News Liste Project Astra Dominium

Update 0.9.0 - Glaviros III, New TD ground graphics, Quests & Balancing
Project Astra Dominium
08.07.23 22:29 Community Announcements



We've switched to Unitys "Terrain Feature" and started to replace the ground of some TD levels. This allowed us to use textures that look better in our opinion and we also drew some "road" textures for the enemy paths.

We feel that it now looks a lot more "Tower Defensy" that way - What do you think?

Here are some examples of the rework:







For now only Level 1, 2 and 5 got this overhaul, with more to come with the next updates.

Some levels however like 3 (Cosuna) and 4 (Saitoris) are more difficult to change, because of the way they've been constructed. So we have to see, if we find a good way to implement them there or if they will stay "classy".

New Level

This update adds the new Level "Glaviros III", however it will not yet unlock anything after beating it. We'll add the rewards with one of the next update, as we are rebalancing the distribution of level rewards.

So please don't get confused if you don't unlock anything after beating it, except for the 9 Skillpoints.

Complete Feature List for this update:
  • New Level "Glaviros III".
  • Added a new Steam Achievement and Quests for beating Glaviros III.
  • Switched to Unitys Terrain System and redid the ground for Level 1, 2 and 5.
  • Added 5 more "Battle Seasoned" Quests, renamed them and rebalanced the rewards for every quest. (If you play with an existing savegame, you may be able to gather the rewards twice so you may end up with more skillpoints than you can spend after reaching level 1.000).
  • Added more Quests and changed some quest categories.


We further reduced the difficulty ramp up of level 6 a bit by reducing the number of enemies on some waves. We also nerfed the Quick Adaption heal of runners in some levels, as it was to strong.


[expand type=details]

Level 4 (Saitoris)

Sand Runner:
  • Reduced Quick Adaption healing from 10% to 5%

Level 5 (Cetazed)

Bio Devourer:
  • Reduced Regen from 5% to 3%
  • Reduced Health from 75 to 70

Bio Runner:
  • Reduced Quick Adaption healing from 10% to 6%

Level 6 (Purtauri)

Swarm Runner:
  • Reduced Quick Adaption chance from 10% to 7% and healing from 10% to 8%

Wave 3
  • Reduced Amount of Swarm Devourers from 60 to 50 for Spawner 3 & 4

Wave 4
  • Reduced Amount of Swarm Devourers from 80 to 60 for Spawner 3 & 4

Wave 5
  • Reduced Amount of Swarm Devourers from 80 to 72 for Spawner 3 & 4
  • Reduced Amount of Swarm Runners from 20 to 12 for Spawner 3 & 4

Wave 7
  • Reduced Amount of Swarm Devourers from 120 to 100 for Spawner 3 & 4
  • Reduced Amount of Swarm Runners from 40 to 30 for Spawner 3 & 4

Level 7 (Auridian)

Swarm Runner:
  • Reduced Quick Adaption chance from 10% to 7%


Bugfixes & Misc.

  • Changed the order of some quests.
  • Added more explanation to some tutorial texts.
  • Fixed some typos.

That's it for this update, as always let us know what you think of it and see you next week!

- Snob Entertainment -
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Release:29.03.2023 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Snob Entertainment UG Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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