celerity Stimms now increases the speed of Force Staff attacks.[/*]
- Terrifying Barrage now proc when killing enemies with secondary attacks for Voidblast Force Staff (formerly: Trauma Staff) and Electrokinetic Force Staff (formerly: Surge Staff).[/*]
- Run ‘n’ Gun blessing: incremented weapon spread reduction for the Double-Barrelled Shotgun (formerly: Assault Shotgun) from 0% to 10%.[/*]
- Kills from fire barrel explosions and resulting fire on the ground will now contribute to the “Situational Awareness” Penance.[/*]
Transit Hub HL 16-11, “Chasm Terminus”
Hab Dreyko
- Fixed out-of-bounds exploits.[/*]
- Fixed an invisible collision.[/*]
- Fixed out-of-bounds exploits.[/*]
- Fixed an issue where players would clip through the floor after being rescued from a hang ledge.[/*]
- Fixed collision issues around the train cars in the Locomotive Storage Bay area.[/*]
- Fixed collision issues at the start of the mission.[/*]
- Fixed a respawn location that could cause players to fall through the floor.[/*]
- Fixed minor gaps in the geometry in Ironside Alley / Refector’s Quarter[/*]
- Moved a spawn location for Scriptures[/*]
Habzone HL-19-24, “Throneside”
Comms-Plex 154/2f
- ixed an unreachable pickup.[/*]
- Fixed some locations where players could fall out of the map.[/*]
- Fixed an issue where players could sprint past gates before they closed and get locked.[/*]
- Fixed an issue where players would spawn outside the final event and be unable to enter the arena.[/*]
- Fixed out-of-bounds exploits.[/*]
Freight Port HL-32-2, “The Hourglass”
- Fix an issue where some environmental pieces used in The Hourglass had the wrong collision setup[/*]
- Fixed a collision-related exploit.[/*]
- Fixed several stuck spots.[/*]
- Fixed an issue where players would end up in the falling state when close to the edge of an elevator.[/*]
- Fixed respawn point priorities.[/*]
- Fixed several out-of-bounds exploits.[/*]
- ixed an unreachable pickup.[/*]
Habzone HL-70-04, “The Carnival”
Warren 6-19
- Fixed several out-of-bounds exploits.[/*]
- Fixed an issue where Snipers were able to shoot through certain walls.[/*]
- Fixed several out-of-bounds exploits.[/*]
- Fixed an issue where enemies could open an airlock gate.[/*]
- Fixed issues with elevator collisions.[/*]
Manufactory HL-17-36, “Metalfab 36”
Consignment Yard HL17-36
- Fixed several out-of-bounds exploits.[/*]
- Fixed several out-of-bounds collision issues.[/*]
- ixed several out-of-bounds exploits.[/*]
Inter-Zone Void Sector Omega-12
Clandestium Gloriana
- Fixed several out-of-bounds exploits.[/*]
- Fixed several collision issues in some indoor areas.[/*]
Orthus Offensive
- Fixed an issue where Crusher enemies would run away after breaking the wall to the gas tutorial room.[/*]
VO and Audio
- Both Swagger and Commissar Dukane have arrived aboard the Mourningstar, setting the ship’s rumour mill in motion.[/*]
- New mission briefing for Smelter Complex HL17-36:[list]
- Following the rediscovery of the Clandestium Gloriana and the secret of Moebian Steel, Enginseer Kayex is attempting to replicate the process in Manufactorum Hl-17-36. But the Traitorous 6th have other plans …[/*]
- Weapon names have been updated to a new scheme to simplify naming conventions throughout the UI. (Please see the section above for all the changes.)[/*]
- Added filter options on the Armory Exchange’s Requisition Weapons and Curios store to select between item types (melee, ranged and curios).[/*]
- Crafting operations now tell why an operation is not available to be performed.[/*]
- Added new backgrounds to weapon inspect and weapon cosmetics screens.[/*]
- Fixed an issue where the Heavy 3 attack was missing in the detailed breakdown screen of the Inspect menu for the Indignatus Mk III Shock Maul.[/*]
- Fixed an issue where the Vanguard Light attacks were displaying incorrect details in the breakdown screen of the Inspect menu for the Ogryn Power Maul.[/*]
- The progress bar for decoding objectives now blinks in orange when stalled.[/*]
- Fixed an issue where the extraction UI marker could be visible when joining the mission after it started.[/*]
- Fixed an issue where the nose would clip through the bandana on several cosmetics:[list]
- Zealot “Cowl of the Avenger” headgear.[/*]
- Veteran “Recon Company Beta Vanguard Helm” headgear.[/*]
- Veteran “Militarum Issue Helm (1st Mancunio Campaign)” headgear.[/*]
- Veteran “Memento Mori Flak Helm” headgear.[/*]
Other Miscellaneous Fixes
- Fixed a crash that could occur when disconnecting or dying shortly after having thrown a Krak Grenade or Assail Shard.[/*]
- Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when a Scab Sniper tried to aim outside of the playable area.[/*]
- Fixed an issue causing third-person sounds to be played for several weapon effects when spectating another player.[/*]
- Fixed an issue where sound effects such as muffling or distortion from for example being knocked down or netted would be overridden when inside a Telekine Dome.[/*]
- Mitigated a visual issue where the reload animation of Double-Barrelled Shotguns (formerly: Assault Shotguns) could break when triggering the “Both Barrels” Blessing during bad network conditions.[/*]