News Liste Ravenswatch

Ravenswatch Patch note (Voice Chat and Balancing) - Version 0.17.03
27.06.24 15:05 Community Announcements

Greetings, Ravens!

Today we have a small surprise for you! It’s a big patch (or mini update?) with tons of balancing improvements and even the first version of a key feature requested for months by the community: the Voice chat!

If you’re curious about why we changed this or that, you can read our latest Dev Diary where we shared our thoughts on the Fall of Avalon update and more on balancing:

By the way, we’re doing a Devstream tomorrow at 5 PM CEST on our Twitch channel! Come ask your questions and watch us get revived repeatedly ????

>> Follow our Twitch channel not to miss any of our Devstreams <<

Last thing: Ravenswatch will be on sale today at 7PM CEST during the Steam Summer Sales! Grab it for you or your friends for 25% off until July 11:

Let’s dive into the patch note!

PATCH NOTE 0.17.03 (June 27th, 2024)

???? = Community additions, suggestions, reports


Because we know our patch notes are lengthy ones and you probably just want to play, here’s a “too long, didn’t read!” summary just for you:
  • Voice chat is here!
  • Many improvements in VFX, decors, and UI
  • Faster Teleportation animations
  • Chapter 3 balancing
  • Heroes balancing
  • Crit Chance balancing
  • Economy balancing in higher difficulties
  • Quests balancing
  • Lots of fixes

Read the detailed patch note below:

New features

⚠ Note: In the preparation of version 1.0, some interfaces have been modified to welcome the changes of the full release. Things like Skins/Outfits are displayed but not available in this version of the game (they cannot be unlocked as well, navigation is greyed out). Some interfaces can feel wonky because of it. Take it as a little teasing of what’s coming!
  • ???? Voice chat: Vocal chat is finally here! [list]
  • Voice chat is disabled by default, you can activate it in the Options menu
  • Settings can be updated in the Audio tab: Open Microphone, Push-to-Talk, Muted, and Disabled
  • Push-to-talk is bindable in the keyboard section. Not available for Pads yet
Note: Beware, this is a very early version of the Voice chat and social features that we have in mind. A lot of quality-of-life options are missing and will be added for version 1.0. We’re launching it today to start collecting feedback and bug reports so that we’re ready for the full release![/list]

General improvements

  • Health bars: Visualisation for Enemies health bars has been improved[list]
  • Bar length is smaller or larger, depending on the enemy's pool health (Small, Regular, or Elite)
  • Mini-Bosses now display a Boss health bar at the top of the screen
  • The Boss health bar now displays their status effects
  • The Bleed damage now has feedback on the health bar
  • Some hero animations now affect their health bar’s height to avoid overlapping with the 3D model
  • ???? Teleportation : Cinematic reduced from 6 to 4 seconds.
  • Note: Teleporting could feel a bit sluggish at times, so we tweaked the timing to avoid players feeling stuck for too long during the landing animations.
  • Compendium: Some changes in the layout of the Heroes’ Compendium[list]
  • The Abilities section is moved to the top-right of the page
  • Talents' disposition is changed to better showcase their categories
  • New PAD button to navigate through pages
  • VFX: Added some particle effects to guide players to unrevealed Teleporters and Health Fountains
  • Matchmaking: Now displays if another lobby is available for matchmaking (when choosing Difficulty modes in the Multiplayer section)
  • Avalon: Decors and VFXs for Avalon (Enemies and Environments) have been polished

Heroes adjustments

Design Notes: Crit chance tended to provide more power than intended due to certain talents or Magical Objects providing significant amounts of it. We have harmonized certain values ​​so that synergies based on critical hits remain interesting but comparable to others in terms of power.

In the same way, certain Talents allowing you to launch other abilities "for free" have been adapted to maintain a reasonable level of power given the very high level of synergy they provide.

  • General:[list]
  • VFX for all Final Talents have been polished
  • Heroes maximum level is now set to 20
  • XP required to get levels 9 and above has been slightly increased
  • Scarlet:
  • [list]
  • Increased orientation speed when using ‘Double Strike’ for more precise aiming
  • ‘Shadow Strikes’ now gives +0.5% crit chance per objective (from +1%) and now has an x30 objective count (from x25)
  • ‘Murderous Intent’ now grants 2 Combo Points (from full) and makes Defense last 20%/25%/30%/35% longer (from a fixed duration)
  • ‘Energy’ now increases crit chance by +4%/+5%/+6%/+7% per combo point spent (from +4%/+6%/+8%/+10%)
  • ‘Explosive Rush’ Special now deals 40%/50%/60%/70% damage (from 100%/125%/150%/175%)
  • The Pied Piper:
  • [list]
  • ???? Rats can now deal Critical Hits and use Crit Chance and Crit Damage from their owner
  • ‘Spinning Solo’ crit chance set to +40%/+50%/+60%/+70% (from +55%/+70%/+85%/+100%)
  • ‘Chorus’ now correctly takes into account attack frequency reduction when combined with ‘Low Notes’
  • ???? ‘Sound Barrier’ effect is now correctly triggered when Defense is cast from Special with ‘Sforzando’ Talent
  • Beowulf:
  • [list]
  • ???? ‘Breath of Fire’ now triggers the ‘Crimson Fire’ effect correctly
  • 'Blazing Runes’ crit chance set to +40%/+50%/+60%/+70% (from +50%/+60%/+70%/+80%)
  • Adjusted hitbox of ‘Fiery Slash’ (wider from before)
  • ???? ‘Bladestorm’ extra spins now keep Beowulf intangible
  • Improved Ultimate 1 Wyrm “AI” so it targets enemies closer to where Beowulf is
  • The Snow Queen:
  • [list]
  • ‘Snow Storm’ Ultimate effect now lasts 10s (from 20s)
  • Fixed ‘Snow Ball’ size reset bug when multiple snowballs are thrown
  • Fixed ‘Snow Ball’ that didn’t deal damage to Tumors or Dream Crystals
  • Special now correctly takes into account specific damage modifiers (like Jack of Diamond Card)
  • Aladdin:
  • [list]
  • Attack’s damage increase from Enchantment set to +60% (from +50%)
  • Enchanted Jinn’s crit chance per enchantment set to 10% (from 20%)
  • Power Wish improved by ‘Wondrous Wishes’ now also deals with extra stagger
  • Changes on Special Wish loots :
  • [list]
  • Silver Bullets: +3 DMG (from +5)
  • Four-Leaf Clover: +3% Crit Chance (from +5%)
  • Whetstone: +10% Crit Damage (from +25%)
  • Melusine:
  • [list]
  • ‘Aftershock’ damage set to 40%/50%/60%/70% (from 50%/60%/70%/80%)
  • 'Spring Water’ healing per wave set to 2/2.5/3/3.5 (from 4/5/6/7)
  • Fixed ‘Water Bubble’, now correctly blocks Undead Hogs’ hook attack
  • Geppetto:
  • [list]
  • ???? Dummies can now deal Critical Hits and use Crit Chance and Crit Damage from their owner
  • ‘Laser Eyes’ dummies’ attack will now be used only on targets within a 12m distance
  • ‘Overclock’ stagger per hit set to 3 (from 5)
  • Sun Wukong:
  • [list]
  • Clones from Ultimate 1 can now deal Critical Hits and use Crit Chance and Crit Damage from their owner
  • Jindou Yun (Power) stagger dealt after the first hit is now proportional to the distance covered before each strike (between 5 and 30 / from 30)
  • Reduced stagger dealt by ‘Stone Monkey’ reflects attacks to 1 (from 10)
  • Fixed the UI quest progression that refreshed between Chapters for ‘Thirst of Immortality’

General balancing

Design Notes: The rebalancing of the game's difficulty mainly concerns the difficulty levels higher than "Adventure" mode. We tried to adjust these based on an observation: experienced players easily accumulate a lot of items, mainly thanks to the Sandman rework during the Avalon update. In addition, the Stars of Fate (rerolls) have much more value for these players than anticipated, because they allow them to seek out specific combinations of Talents and magic items more easily.

We have therefore chosen to make economic management progressively more difficult and to review the number of Stars of Fate (rerolls) that can be found in the game so that managing dream fragments/rerolls offers a real dilemma to seasoned players.

The "Nightmare" difficulty, extreme in principle, has also benefited from special adjustments to prevent the previous settings from making it too frustrating.

Note that we will, of course, continue to receive feedback regarding the difficulty, and that this update will allow us to keep adjusting it until the 1.0 release of the game (and even after!)

  • General:[list]
  • Economy: Costs in Dream Shards are now higher in higher difficulties (Adventure: No change, Twilight: +20%, Darkness +40%, Nightmare +80%)
  • Nightmare Difficulty: XP malus set to -30% (from -40%)
  • Nightmare Difficulty: Enemies extra damage set to +20% (from +25%), enemies extra health set to +10% (from +15%)
  • Enemies:
  • Design Notes: Players' ability to inflict stagger on enemies can increase significantly from one chapter to the next (mainly due to Talents and additional ability charges the player can obtain) but enemies were not scaling correctly to this. Elite enemies and (optional) Bosses now have a shake value adjustment to ensure their relevance in Chapters 2 and 3. Note: Standard enemies are not affected by this change! (Standard Crabs in particular ^^) [list]
  • General:
  • [list]
  • ???? Reduced Chapter 3 enemies damage scaling according to difficulty (Adventure: -15%, Twilight: -10%, Darkness: -5%, Nightmare: No change)
  • Elite enemies & Boss stagger resistance now scales with Chapter (+20% on Chapter 2, +50% on Chapter 3)
  • Faceless Master Nightmare (Chapter 2): Base HP set to 350 (from 400)
  • Claws Master Nightmare (Chapter 3):[list]
  • Base HP set to 300 (from 400)
  • ‘Bed of Spikes’ projectile speed and shot frequency are increased when enraged
  • 'Grasping Claws' ability radius is bigger when enraged
  • 'Corrupted Orb' ability changes :
  • The orb now follows Heroes for a short duration after being spawned (instead of instantly)
  • In multiplayer, orbs are launched in different directions
  • Orbs now explode randomly after being spawned or if the boss is staggered (instead of exploding on impact). A feedback warning has been added when the orb is about to explode)
  • The orb deals damage overtime when passing through Heroes
  • The explosion radius is bigger if the boss is enraged
  • Boss Witches:
  • [list]
  • Boss Witches now have more health and deal more damage
  • Boss Witches are now bigger
  • Priest Cultists: Fixed heal calculation, now properly scaled for each Chapter
  • Wolves: 'Double Slash' (Dire/Alpha wolf) hit timing is slightly shorter
  • Bestial Gargoyles: 'Heavy smashes' are now harder to avoid
  • Crone Witch: 'Poison Apples' now explode when striking them
  • Pigs’ Quest (Dark Hills):
  • [list]
  • Pig Houses health set to 1500 (from 2000)
  • Waves of enemies are now capped (around 6 to 9 depending on player numbers)
  • Straw House: Less Elite enemies on the second wave
  • Wood House: Fewer enemies on the second wave
  • Stone House: Less Elite enemies on the first wave, fewer enemies on the second wave
  • Sinbad vs. the Cyclops Quest (Storm Island):
  • [list]
  • The Cyclops regains 15% of its health after eating a hero
  • The Cyclops gains STRENGTH for 15 seconds after eating a prisoner
  • Morgan against the Dullahan Quest (Avalon):
  • [list]
  • Base Health of the Tree is set to 500 (from 750).
  • The Dullahan spawns more adds (Skeletons and Skulls)
  • Magical Objects:
  • [list]
  • ???? Tooltips: Fixed some wrong or missing tooltips on Magical Objects
  • Unicorn Horn: Unicorn Horn collection effect set to +50 DMG while under a REGENERATION effect (from +20)
  • Dragon Hide: Dragon Hide collection effect set to 40% of ARMOR value as DMG (from 20%)
  • Reduced Cooldown: Raven Wing, Raven Skull, Raven Beak, and Raven Claw now all reduce their respective ability cooldown by 25% (from 20%)
  • Tamatebako: Tamatebako now grants 2 Stars of Fate (from 3)
  • Raven Effigy: Raven Effigy now grants +1 Charge to Power and Special (not to Defense anymore)
  • Oni Mask: Oni Mask now grants +15 DMG per Cursed Object and -15 VITALITY per Legendary Object (from +20/-10)
  • Golden Coat: Golden Coat of Chainmail now clamps damage taken within 1 second to 50% (from 30%)
  • Holy Grail: Holy Grail now heals a fixed amount of health (10) instead of a percentage of max health. Amount scales with the current Hero Level.
  • Queen of Hearts: Fixed ‘Queen of Hearts’, now deactivated during cinematics
  • Sandman: ‘Star Fragment’ now grants 1 Star of Fate (from 2)
  • Grimoires:
  • [list]
  • ‘Chapter on Luck’ now gives +6%/+9%/+12% Crit Chance (from +8%/+12%/+16%)
  • ‘Chapter on Astronomy’ now gives +2/+3/+4 Stars of Fate (from +4/+6/+8)
  • ‘Chapter on Dreams’ now gives 120/180/240 Dream Shards (from 150/225/300)
  • Altar of Heroes: Base XP gain from XP reward set to 750 (from 500)

Fixed issues

  • ????Crone Witch: Fixed the Teleport from the Crone Witch that made the Grimoires fail
  • Holy Grail: The ‘Holy Grail’ Magical Object effect should not heal the Tree of the Morgan against the Dullahan quest
  • Localization:
  • [list]
  • ???? Fixed the names of newly discovered Talents that did not appear in the Rewards screen in Japanese
  • ???? Fixed the Italian localization that overlapped the Custom Mode’s Score
Thank you for sharing your feedback, videos, and suggestions on Ravenswatch! All of this is extremely helpful for us to keep updating and balancing the game.

We hope you enjoy the new Vocal chat feature, even though it is still a very early version of it. Looking forward to your feedback to make it better and more stable!

Stay tuned for more info on version 1.0. in our next Dev Diary.

- The Passtech Team ????

New Roadmap

Social Channels

Passtech Games Discord Ravenswatch Twitter Passtech Games Twitter Ravenswatch Subreddit Passtech Games Twitch Passtech Games Website
Logo for Ravenswatch
Release:06.04.2023 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: Passtech Games Vertrieb: Nacon Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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