Greetings, Ravens!
The Dark Tales Update is out on Steam! This new and fourth Major content update adds a glimpse of each hero's backstory, new unlockable talents, a very requested feature, and more!
We’re excited to continue the Early Access of Ravenswatch in 2024 and have more major content planned for this year before version 1.0. Check out the patch note below to see the newest additions on this update and the Roadmap at the bottom of the news for our next plans.
Watch our Update trailer here:
PATCH NOTE 0.16.00 (February 1st, 2024)
???? = Community additions
Because we know our patch notes are lengthy ones and you probably just want to play, here’s a “too long, didn’t read!” summary just for you:
- Unlock Heroes’ Memoirs and learn more about their pasts and motivations
- 30+ new Talents to unlock
- Altar of Heroes: revive fallen teammates or buy extra feathers
- Rank up to level 8 in the Book!
- The Sandman now greets you (new voice lines)
- New servers that ensure more co-op stability (disconnections, delays, high pings…)
- … and more!
Read the detailed patch note below:
⚠ Disclaimer
We’ve been working hard to bring players a more stable co-op experience worldwide. Starting today, we will use Epic Online Services to manage connections between players.
No Epic Accounts will ever be required, neither in solo nor in co-op.
We’re hoping this change (and many others) will improve connectivity with players, and decrease high PINGs, disconnections, and delays in-game. We look forward to your feedback on this matter, as only a full-scale test with players of the Early Access will tell us if most issues are resolved.
???? Please let us know in this thread
New features
- Memoirs: + Rank-up Heroes in the meta-progression to unlock their pasts and stories (Rank 2, 4, 6, and 8) + 4 Memoirs to unlock per Hero + Complete the Hero’s portrait in the Memoirs tab Note: Disclaimer, first iteration of the Memoirs! We’ll improve the system with more entries, specific illustrations, and voiceovers in the next updates or version 1.0! Unlocking conditions will also change later when we add an achievement system.
- ???? Altar of Heroes: A new Activity is available on the map! + Revive fallen Heroes + Buy extra feathers + Gain XP
- Talents: 30+ new Talents to unlock + Scarlet: 4 new Talents - Adrenaline, Fan of Spikes, Savagery, On the Hunt + The Pied Piper: 4 new Talents - Chorus, Invasive Blast, Leeching Charm, Ghost Notes + Beowulf: 4 new Talents - Battlecry, Secondary Tremor, Furious Blows, Runes of War + Snow Queen: 4 new Talents - Protective Crown, Ice Cores, Frostbite, Pirouette + Aladdin: 4 new Talents - Dream Scimitars, Sand Vortex, Master Thief, Enchanted Jinn + Melusine: 5 new Talents - Sea Dance (used to be Dance Step), Wisp Finale, Waterlogging, Shimmering Scales, Long Lasting Wisp + Geppetto: 4 new Talents - Sharp Nose, Magnetic Swing, Flash of Genius, Lightning Rod Dummies + Sun Wukong: 4 new Talents - Focused Strikes, Sacred Seal, Chi Outburst, Fiery Golden Eyes
- Maximum Ranks: Rank your Heroes up to Level 8 in the Book/Meta progression! (you’ll unlock the newest Talents and Memoirs)
- The Sandman: The Sandman now talks
- ???? Subtitles: You can now add subtitles to Heroes’ voice lines and dialogs in the Option menu
Heroes adjustments
- General:+ All Ultimate abilities now deal +20% damage per level above 5 + ???? Fixed damage display in the interface to take into account all DMG bonuses
- Scarlet: + Changed the ‘Shadow Strike’ glow on Scarlet’s daggers and Wolf claws, from dark purple to red, when the quest is complete. + Fixed: Scarlet in Wolf Form now cannot be stunned during her Ultimates (same as all other Heroes)
- The Pied Piper: + The camera now follows the rats' swarm from its ‘Plague of Rats’ Ultimate. + Improved steering of the ‘Plague of Rats’ rat swarm + ‘Sniper’ notes have a new, more aerodynamic look
- Beowulf: + Fixed: Holding attack input no longer prevents the Retaliation talent effect from being triggered + Fixed the ‘Defense’ invincibility window on release, it is now an intangibility window + Improved Special’s final sword swing to better differentiate it from the spinning swings since they don’t deal the same damage
- Snow Queen: + Fixed: Snow Queen’s defense damage is not increased by ‘Radiant Crown’ talent anymore + Improved auto-aim of attacks launched when using ‘Strafe’ Talent + The camera now follows ‘Frost Ray’’s target
- Melusine: + ???? Completely changed ‘Dance Step’ Talent and renamed it ‘Sea Dance’
- Geppetto: + ???? ‘Unstable Cores’: Dummies now always turn unstable 5 seconds after their creation (instead of randomly) + Fixed: ‘Rocket Science’ now properly interacts with ‘Trapped’ status
- Sun Wukong: + Base HP set to 110 (from 100) + Defense cooldown set to 5s (from 8s)
General Improvements & Balancing
- Bosses: Bosses now give the same XP whether you're in multiplayer or single-player mode
- ???? Cyclops: Lighting AOE warnings now show the spread pattern of the ground projectiles
- Score: Score calculation has been reviewed, as well as Rank points required to rank up a Hero
- ???? Results Screen: Abandoning a run or getting disconnected from a run will now bring the players to the Results Screen (Defeat) and give Rank points
Fixed bugs
- ???? Desynchronizations in co-op
- ???? Disconnections
- ???? High Pings
- Overall optimization of game performance
- Fixed: Only unlocked Magical Items and Talents are displayed on the recapitulative screen, not unlocked by default ones
- Fixed: White Ladies AoE scream attack is now properly telegraphed on the ground
- Fixed: Killing the Cyclops while being teleported to the Master Nightmare no longer plays the Cyclops' death cutscene nor teleports the hero to its arena
- Fixed behavior of Rocs spawned by Phoenixes when leashed

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- The Passtech Team ????