News Liste Project Astra Dominium

0.9.3 - QoL, New Railgun items, Recipe Changes, Bugfixes
Project Astra Dominium
30.07.23 17:59 Community Announcements

Hello all you lovely AIs out there!

This week we got another small update, in which we added some new items for the Railgun T1 weapon, community suggestions, QoL stuff, further recipe changes and fixed some bugs you reported.
We also tried to add more information to the modification system, that will hopefully make it even more clear what kind of magic is happening there!

Please also note, that with this update, again some recipes have changed and you may need to alter some of your production lines! You can find more information under the "Balancing" section.

Thank you again for all your feedback and input!


  • Added a black border to the Tower Range to increase visibility (community suggestion).
  • Belt Animations now runs faster, if you upgrade your Belt speed.
  • Tooltips in the modification item selection now show the level this would add to your recipe if it is more than 1:
  • The resulting Level of the item created by a modified recipe is now also shown under it's title:


We've rebalanced some starting recipes and especially reduced some max ammo levels, as they were way to strong, in that you could easily create a +50phys dmg AP Ammo for example.

Also we changed the abilities of the Artillery Tower, so they now scale with the Towers AoE Splash Range, which should make it even more of an AoE Monster.


Artillery Tower:
  • The size of the Plasma Puddle is now 80% of the Towers AoE Splash Range. Before it was fixed to 8m.
  • The size of the Cluster Munition AoE Splash is now 55% of the Towers AoE Splash Range. Before it was fixed to 8m.


We've added some new Tower Parts for the Railgun T1:
  • Added Conducting Rail T1
  • Added Plate Capacitor T1

They both unlock after beating level 2 (You may have to beat it again on an existing save)


  • Steel can now be modified.

Iron-, Copper- and Aluminium Ingot:
  • Reduced the quantity for the base item modification slot from 6 to 3
  • Removed the coal modification slot for reduced crafting time from iron and copper modifications

Railgun T1:
  • The recipe and it's modification were completely redone.

Targeting System T1:
  • CritDamage modification now costs 2 Quartz Crystal instead of 4 Cable (Copper)
  • Now adds 1-2% Range in the unmodified variant
  • Reduced Range bonus for the first Quartz Crystal Slot from 1-5% to 1-4%
  • Increased Quartz Crystal cost from 2 to 4
  • Increased Cable (Copper) cost from 4 to 6
  • Increased Quantity and Max Level to 12

Tower Hydraulics T1:
  • Removed Tower Hydraulics as possible modification ingredient
  • Removed Iron Ingot costs from base recipe
  • Now adds 1-2% Rotationspeed in the unmodified variant
  • Increased Rotationspeed bonus for the modified Gear Wheels Slot from 1-3% to 2-4%
  • Increased Upgradecost reduction slot from 5 to 6 Cable (Copper)

Vulcan Cannon Tier 1:
Changed some values of the base variant so it fits with the used "base components"

  • Decreased max. Range from 1-5% to 1-2%
  • Reduced RoF from -0.05 | -0.1 to -0.01 | -0.05
  • Added 1-2% RotationSpeed to the base variant
  • Reduced the Targetingsystem slot bonus from 1-5% to 1-2% physical piercing

AP Ammo T1:
  • Removed Crit Damage bonus from the base recipe
  • Increased Physical Piercing from 1-5% to 3-6%
  • increased Crit Chance from 1-3% to 2-5%
  • Reduced RoF reduction from 0.05 - 0.02 to 0.03 - 0.01
  • Reduced Max level from 50 to 10
  • Completely overhauled the bonuses for the first gunpowder modification slot and they are now cumulative, meaning for each item you put in, you gain the shown Slot Bonuses

HE Ammo T1:
  • Reduced Max level from 50 to 10
  • Completely overhauled the bonuses for the first physical modification slot and they are now cumulative, meaning for each item you put in, you gain the shown Slot Bonuses

Bugfixes & Misc.

  • Skills Difference did list something even though there was no change.
  • Damge/XP/HP Bars and Notifier were in front of the HUD.
  • Moving Camera with WASD didn't change the selected Building/Node in the build system.
  • Manual Crafting Progress was too big.
  • Fixed a small visual glitch on Glaviros III.
  • Fixed some typos.

As always let us know what you think of these changes on the steam discussions or our Discord and see you on the next update!
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Release:29.03.2023 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Snob Entertainment UG Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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