WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd @ 10AM PDT (Est. 2 hr)
This month is the start of Tier 11 and some interesting new content. Participate in monthly events to earn the new tech brought by the Retrocitors, as well as learn why they are here and what they are running away from.
[Deception] Join the Retrocitors in their battle against these mysterious invading forces. Earn the first Tier 11 ship, the Scrapper, and try out the Experimental Salvage to find the best combination for your play style.
[Mobilization] Earn the Scrapper MK III - MK IV upgrades while earning a top spot on the leaderboards!
[Alliance War] Alliance War is a hybrid PVP/PVE event where Alliances fight with other Alliances for control over Mining Outpost in a special Unstable Sector to earn Intel and Solar Shards that they use to purchase prizes and unlock additional tiers or prizes in the event store respectively.
[Decimation] Attack targets to complete the Retrocitor Scrapper Elite and grab the Reclaimed Armor, Reclaimed Shields, or Diversiform Missiles you might have missed.
The first Tier 11 hull, the Scrapper, is a fighter class hull that will feature strong defenses and above-average damage output. This will be the first hull with an Experimental Salvage slot and two items to choose from.
[Experimental Salvage]
The Experimental Salvage mechanic is the new defining mechanic for Tier 11. You will be able to choose from a selection of components to equip to ships for custom gameplay.
[Reclaimed Shield]
The Reclaimed Shield is manufactured from scavenged technology. While its shield energy output is at a high level, it lacks the resistances of other shields, instead able to offer high resistance to a single type.
[Reclaimed Armor]
The first hull armor in the Retrocitors faction and provides Armor Health and Explosive Resistance to start.
[Diversiform Missile]
The Diversiform Missile appears to fire a single projectile missile, but upon detonation splits into 2, and then splits again into 3. In addition to covering the enemy with multiple projectiles, there is a small AoE to help against swarms.
[Campaign] These time-limited missions are being repurposed to help set up lore and provide additional activities for those that want more combat. These campaigns will not only give you context to VEGA events, but will also give you a step up in Tier 11 with relevant prizes.
- Slingshot Prime Shift Boost fixed, min range on weapons now work as expected [/*] Modulator has Spectre Resistance removed and it’s Prime Shift Boost resistances lowered. [/*]A9 no longer gives a Spectre Resistance but instead boosts Charge Time and Drain Rate for Prime Shift. [/*]User interface icons with low resolution are being updated. [/*]