Devoted Rejects,
Happy 2024!
We are currently gearing up for the coming year, and kicking things off with Hotfix #30.
Please find the notes below:
- Fixed a crash which could happen when trying to display information of a player which was still entering the Mourningstar.[/*]
- Fixed an issue where enemies that weren't aimed at could be hit by fully automatic weapons while aiming down sights and using a gamepad. [/*]
- Fixed an issue where the Agripinaa Mk XIV Quickdraw Stub Revolver did not display any information under the "Reload Speed" stat when inspecting the weapon.[/*]
- Fixed an issue where Poxbursters could fail to be staggered by a Psyker Force Sword push-attack if hit at the very outer edge of the attack effective range.[/*]
- Fixed an issue where hair was incorrectly removed when equipping the Psyker "Deimos MK VIA Rebreather" and "Deimos MK VId Rebreather" head gear cosmetics. [/*]
- Fixed an issue where music failed to play during the Monstrosity attack in the end event of the Consignment Yard HL-17-36 mission. [/*]
- Fixed various uncommon crashes. [/*]