New In-Game Event: The Grandfather’s Gifts
The Lord of Decay has blessed his most beloved followers with hideous tentacles. So imbued are they with his foul pestilence that they explode when shot.
Dispatch them at close quarters to avoid this.
Complete missions featuring the blessed enemies to progress and collect rewards. This condition will only be available during the event and it will appear on both the Standard and Auric mission terminals. Look out for missions with the “Mutated Horrors” condition.
This event will start on Thursday, November 7, 2024. The rewards will be Ordo dockets, Plasteel and Diamantine. Those who complete the last tier of the event will receive a new Portrait Frame. (Dev Note: Be aware the frame might not show up immediately in players’ inventories after receiving the notification. Players may need to re-log, or at least leave and re-enter the Mourningstar.)