News Liste Strife

13.02.25 17:31 Community Announcements

For patch we focused on improvements for Captain's mode, bringing back Scrim matchmaking mode and fixing bugs.


  • Eye of Tempra: cooldown increased: 45 → 90s.Eye of Tempra is one of the best items in the game (if not the best), allowing players both to engage and disengage a fight with no counter to it. Its low cooldown (with combination of cooldown reduction it granted) allowed using it carelessly with no risk of missing it in the right moment or even twice during a single teamfight. With its cooldown now increased, missing an opportunity to use Eye of Tempra will carry greater consequences, while properly timing and positioning the item remains just as impactful as before.

Bug fixes

Captain's mode

  • Captain is assigned correctly now in the custom game lobby.
  • Fixed right-click menu for hosts to work properly in custom lobby.
  • Switching to spectator slot in custom lobby works properly now.
  • Adjusted UI to make it more clear, when captain is able to choose heroes.
  • Adjusted UI to make it clear for spectator which team picked a hero.

Scrim mode

  • Enabled again.
  • After accepting Scrim mode game now both teams will be added to captain's mode lobby instead of diving into a match right away with no time to prepare.
  • Scrim lobby will be disbanded if any player leaves the match.

While Captain's mode and Scrim mode should be working properly now, they are still a work in progress. Expect more updates on UI, QoL features and changes to format in future.

Heroes, pets and items.

  • Buford[list]
  • Fire Slug (W): ability no longer triggers tower and minion aggression when an enemy hero steps into fire, but triggers it if projectile creating fire hits an enemy hero. This aligns with behavior of other similar abilities.

  • Harrower
    • Predator Strike (Q): now properly grants bonus damage after leaping around walls.
    • Grendlefang (R): While in beast form first use of ability now properly switches Harrower to human form after using Razer's Into the Shadows (Active).

  • Malph
    • Tunnel Bomb (Q): now triggers tower and minion aggression when dealing damage to heroes.
    • Mud Field (E): fixed missing headlines in level breakdown in tooltip.
    • The Underground (R): now tooltip displays maximum number of holes on each level.
    • Is no longer able to use Retreat (H) while underground.
    • Russian translation added.

  • Midknight
    • Absorb (E): no longer triggers on debuffs that are not slows or stuns (e.g. Harrower's Feast on Wounds (E)).

  • Pal
    • Roll Out (W): move speed bonus is now shown in level breakdown menu and no longer colored orange (which usually means parameters scaling with power).
    • Russian translation added.

  • Rip
    • Added missing short descriptions of his abilities.

  • Zen
    • Wisdom (passive): ability description was updated in the Russian translation.

  • Iceforged Plate
    • Desperation enchantment now grants resistance when health is below 20% as intended.
  • User Interface

    • Fixed background images scaling for high resolution monitors in launcher.
    • Charge bar for abilities restored in the Legacy UI.
    • Fixed white texture showing on Child of Light screen if any language but English is chosen.
    • Attack speed is now calculated properly in shop tooltips.
    • Fixed the following issues with replay screen:
    • [list]
    • Local replay information no longer wipes on replay list refresh/switch filter, resulting in an empty list of local replays.
    • Vertical scroll bar no longer handle disappears on filter switch.
    • Hero icon no longer blinks when replay is selected.
    • Inconsistent match name/comment behavior resolved for recent and downloaded replays.
    • Match information will be shown properly when downloaded replay selected.


    • To resolve a bug with preventing skins to be available after purchasing them, a soft reset was done: all skins acquired were removed from all accounts, all spent gems were refunded.
    • Fixed an issue with memory leak when exiting game in particular scenarios (e.g.: in captain's mode lobby).
    • Fixed ability ping announcing abilities with charges and no cooldown (e.g. Caprice's Quick Draw (R)) as ready even if a hero has no charges and can't use ability.
    • Many simple descriptions of abilities on hero select screen were modified to be more detailed.
    • Fixed some values rounded to integer in tooltips in launcher (e.g. Aemon's Hope (W)).

    Shout-out to everyone involved in developing or testing the changes for the patch:

    • Pad
    • The Chiprel
    • Bot1
    • Renjirox
    • Amompharetus
    Logo for Strife
    Release:22.05.2015 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: S2 Games Vertrieb: S2 Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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