Wednesday May 4TH @ 10AM PDT (Est. 1hr)
May’s release brings the Retrocitor Carrier, dubbed the Anvil. This downtime also includes the following content and activities:

[Revelation] [Revelation] The Retrocitors have been working with R&D and created the Anvil Carrier. Claim yours during the monthly event, Starts Thursday, May 12th, 2022 at 3pm PST.
[Mobilization] The top players gain special ship skin and blood amber, plus fame and glory! Don’t forget to take advantage of the 20% Ship Build Discount. It will be active for the first 24 hours of the event for builds started after the discount begins. Starts Thursday, May 19th, 2022 at 3pm PST.
[Decimation] Attack targets to complete the Retrocitor Anvil Elite and grab the Breach Squadron or the newest Fleet Commander, Khalin Hullwirght.
Don’t Forget:
- You earn additional points by triggering a siege fleet on your base after filling up the RAGE bar. [/*] There is a 20% Ship Refit Discount for the first 24 hours of the event! [/*]Some targets use a Tiered Loot table—earn tech in each tier to unlock additional tiers. [/*]
Starts Thursday, May 26th, 2022 at 3pm PST.

[Tech] Experimental Salvage
- Repurposed Squadrons - While equipped, the health and dps of equipped squadrons is increased but it takes time to load up replacement squadrons. [/*]
[Hull] Anvil Carrier
The Anvil was originally used as a mobile salvage and repair platform, hauling the crews and tools needed to complete long recovery operations. Now it has been refitted to act as a Carrier, deploying squadrons to attack while supporting nearby hulls.
[Tech] Retrocitor EN/EX/KI Resistors
The Resistors provide hull resistance against select damage type in addition to counter-tech for different weapon behaviors
[Tech] Momentum Thruster
The Momentum Thruster was designed by the Retrocitors to provide a powerful thruster system that focuses on hull handling. It also takes the momentum energy gained from sharp turns and converts it into shield energy.
[Tech] Breach Squadrons
The Breach Squadron is a modified salvage collection unit, originally designed to set explosive charges and seperate pieces of salvage to break them into smaller pieces, now weaponized to blast apart enemies.
[Commander] Khalin Hullwright
Kahlin still has his Root implant and it has allowed him to access the weapons systems of Retrocitor ships under his control, improved the performance of any Vulcan based weaponry equipped to them as well as improved the Shield energy of his fleet. He uses his ship building knowledge to help the Retrocitors escape from, and take the fight to, the Astral Barony.

- Tier 11 Ship Skins [/*] Updated Retrograde 2.2 with tier 9 & 10 content [/*]

- Event Target Radar locates available targets. [/*] Trebuchet fire arc corrected to fire within set range. [/*]