As another month goes down for the VC history books, another month of exciting features and content is coming up! We’re proud to announce PvP Resurgence will be extended to ALL ships and may return up to 70% of health for Mk6 hulls. Pharmakon Buffs also arrive, giving your fleet an extra boost in power that should be seen in both PvE and PvP.
Please note, for Resurgence, a combat lock will prevent an attacker or defender from attacking for a period of time, in order to prevent repeated attacks. The visual feedback for this feature will appear once your game has been updated - please do not be alarmed if you cannot attack or be attacked by a Fleet that you were just in battle with. Depending on the platform being used, Monday is the latest you’ll likely see the update.

*Mk6 shown above. Skins shown below.

When the enemy reaches for victory, hand them a minefield instead: unlike the sniper-like Positron Bolt, the Azide Mine unleashes a cascade of mines onto the field of combat, delivering both AoE and Stasis into your enemies’ awaiting grasp. The Azide Mine will first be available MONDAY, MARCH 2ND @ 8PM PST.

[Hijack] HIJACK begins THURSDAY, MARCH 5TH @ 3PM PST! Earn the Altairian Orion, Tier 8 Altairian Armors, & Horde Cannon, all of which will be available.
[Mobilization] Earn Orion Patterns up to Mk4, then pick up Horde Cannon III Fragments to boost your firepower.
[Decimation] This month’s Decimation features Mk5 and Mk6 Upgrade Materials for the Orion along with Fleet Commander Luna Roisin, master of the Fighter class.
[Alliance War] Marauders have converted Gargoyle Carrier technology, creating the Monolith Carrier and Void Hammer Missiles along with it - find both in the March Alliance War.

[Hull] The Orion is powerful, fast, and armed to the teeth.
[Tech] The latest powerful armors for Altairian have arrived, providing additional flexibility in defending Fleets and multi-resistant defenses at level III.
[Tech] Long range or short, the Horde Cannon’s punishing AoE slugs will leave a mark regardless.
[Fleet Commander] Boost your Fighter Fleets to peak performance by recruiting Legendary Fleet Commander Luna Roisin.
[Hull] The Monolith Carrier is Gargoyle-converted technology, found in the March Alliance War.
[Tech] The Void Hammer Missile nails the competition and pairs perfectly with the Monolith Carrier.

- Resurgence Enhancements (Check them out HERE!)
- Pharmakon Buffs (Check them out HERE!)
- Combat Delay (Applies to repeat PvP attacks to/from the same Fleet)
- Streak Breaker functionality extended for future use
- When closing the Fleet Manager screen, the mini-fleet manager will auto-select that fleet.

- Fixed an issue where the Workshop Module may not save when moved
- Fixed an issue where anti-pierce may not work for unpowered moules
- In Workshop, if "Show Only Craftable" is checked in "Crafting" tab, when starting Crafting Process of an item, it will deselect the item selection in the list.
- Fixed an issue where the Lancer Driver may use the incorrect special effect for explosions
- Fixed an issue where Jumpships may be automatically recalled back to base after combat concludes, even when the fleet has not yet been destroyed
- Fixed an issue where the Ship Upgrade Screen may not display equipment & resistances
- Fixed an issue where the Vector’s Fracture Overdrive & Leviathan Onslaught Projectiles may travel too far
- Fixed an issue where Void Screen Repair Times were not aligned with other Marauder content
- Various minor localization fixes