Thanks to the collective feedback of several community veterans, this patch should hopefully provide a significant Quality of Life improvement to Strife's small dedicated community with numerous bug fixes, gameplay & balance changes. Additionally, there is an active public Strife Community Discord up and running at https://discord.gg/uBzmkXR.
General Updates
- Added new visual & sound effects for all Heroes in the Hero Selection & Matchmaking Lobby screens.
- Added new visual & sound effects for several Hero passives and abilities.
- Added new cosmetic dyes for Minerva (Dharkstone) and Pal (Iron & Pink).
- Added a new Hero gearset, Steelwing Blazer.
Hero Updates

- Breath of Oracles (Q): [list]
- Cooldown adjusted from 9 at all levels to 9/8.5/8/7.5 seconds.
- The Chosen One (R): [list]
- Cooldown decreased from 115/105/95 to 110/100/90 seconds.

- Movement Speed increased from 340 to 345.
- Ion Cannon (Q): [list]
- No longer applies a -20% movespeed slow to Blazer while channeling.
- Hunter Mode (R): [list]
- Blazer now deals +100% Attack Damage when attacking from stealth.
- Hunter Mode stealth now expires at the end of Blazer's attack animation rather than at the start, allowing players to cancel their attacks without losing stealth.

- Bull Rush (R): [list]
- Cooldown decreased from 90/75/60 to 80/70/60 seconds.

- Movement Speed increased from 330 to 345.
- Attack Range increased from 500 to 550.
- The Buford Special (R): [list]
- Cooldown adjusted from 60 at all levels to 60/55/50 seconds.
- Damage to target's Max Health increased from 12/15/18% to 15/19/23%.
- Channeling time decreased from 2.75/2.25/1.75 to 2/1.75/1.5 seconds.

- Movement Speed increased from 330 to 335.
- Imminent Boom (R): [list]
- Cooldown decreased from 75 at all levels to 70/65/60 seconds.

- Scorched Earth (R): [list]
- Cooldown adjusted from 135 at all levels to 135/120/105 seconds.

- EMP Cannon (R): [list]
- Activating the EMP after launching it no longer costs mana.

- Monkey Multiplier (R): [list]
- Reactivating the ability (to teleport to illusions) now costs 25 mana per activation.

- Tunnel Bomb (Q): [list]
- Now seeks out enemy heroes if they are within 700 range, turning into a homing projectile with a decreased turn rate.

- Chains of Judgement (R): [list]
- Distance required to break the chain link between Midknight and enemy heroes increased from 800 to 1200.

- Trip Beam (Q): [list]
- Stun & knockback duration reduced from 0.6 to 0.3 seconds.
- Roll Out (W): [list]
- Now has an instant cast time (decreased from 0.8 seconds) & no longer interrupts movement.
- Pal's turnrate is no longer decreased while Roll Out is active.
- Pal gains 5/9/13/17% bonus movement speed while Roll Out is active.
- Taking damage will apply a 70% tapering movespeed slow for 0.5 seconds (stacking).
- Impact AoE radius increased from 100 to 150.
- Infernal Core (E): [list]
- Manacost increased from 5 to 20 when activating Infernal Core.
- Energy Reversal (R): [list]
- Increased the AoE damage travel speed by 100%. It should now reach its maximum range (700) in 0.4 seconds.
- Cooldown adjusted from 80 at all levels to 80/70/60 seconds.
- Each charge gained when taking damage now has a duration of 25 seconds, increased from 8.

- Mana Regeneration per level (1-15) increased from (2.11-2.72) to (2.29-2.94).
- Mending Pod (E): [list]
- Manacost adjusted from 80 at all levels to 50/55/60/65.
- Cooldown adjusted from 6 at all levels to 7/6.5/6/5.5 seconds.
Pet Updates

- Quickness: [list]
- Increases Movespeed by 4%.
- Frostbite: [list]
- When you attack, Bounder slows target by 20% for 3 seconds.
- Cooldown decreased from 16 to 14 seconds..
- Slide (F): [list]
- Dash 500 distance in target direction.
- Cooldown decreased from 120 to 100 seconds.

- Deflection: [list]
- Reduces incoming creep damage by 11-32 (scales with hero level).
- Rejuvenate: [list]
- When hero is below 75% HP, heals by 55-125 (scales with hero level).
- 40 second cooldown.
- Taunt (F): [list]
- Target an enemy creep to have Fiki taunt enemies in a 450 AoE for 15 seconds. Fiki has 2000-9000 health (scales with hero level) & receives bonus damage from towers.
- Cooldown decreased from 110 to 90 seconds.
- Damage taken from enemy towers increased from 500% to 1000%.

- On The Prowl: [list]
- Increases movespeed by 10% while out of combat.
- Bounty: [list]
- Upon killing an enemy hero, grants 130 bonus gold.
- Cooldown decreased from 60 to 40 seconds.
- Shadow Stalk (F): [list]
- Target enemy to deal 118-300 damage over 6.5 seconds while granting vision.
- Cooldown decreased from 150 to 120 seconds.

- Luster Touch: [list]
- Increases gold from creeps by 3 (increased from 2).
- Greed is Good: [list]
- If you miss a killing blow, Luster gets it for you.
- 15 second cooldown.
- Blast (F): [list]
- Deal 700-1008 damage to an enemy creep (scales with hero level).
- Cooldown now correctly displays 75 seconds (instead of 80) on the tooltip.

- Spell Mastery: [list]
- Increases Magic Damage by 6%.
- Dive Bomb: [list]
- When your abilities affect an enemy, Mystik deals 20-68 Pure Damage (scales with hero level & power).
- 16 second cooldown.
- Inspiration (F): [list]
- Regenerate 93-135 mana over 0.5 seconds (scales with hero level).
- Cooldown decreased from 120 to 105 seconds.

- Defense: [list]
- Increases Resistance by 6-20 (scales with hero level).
- Retaliate: [list]
- When an enemy attacks you, Pincer deals 30-100 Pure Damage (scales with hero level & power).
- 20 second cooldown.
- Breakout (F): [list]
- Activate to remove all stuns/slows & provide 50% stun/slow reduction for 2 seconds.
- 100 second cooldown.

- Resilience: [list]
- Increases Resistance by 6-20 (scales with hero level).
- Pillage: [list]
- Attacking an enemy hero or structure grants 20 gold (increased from 15).
- Cooldown decreased from 30 to 18 seconds. Tooltip previously displayed an incorrect cooldown of 20 seconds.
- Promote (F): [list]
- Grants 5 allied brawlers +35 attackspeed, +75% base damage & 300-1245 health (scales with hero level) for 15 seconds.
- Players now gain 20 gold for each creep kill made by a buffed brawler.
- Cooldown decreased from 180 to 105 seconds.

- Savagery: [list]
- Increases attack damage by 2.7-9 (scales with hero level).
- Carnivorous Bite: [list]
- Your next attack on a hero heals you for 26-96 Health (scales with hero level & power).
- Cooldown decreased from 16 to 14 seconds.
- Into the Shadows (F): [list]
- Your hero spawns an illusion & enters stealth for 2.25 seconds. Stealth breaks if the illusion dies.
- Cooldown decreased from 120 to 110 seconds. Tooltip previously displayed an incorrect cooldown of 180 seconds.

- Augmented Repairs: [list]
- Increases Out-Of-Combat Regeneration by 3 Health & 1.5 Mana/sec.
- Brace for Impact: [list]
- When stunned or slowed, gain 50% stun/slow reduction for 3 seconds.
- Cooldown decreased from 40 to 25 seconds.
- Stun/slow reduction now correctly displays 50% (instead of 40%) on the tooltip.
- Enhance Defenses (F): [list]
- Grant a friendly tower +50% damage, +100 resistance & +100% splash damage against enemy brawlers for 8 attacks. Kills earned by the tower will be credited to you.
- Cooldown decreased from 180 to 115 seconds.

- Unleashed: [list]
- Increases Power by 6.6-15 (scales with hero level).
- Immolate: [list]
- Deals 50-120 Pure Damage over 5 seconds to enemy heroes within 300 range (scales with hero level & power).
- 18 second cooldown.
- Tremble (F): [list]
- Activate to apply a 70% tapering slow to nearby enemy heroes within 500 AoE for 2.25 seconds.
- Cooldown decreased from 120 to 105 seconds.

- Vitality: [list]
- Increases Max Health by 15%.
- Harden: [list]
- Blocks 36-106 Damage from a hero's basic attack (scales with hero level).
- 12 second cooldown.
- Rejuvenate (F): [list]
- Regenerate 118-300 Health over 0.5 seconds (scales with hero level).
- Cooldown now correctly displays 120 seconds (instead of 160) on the tooltip.

- Wisdom: [list]
- Increases Cooldown Reduction by 13%.
- This ability has been reworked. It previously increased Mana Regeneration by 2.7 (scaling with hero level).
- Revitalize: [list]
- Prevents you from losing Out-of-Combat Regeneration for 5 seconds the next time you enter combat.
- Cooldown decreased from 18 to 12 seconds.
- Knowledge (F): [list]
- Target a position up to 3500 range to scout it. Gains vision & reveals enemies in a 700 AoE for 8 seconds.
- Cooldown decreased from 70 to 35 seconds.
Item Updates
Elder Stone

- Recipe cost increased from 550 to 650 gold.
- Recipe now grants +10 resistance.
Empowered Bracer

- Recipe cost decreased from 550 to 450.
Sage Circlet

- Recipe cost decreased from 320 to 210.
- Recipe now grants +4% Cooldown Reduction.
Silver Buckler

- Recipe cost decreased from 320 to 270.
- Resistance increased from +5 to +8.
Bug Fixes
[list]- Fixed a bug that caused Blazer to gain only +80 movespeed instead of +100 while in Hunter Mode.
[list]- Fixed a bug that caused the player's camera screen to shake each time Iah respawned.
Jin She
[list]- Fixed a bug that allowed Everthirst Flame to damage & stun bosses.
[list]- Fixed a bug that caused Tunnel Bomb to apply its damage effect several times if enemies were in close proximity to Malph.
[list]- Fixed a bug that allowed Trip Beam to damage & stun bosses. This was allowing players to knock Cindara & Baldir out of their lairs.
- Fixed a bug that prevented Pal from being immobilized by Eye of Tempra while Roll Out was active.
- Fixed a bug that prevented Pal from being immobilized by Void Key (turning him invisible instead) while Roll Out was active.
- Fixed a bug that allowed Recall & Warp Boots to be used without interrupting movement while Roll Out was active.
- Fixed a bug that disabled Rocket Boots while Roll Out was active.
- Fixed a bug that caused movement speed buffs & debuffs to not be applied properly while Roll Out was active.
- Fixed a bug that allowed Roll Out to damage & stun bosses.
- Fixed a bug that caused Infernal Core to grant +30 flat resistance at all levels instead of +8/12/16/20.
- Fixed a bug that caused Infernal Core to buff the resistance of enemies in range.
- Fixed a bug that caused Infernal Core to drain 15 Mana/sec instead of 20.
- Fixed a bug that caused Infernal Core to passively draw aggression from enemy structures in range.
- Fixed a bug that allowed Energy Reversal to be activated without interrupting movement while Roll Out was active.
- Fixed a bug that caused Pal's Energy Reversal to display a much smaller AoE cast radius (300 instead of 700) when hovering over the ability.
[list]- Fixed a bug that allowed Freeze Ray to trigger on enemy buildings instead of just enemy units.
[list]- Fixed a bug that caused Nether Strike to only provide 2 charges instead of 3.
Barrier Token
[list]- Fixed a bug that caused the Warding Enchantment to trigger its 50% Magic Damage reduction from abilities/items that deal Pure Damage.
Eye of Tempra
[list]- Fixed a bug that allowed it to trigger the stun/slow reduction from Tink's Brace For Impact.
Everwinter Charm
[list]- Fixed a bug that caused the Virtue Enchantment to apply a 3 second movespeed slow instead of the full 4.5 duration.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Lasting Enchantment to apply a 3 second movespeed slow instead of the full 4.5 duration.
- Fixed a missing item cast animation & tweaked the cast effect to better display the AoE radius.
Golden Protector
[list]- Fixed a bug that caused the Adaptation Enchantment to not gain Mitigation charges properly.
Iceforged Plate
[list]- Fixed a bug that caused the Command Enchantment to not transfer the 5% reduced physical damage to the item owner.
- Added a visual effect & damage popup whenever reduced damage is transferred to the item owner.
Mystic Dagger
[list]- Fixed a bug that caused the recipe to grant an additional +2 Power.
Oracle's Trinket
[list]- Fixed a bug that caused the Concentration Enchantment to only restore mana (instead of mana & health) on activation.
Unstable Shard
[list]- Fixed a bug that caused it to not deal any damage to nearby enemies after its activation expired.
- Fixed a bug that caused it to deal Magic Damage instead of Pure Damage.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Wisdom Enchantment to not refresh any abilities but still kill the item owner after its activation expired.
[list]- Fixed a bug that caused locked pets to display incorrect ability tooltips. These were their level 1 tooltips (prior to the removal of pet leveling), giving those pets the appearance of having much weaker skills than their unlocked counterparts.
Account Icons
[list]- Fixed a bug that caused Moxie's Mastery Account Icon to be unavailable after the most recent patch.
Potentially playable characters in the near future..