This release features the Pharmakon Plexus Carrier ????All Ships: 2x Sector Speed ???? Dreadnought Escorting ???? Event Multi-Prize Claims ???? READ MORE BELOW!

The August release is packed with community-requested changes, including Ship Sector Speed doubling for all ships, the ability to escort using Dreadnoughts, and multi-prize claims for event stores! Performance improvements are also being implemented to address reports received after the Deep Space launch - please note, this will take effect once the updated game build has been installed on your device.

The Pharmakon Plexus Carrier and Kaon Driver can also be found in this release, earned through the September Feature event SYNCHRONY on September 5th. September’s Alliance War will be swapped with a re-run event (TBD), however Alliance War will return in October.
Brand new in September is a bonus Fleet Commander XP period from Monday the 2nd to Thursday the 5th, where 20% additional experience will be earned. Due to overlapping tech offered through both Supply Runs and Campaigns, targets will be moved to the Planet.

- [Synchrony] Earn the Pharmakon Plexus Carrier and Kaon Driver in Synchrony, beginning September 5th. The Plexus Carrier is the final Tier 7 hull, featuring Ablative Suppression, Reactive Phasing, and a Plasma Laser Array. Turn destruction up to maximum with the Kaon Driver III, checking in at 820 DPS!
- [Mobilization] Earn Plexus Carrier MkII-V Upgrades, Spectral Myr I-IV, then bolster your Orator with Spectral Zealot IV.
- [Decimation] The Elite Plexus gains bonuses to the Enfeeble Field Overdrive and Laser Array Overdrive. Find Elite Upgrade Materials in the September Decimation.
- [Event Re-run] To be announced - keep an eye on the upcoming September Event Calendar!

- [Hull] The Pharmakon Plexus Carrier is the final Tier 7 hull! This beast features Ablative Suppression, Phasing Sync, and a Plasma Beam.
- [Tech] Equip the Kaon Driver to Tier 7 Carriers, then earn Plasma Elements to convert them for additional combat strategy flexibility. This features 8,000m range, 2,000 m/s speed, and 6 piercing.
- [Tech] Spectral Myrs and Kinetic Myrs will be available this month in Mobilization and Decimation, respectively. At level 4, Myrs have a boosted 4,100 Health, 328+ damage upon impact, and 50% Alien Resistance.
- [Tech] Kinetic and Explosive Zealots: Kinetic Zealots will be released in September’s Mobilization, however Explosive Zealots will be available in a future event.
- [Tech] Legendary Fleet Commander Richard Gowd specializes in Driver and Vulcan Class Weapons, boosting range by 800m, Screen and Kinetic Damage by 15%, and bolstering Kinetic Resistance by 10%. When 3x Altairian Hulls are in his fleet, they gain +4 Piercing with Vulcan & Driver Weapons.

- 2x Sector Travel Speed for all ships
- Dreadnoughts can now escort
- Items in event stores can now be claimed multiple times at once
- Supply Run Fleets moved to Planet
- Carrier Field Description Clarification
- Support for no-coin offers

- Fixed an issue where Sun on Planet view does not appear correctly occasionally
- Fixed an issue where default Leaderboard images would load for each rank on Mobile.
- Fixed an issue where Wraith Cruisers may fly through walls while AI is enabled
- Fixed an issue where Phase Screen stats may appear in incorrect color
- Fixed an issue where defeated fleets could be escorted
- Fixed an issue where Planet Targets may be incorrect color
- Fixed an issue where Plasma damage type may not appear in Omega Workshop information
- Fixed incorrect functionality for the Inquisitor/Saboteur’s Ballista Overdrive
- Fixed an issue where Zeus may not appear high quality while in Combat
- Fixed an issue where Spectral Zealot appeared too brightly
- Fixed an issue where Attack button may not be greyed out while in a non-PvP Deep Space sector
- Fixed an issue where DoT icon may disappear when re-entering combat
- Fixed an issue where upon re-entering battle before Wormhole Drive Bonus ends, the bonus visually may not count down correctly
- Fixed an issue where Co-op Target Icon may appear too dimly
- Fixed an issue where Pharmakon Ships may Phase before countdown time ends while joining Co-op battle
- Fixed an issue where battle replays may not be loaded if the battle took place in a collapsed sector
- Fixed an issue where Planet and Sector views may not resize correctly
- Fixed an issue where Zealots may receive damage from Xeno/Plasma Nebulas
- Fixed an issue where Spawned Ships may be controlled on Mobile
- Fixed an Android issue where the game could not be re-opened after exiting using the Back button
- Various Minor Localization Fixes