Progression has been wiped and Loadouts have been reset!
*Purchased Cosmetics and Founders Packs are still owned*
- Ranked added as the final Security Level - Ultra Max: Ranked[/*][list]
- Ranked features Reputation as it was in previous builds. [/*]
- There is a required Reputation cost for entry into the Security Level for any players above 1800 Reputation. [/*]
- Picking up enemy Dog Tags grants Reputation in a match. [/*]
- Extracting will refund the Reputation entry cost for the match. [/*]
- Added notion of max gear rarity.[/*]
- Added description field to queues. [/*]
- Updated Security levels with new loot tables and bot spawns. [/*][list]
- 5 new "Specialty Queues" have been added, with unique rules. This included making new modes, new loot drops, new Cybrid spawn rates, new maps, and queues, and so on. [/*]
- Progression track extended to 100 levels[/*]
- New Cosmetic Rewards have been added. [/*]
- Daily Contract Rewards updated. [/*]
- Dog tags now grant XP instead of Reputation in unranked queues. [/*]
- "Retrieve teammate dog tags" message on the kill feed will disappear if all dead teammates have had their dog tags taken out of their crates [/*]
- Void Crystal Daily Rewards updated [/*]
- Updated "Queued for Lobby" text.[/*]
- When in a screen (such as inventory screen), pressing shift no longer un-crouches a player. [/*]
- Health Pack Effectiveness Enhancements removed [/*]
- Decoy can now be canceled if it comes off cooldown while the decoy still exists. [/*][list]
- Activating it again kills all currently active decoys and spawns new ones. [/*]
- General inventory enhancements.[/*]
- Base weapon rarity removed. [/*]
- Suit, gun, and jetpack/cape emissives (parts that glow) are now toggled on for friendlies and off for enemies in-match. [/*]
- Vendor unlock progression upgraded.[/*]
- Extraction pod spawns updated for each Security Level.[/*]
- Updated Intro Movie to Season 1 version.[/*]
- Added a confirmation screen to the first time tutorial. [/*]
- Fixed an issue where the EMP Rifle could not damage Players or Cybrids while ADS.[/*]
- Melee Cybrids can no longer attack while falling/jumping. [/*]
- Fixed an issue where spectators could show a damage boost as active even if it had expired. [/*]
- Fixed an issue where some abilities could be used while the consumable wheel was open. [/*]
- Fixed an issue where the Sentry Turret would show as an Assault Rifle on the kill feed. [/*]
- Fixed an issue where some doors would not be destroyed by the fog. [/*]
- Fixed an issue where the Speed on Damage enhancements would not work. [/*]
- Fixed an issue where mythic weapons would drop in death crates [/*]
- Fixed an issue where drag and drop from the inventory would not work. [/*]
- Fixed an issue where positional voice chat was not working. [/*]
- Fixed an issue where revive beacon could be used without the revive ability [/*]
- Fixed an issue for multiple problems with revive beacon behavior. [/*]
- Fixed an issue where melee Cybrids would get stuck on crates. [/*]
- Fixed an issue where audio setting sliders would not update audio. [/*]
- Fixed an issue where interacting with doors would play the wrong interaction sound. [/*]
- Fixed an issue where Switchblade Cybrids would continue their leap attack while staggered. [/*]
- Fixed an issue where remaining ammo VFX would not be hidden when the player activates stealth. [/*]
- Fixed an issue where duplicate weapon wraps could be rolled in the shop. [/*]
- Fixed an issue where crafting components would not load properly unless the player already had them. [/*]
- Items in the consumable merchants may sometimes appear locked out if players go to a different vendor before going to the consumable merchant. The lock in the consumable merchant does not block purchasing. [/*]
- Weapon wraps in the shop for the same weapon may not update the wrap properly. Buying will give the appropriate wrap based on name. [/*]
- The Daily Extraction widget in the lobby may not properly update. [/*]
- Bots may have an exaggerated jump in the larger rooms. [/*]
- Purchasing a token bundle may not show tokens as usable. Waiting a couple minutes will resolve this issue. [/*]
- Setting the queue team fill after the queue has started will not retain the setting chosen. [/*]