We're pushing a new patch to fix a reported crash that occurred at the end of a Chapter (during unloadings). Thank you for your reports and your help tracking this issue.
Patch Note 1.1.03
????= Community reports
Fixed Issue
- ???? Unloading Crash: Fixed a crash that could occur at the end of a Chapter during unloadings
Other Known Issue
A Peer has left the Party (Crossplay)
This issue may appear in a lobby with more than three players, one of whom is playing on Xbox Series or Xbox One.
It can also happen if two consecutive runs are launched from the same lobby (on any platform).
This is caused by a miscommunication between platforms in crossplay. A fix has been found for this issue, but its patch must go through submission processes on all platforms before being released.
In the meantime, we have temporarily disabled crossplay for Xbox Series and Xbox One. This will allow players on PC, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch to play in crossplay with other platforms (matchmaking and invites). Xbox players can still play in multiplayer with each other but won't be able to connect with other platforms (which resulted in any case in the impossibility of launching a multiplayer game).
If you encounter this issue on PC, PlayStation, or Nintendo Switch, you can quit the defective lobby and start a new one.
A new patch on all platforms will be released to reactivate crossplay for Xbox Series and Xbox One and fix this issue. We'll let you know when it's out.
We're sorry for any inconvenience this caused while roaming through Reverie.
Post-launch Roadmap

- The Passtech Team ????
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