This is the first corrective patch for Update 0.2, primarily addressing bugs we've discovered or you have encountered during your gameplay.
We really appreciate all your help in spotting these issues. Your support means a lot! We try to reply to each of your messages, no matter where you're contacting us. Even if we don’t get to respond to everyone, know that we’re reading and considering all your feedback!
Update 0.2 - Corrective patch #1 - 31/07/2024
- Improved harvest markers and zones to be easier to read.
- Adjusted the font and shadows of the resource count displayed above plants to be easier to read.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the active task orders list could be empty in harvest building, causing many game functions to stop working correctly.
- Added blocking cells on Oasis Island map to prevent construction in unreachable areas.
- Fixed surface analysis feedback for the Volcanic Tree (previously displayed “wounded”; now correctly show “intoxicated”)
- Fixed a bug that could softlock the game when an expedition is returning, if some members contracted an illness during the expedition and if the game had been saved and reloaded in between.
- Removed the display of heatmap when clicking on a plant slot in the Plant nursery.
- Fixed a textual feedback in harvest building selected panel.
- Harvest module now clears orders when unassigning all citizens and does not start tasks when the inventory is full. This correction prevents a harvest building from reserving a plant and thus preventing other harvest building from interacting with the plant.
- Fixed harvest feedback “action available” to now correctly update when a citizen reaches the building instead of when registering the citizen.
- Fixed feedback of flipped buildings and plants.
- Fixed the highlight of buildings during the building placement phase to be correct when the building is flipped.
- Added a tooltip for "?" button of the Starting stock.
- Updated some trees on scenario 1 map that should be dead when the game starts.