WEDNESDAY JUNE 26 @ 9PM PT (Est. 1hr)

We’re proud to announce the Deep Space release! Please be aware fleets will be recalled during the update because of the Fleet XP Balance change. Deep Space will be activated after July’s Justice event concludes, where you’ll find:
- Xeno Supplies/Cargo and Behemoth targets in the residential sector
- AXIS Supplies/Cargo in the Deep Space Lobby. PvP is disabled in the Lobby.
- Altairian Supplies/Cargo in the Altairian Sector (branching from the Lobby)
Also in this update is a big overhaul to New User Missions, New Time-Limited Campaigns for progressing to Tier 6 tech, and Fleet XP Changes.

New player-created formations will be included in this update. From left to right, these designs were created by: Dark729, BaronVonAlex, and CyrusL, who won the Fleet Formation Design Contest.

A few submitted designs were identical to the winners - those contestants will receive the formation they submitted that’s identical to the one above, before they’re made available to all players:
Darth Ironclad - Flex Wing
FreedomCobra - Flex Wing
Anyeex - Flex Wing
Master Baku - Ambush
Ramius Loweke - Rampart

[Alien Strike v2] Aliens are running rampant in the Residential Sector! Attack them to earn Xeno tech.
[Justice] Justify your dominance with the Pharmakon Omega, Triadic Vulcan, and Plasma Siphon Resistor. Don’t miss a chance to get USA themed hulls!
[Mobilization] Boost Vulcan Weapon Speed and Projectile Range with the Thermionic Filament. For added damage resistance, pick up the Explosive Siphon Resistor.
[Decimation] Grab brand new Formations and the latest tech in Decimation.
[Alliance War] You’ve been waiting for it! Pick up the Void Harmonic Beam Capacitor in July’s Alliance War.

[Hull] From the beginning of battle to the end, be the alpha with the Omega.
[Tech] The Triadic Vulcan is a hard-hitting, AoE projectile shotgun.
[Tech] Boost Vulcan class weapon Speed and Projectile Range using the Thermionic Filament.
[Tech] Fleet Commander Aluin Dael is a must-have for Marauder Basing Fleets.
[Tech] Use Blight Ablative Tungsten Armor for additional defenses.

- ???? Deep Space ????
- Fleet XP Balance Changes
- New User Progression Time Limited Campaigns
- New User Missions Revamp

- Fixed an issue where Terminus Mine may not fully refund resources used.
- Fixed an issue where module unequip Cost/Time may be incorrect.
- Fixed an issue where Formations do not appear in Blueprints menu.
- Fixed an issue where it could take a long time to rejoin Umbra Outpost targets after destroying Umbra Combat Modules.
- Fixed an issue where Pharmakon Hulls may visually switch to a lower mk level after exiting phase.
- Fixed an issue where clicking and dragging onto an escort may trigger an attack.
- Fixed an issue where public assistance toggle may be ignored.
- Fixed an issue where Plasma Screen may use incorrect effect color.
- Fixed an issue where Javelin may not display defeated icon.
- Fixed a chat issue where VIP icon and username may overlap.