We're continuing to refine the art direction behind the scenes, stay tuned for future content previews and updates.
Changelog - 14/03/2024
Logistics changes
- All first defensive caps get 1000 supplies in offensive
- Aligned spawn vehicles on all offensive layers to 2x Inf logistics (1000 supplies each), 2x logistics (2000 supplies each), 1x MSP
- Allowed all logistics players to build everything including spawn tents
- Removed requirement for logistics players to need a second player with them to build a radio/spawn tent
- Changed Radio exclusion zone to 300m
- Changed buildable area around radio to 150m
- Changed buildable area around supplies to 150m
- Changed resupply range to 150m
- Changed weapon buildable limits and costs: so now (per faction) max 8 Fobs (500 supplies), 8 repair cranes (250 supplies), 10 Ammo Boxes (100 supplies), 4 Large AT Guns (not 20mm) (800 supplies except Flak36 (1000 supplies)), 2 Heavy Support weapons (20mm) (500 supplies), 6 Mortars (500 supplies), 10 MGs (100 supplies) [Upgrade cost 50 supplies].
- Changed Obstacle building costs and limits: so now (per faction) max 30 ladders (50 supplies), 30 AT obstacles (100 supplies), 30 Razor wire (50 supplies), 30 Sandbag barricade (100 supplies), 30 Wooden Barricade (100 supplies)
- Changed Fortification building costs and limits: so now (per faction) 30 Sandbag W Logs (100 supplies), 30 Regular Sandbag Logs (100 supplies), 30 Small sandbags (50 supplies), 30 sandbag nest (150), 30 bunkers (200)
- Removed the roofless bunker
- Players cant build in red zones (red zones to be adjusted for attackers and defenders all layers remains work in progress)
Rearm cost of weapons
- MGs - 50 supply refill to full
- Mortars - 300 supplies refill to full
- Heavy Support Weapons - 300 supplies refill to full
- Large AT Guns - 300 supplies to refill to full
- Bone LODs introduced to improve performance
- Logistics trucks and Inf Logistics Trucks related FPS drop fixed
- Virtual Textures removed (approx 500 MIs and textures amended) to prevent client crashes
Art Amends
- New tarpaulin for the German Infantry Supplies Truck
Known Bugs
- Reloading deployable weapons will only reload one ammo type
- Buildable pontoons can be bugged
- Buildable MGs and AT Guns can be jumpy
- Map markers on players can be offset