New Heroes

- Trip Beam (Q): [list]
- Target direction to create a beam of energy.
- If an enemy touches this beam, it triggers - dealing 80/110/140/170 Magic Damage and pushing away all nearby enemies.
- Roll Out (W): [list]
- Activate to transform, granting increasing movespeed at the cost of reduced turning.
- If you contact an enemy, deals 80/100/120/140 Magic Damage and stuns them for 1.3 seconds.
- Taking damage slows down your movement.
- Infernal Core (E): [list]
- Activate to begin dealing 25/30/35/40 Magic Damage/sec to nearby enemies.
- Also grants 8/12/16/20 bonus resistance while active.
- Costs 20 mana/sec.
- Energy Reversal (R): [list]
- Passively reduces incoming damage by 9/12/15%, charging this ability as you take damage.
- Activate to release all stored charges, dealing up to 270/360/450 Magic Damage to enemies around you.

- Tunnel Bomb (Q): [list]
- Target direction to fire an underground missile.
- Upon contacting an enemy, deals 65/90/115/140 Magic Damage and applies a minor slow in an area around the target.
- Healing Rations (W): [list]
- Target ally to grant them a buff which heals them for 140/180/220/260 Health over 6 seconds.
- Provides 20/30/40/50 resistance for the duration.
- Mud Field (E): [list]
- Target area to create a mud field.
- Enemies caught inside are slowed by 25%, have their attack speed reduced by 10/20/30/40%, and take 10/20/30/40% bonus damage from you.
- The Underground (R): [list]
- Target location to create a Mole Hole.
- By right-clicking a Mole Hole, you will channel for 1.4 seconds - entering the underground upon completion.
- While underground, you can then target near any Mole Hole to return above ground at that location.
Gameplay & Balance Changes

- Trident Charge (Q): Bonus magic damage increased from 15/25/35/45 to 20/30/40/50 per charge.
- Breaking Wave (R): Magic damage increased from 250/300/350 to 300/350/400.

- Grappling Hook (Q): Manacost increased from 100 to 115.
- Murder of Crows (E): Attack speed boost from activating abilities reduced slightly.

- Boomerang (Q): Damage now correctly deals 80/95/110/125% of Trace's attack damage (previously 70/85/100/115%).
- Shadowstalk (E): Bonus damage increased from 40/55/70/85 to 55/70/85/100.

- Pot Shot (Q): Magic damage reduced from 100/125/150/175 to 90/110/130/150.
- Barrel Roll (W): Shield health reduced from 90/120/150/180 to 80/110/140/170.

- Cheese Shot (Q): Manacost increased from 90/105/120/135 to 100/115/130/145.
- Dead Eye (E): Attack range gained from passive reduced from 45/80/115/150 to 35/70/105/140.

- Orbital Drop (R): Cooldown reduced from 100/90/80 to 85/75/65 seconds.

- Mending Pod (E): Heal increased from 100/135/170/205 to 125/160/195/230.