We’re proud to announce Web Support will be returning to VEGA Conflict soon! You’ll be able to play through KIXEYE.COM using WebGL, which is already supported by all major browsers. Additionally, there’s no installation process so you’ll be up and running quickly. Read more about the change here.
The Umbra Amarok Titan launches in EXTRADITION, starting Thursday, January 2nd @ 3PM PST. Blast your way through the fray using Weapon Jamming Stacks and DPS stacks, supporting your fleet and taking down enemies with its own firepower.

*Silhouette of the Amarok

[Extradition] Lock in the date: EXTRADITION starts January 2nd. Earn the Umbra Amarok Titan, Cyclic Vulcan, and Parasitic Armors.
[Mobilization] Find the latest Mk2-5 Upgrade Materials in Mobilization, Hulls and tech, featuring Amarok MK2-5 Upgrade Materials.
[Decimation] Decimation holds Elite Crafting Materials, Hulls, and Tech. The January Decimation provides an opportunity to upgrade the Amarok to Mk5, then Elite.
[Alliance War] Earn the Marauder Stargazer Cruiser, Void Node Armor, Void Screen, & Void Tera Cannon.

[Hull] The Amarok rewards aggressive tactics, featuring Weapon Jamming stacks and DPS stacks to take down enemies quickly, or as fleet support.
[Tech] The Cyclic Vulcan uses Kinetic Damage with minor AoE bonuses and can be converted to Faction-locked level IV Blight (Umbra), Plasma (Pharmakon), & Xeno (Altairian) Damage Types.
[Tech] Tier 8 Parasitic Umbra Armors provide Energy, Explosive, & Kinetic Damage Resistance. Convert them to level IV for either Xeno or Blight Resistance.
[Tech] The Positron Bolt is button-activated, putting YOU in control. Positron Bolt I & II Credits give four charges of Kinetic Damage with massive range and massive piercing stats.
[Fleet Commander] Use Fleet Commander Paul Vahron for extra Strafe Speed, Kinetic Damage, and Energy Resistance. Equip it to Ranger Fleets for a boost to Driver Projectile Speed.
[Hull] Marauders have started converting Pharmakon Tech! Built from Trojan Cruiser wreckage from combat, Stargazer utilizes DoT stacks, Phasing Speed Bonuses, and Resurgence.
[Tech] The Void Tera Cannon applies DoT, enormous Piercing, and uses a 3,000m range to take enemies down.
[Tech] Beef up the Stargazer’s defenses with Void Node Armor.
[Tech] Pharmakon Marauders may now phase using the Void Screen.

- Repair fleets with Gold on the Sector Map using Remote Repair
- Multiple Jumpships may now be launched simultaneously
- Dreadnought Category added to Workshop Filters
- Tier 7 Umbra, Altairian, & Pharmakon Strikes each Tuesday @ 8AM PST

- Fixed an issue where Ajax’s Fortify Overdrive may resist 100% Blight & Void Damage
- Shield Defense Buffs were switched to Hull Resistance
- Fixed an issue where Spawned Hulls are considered by the Ajax’s Damage Allocation Field.
- Fixed an issue where Blight Elements are required for Xeno Resolute Shield Crafting Recipe
- Fixed an issue where Featured Loot may not be displayed in Galaxy Map Info Menu & Sector Activities Menu
- Fixed an issue where Outposts may overlap in Altairian Sectors
- Fixed an issue where Combat Reward Toast does not show # of Blueprint Pieces won
- Fixed an issue where Ronin Gabriel Stat Block may be missing “+” sign for Plasma Resist
- Fixed an issue where “Requires Workshop IX” may overlap upgrade button if Workshop is level IX or below
- Fixed a graphical issue where projectiles visibly explode far away from the Ajax
- Fixed an issue where Fire Disruption Icon may not be removed from Phased Ships
- Fixed various minor localization issues