News Liste Strife

23.12.24 09:36 Community Announcements

Patch brings more experimental balance and gameplay changes along side with minor bug fixes.



  • Resistance no longer grants stun and slow duration reduction.This is our first step on solving the issue of Resistance being way too effective. Before we start changing resistance number granted by items we decided to see how much impact does less intuitive part of Resistance make to effectiveness of resistance overall.
  • Crux: Increased damage against player controlled units by 100% (back to original value). Damage against lane creeps stays the same.
  • While we are happy with how the change to Crux's damage affected one-sided games, unfortunately more balanced games we not unaltered. We hope that taking the best from both worlds will result to less frustrating games in both extreme cases.
  • Generators
  • [list]
  • Maximum health: 9000->8000.
  • Maximum shield: 1500->2500.

Generators feel extremely vulnerable to small attacks. It is very trivial to break through generator's shield, deal it some permanent damage and get away while enemy team is busy defending other lane. This makes defending team stuck on base afraid of generator's health being slowly drained by pushing team. At the same time generators are completely fine as they are when we consider how much time it takes to take it down in a single attack after a team fight or along side with Krytos. Therefore we transferred some health to shields to solve the first case while making no effect in the second case.[/list]


  • Buford[list]
  • Poison Slug (Q): Instead of increasing basic attack damage by 10/15/20/25 now increase basic attack damage by 6/8/10/12%.

Early game damage done by Buford's basic attacks increased by Poison Slug was way higher than any other bonus damage ability in the game. This resulted into Buford bullying enemies away from lane under enemy tower just simply because nobody was able to fight back. While this change will decrease Buford's damage output early game, switching to percentage bonus should scale better into late game.
  • Pal
    • oll Out (W): Pal now longer is slowed by incoming damage.

    This ability is far away from being strong on its own. And once enemy gets Inferno Brand it actually hurts Pal using the ability at all.[/list]


    • Fitz[list]
    • Bounty (reaction): Bonus Gold reward for hero kills: 130->110. Ability cooldown: 40s->55s.

    One of the changes from unreleased Strife patch. Fitz's bounty increased player's income too much, making him a valuable pet even player stay passive.
  • Tortus
    • arden (reaction): Instead of of blocking 36-106 damage once per 12 seconds now blocks 50-150 damage once per 13-6 seconds (damage block and cooldown improve with level ups).

    Tortus always felt underwhelming. Especially its Harden ability barely had any impact on the game. We hope that with the change Tortus will be more viable through the game, while not too strong in early game phase.
  • Pincer
    • reakout (active): cooldown 100->120 seconds.

    Pincer is the best pet: universal and with no mediocre abilities. As part of a CC-break rebalance this change we expect to bring him up to level of other pets.[/list]


    • Inertia Boots[list]
    • Cooldown: 50s->60s;
    • Max health: 300->250;
    • Movement speed bonus: 65->55.

    CC-break is incredible feature by itself, so it felt unfair that Inertia boots grants great (compared to other boots) movement speed. Also we expect that the change will make next item in the list more attractive to players.
  • Oracle's Trinket
    • Recipe cost 1125->925;
    • No longer provides resistance;
    • Grants 5 Attack Damage instead (scales with power).

    Oracle's trinket was almost never used, mostly because Inertia Boots and Pincer outshine it. With making both alternatives weaker and making the item more attractive (especially for basic attack damage dealers) we expect to see the item more often.
  • Stone Skin
    • ow grants 30% stun/slow duration reduction for its duration.

    This change simply restores the stun and slow duration reduction from resistance, that no longer grants it. The effect will approximately the same as it was with resistance CC reduction.
  • Fell Blade
    • ow also grants 5% bonus movements speed while out of combat.

    Fel Blade is supposed to be alternative to Throwing Axe for gankers. So we decided to add additional bonus effect that would be attractive for roaming to other lanes.[/list]

    Quality of life

    • "/ping" command now available for players.
    • Penalties for leaving the game were restored to original values.

    Bug fixes

    • Functionality for most of achievements was restored.Note: if you already have some progress with achievements of "Win 10 games as..." those won't update until you get the same number of wins in your account stats.
    • Fixed tooltips on scoreboard in new UI.
    • Restored end game screens.
    • Fixed weird numbers in Jin She's Everthirst Flame (Q) tooltip.
    • Pal now gets disarmed while using Roll Out (W), but will not stop right in front of enemy without getting closer for impact.
    • Fixed a typo in Arcane Emblem of Focus tooltip.
    • Daily spin: No longer visual effects are cropped. Also some minor adjustments to sound effects and animations.

    Shoutout to everyone involved in developing or testing the changes for the patch:

    • Pad
    • The Chiprel

    Every balance and gameplay change deployed in this patch are results of discussion in our Community Discord channel.

    Special shoutout to the most active players involved in balance discussions:

    • Karma
    • MusicBlox
    • Joy144SK
    • Amompharetus
    • treehead42

    Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and we hope to see you on Trials of Strife.
    Logo for Strife
    Release:22.05.2015 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: S2 Games Vertrieb: S2 Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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