Now is the time to bolster your base defenses with the newest Spectre technology in Dissipators and Base Specials. This month, you will be able to control enemy swarms with the Modulator hull and Hacksaw Vulcan, as well as charge up your Spectre fleets with the Spectre Fleet Commander, Annie.

[ENERGY SURGE] Burst into battle on Thursday, November 11th in the ENERGY SURGE feature event to earn the Modulator, Hacksaw Vulcan I-III, and Fulgor Beam III.
[Mobilization] Upgrade your Modulator MK II-IV by gathering pattern pieces from the newest Liberatus targets in the November Mobilization, then claim the Dart Wing III and Electron Sentry III. It starts Thursday, November 18th, at 3pm PST.
[Decimation] Be prepared to complete your Modulator Elite with the newest Liberatus Capacitor 129 and 131 appearing Thursday, November 25th at 3pm PST.
[Alliance War] Join your Alliance on Wednesday, November 24th at 3pm PST to gain Intel, Solar Shards, and Marauder Tech from a collapsing sector.

[MODULATOR] It’s a tank! It’s a fighter! No, it’s the Tier 10 Spectre Modulator! This Specialist hull uses its Prime Shift abilities to act as a tank with high resiliency, then transitions into a DPS hull using the stored energy to increase offense and return fire. The Modulator, unlike previous hulls, has a lower Prime Shift Threshold that is not tied to a conditional weapon.
[ADK-09 “ANNIE”] Fleet Commander ADJ-09, also known as “Annie”, was an officer recruit in the Spectre Division. With her advanced knowledge of Spectre, she optimizes Prime Shift systems to give your Spectre fleet a step up with an increased charge rate.
[TRACKER TORPEDO TURRET] Based on its namesake, the Tracker Torpedo Turret uses an AoE torpedo that spreads on impact. Another tool to use against swarms of enemies.
[EN/EX/KI DISSIPATORS] A new set of base dissipators are here. These dissipators feature a single resistance type (Energy, Kinetic, and Explosive) and include weapon counter tech for the expected behaviors of that type.
[SPECTRE BASE WEAPON SPECIALS] New Base Specials are here, providing a boost to key stats for each damage type: Explosive, Energy, and Kinetic. These specials trade off by the benefits with mass.
Hardened Munitions (Kinetic)
- Projectile Speed Increase [/*] Health Damage Increase [/*]
Ion Apertures (Energy)
- Range increase [/*] Shield Damage increase [/*]
Unstable Warheads (Explosive)
- AOE increase [/*] Ship Damage increase [/*]

- Fixed Friendly Name for Flux Cannon [/*] Fixed stats for T10 Crippling Field Generator [/*]Updated Carbyne Armor Description [/*]Updated Tracker Torpedo Description [/*]Added Resistances to stat block for T10 Pyro/Electro/Shelling Sentry [/*]Removed Skin Slot from Warbird [/*]Android Purchases are now Showing Up When Completed [/*]Target Radar now shows what loot is dropped [/*]