All information provided in this blog is under development and highly subject to change.
Hello Soldiers,
More top-secret documents have found their way onto my desk, so let’s dig in.
SQUAD 44 - 6 Month Roadmap Part 2
As a reminder, here’s the meaning behind each of the sections:
Current Operations:
- These changes are coming soon in the next updates
In concept:
- These are currently being developed for future updates
Future Operations:
- Plans for far into the future, highly subject to change
And, as usual, all information provided is subject to change, and if anything changes, we will let you know!
Current Operations
- Armoured Update
- New Gamemode - Frontline
- New Environmental meshes
We have spent the first 6 months of development largely focused on cleaning up code while improving the graphics and performance of Chapter 1 maps. With this update, a lot of work in this area has continued, with the team also starting to work on improving Chapter 3 maps. Further to that, we have started to add new content and game mechanics to put our own stamp on the game!
For the next update of Squad 44, we have collaborated with community member and modder Internoto (Project Variety) to incorporate almost 40 new vehicles, with tank riding and mounted MG mechanics to incentivise infantry to operate more closely with tanks and push the game towards a more combined arms style of gameplay.
In addition to this new content, the team has also been working on a new gamemode, Frontline, which was revealed in this sneak peek. The aim of this new gamemode is to focus gameplay around specific tasks and objectives, rather than across the map, to ensure combat is centralised and more intense, with each squad having a distinct objective to achieve or task to accomplish.
In Concept
- Chapter 3 overhaul
- Improved admin features and commands
- Extra layers for maps
- Optimization and polishing
- Re-worked Training Map
Work on improving the graphics and performance of Chapter 3 maps remain ongoing, with reworked/new building models, textures, lighting, furnished interiors, and general improvements to graphics and optimization taking place at pace. Historic imagery continues to be used by the level design team to realign maps to be more fitting of reality, with Carentan and St Mere Eglise both being reworked to reflect this.
Admin tools are still in concept and we’ve received great input from server hosters and event organisers to help guide this process. We will be approaching these hosts and organisers again soon to draw up a wish-list of admin tools for development in future.
For new and old players alike, work continues to go into Arnhem Range. So far a new shooting range with pop up targets has been added, a logistics training area, tank driving area and shooting range has been added, along with a kill house for players to compete as most deadly! Work is planned to continue on Arnhem Range as we seek to make it more new player friendly, with the inclusion of player guides and greater direction in future.
Future Operations
- The Pacific
The rumours are true! Squad 44 is going to the Pacific!
Because the Pacific is in the “Future Operations” category, it will be some time before you storm those beaches; but be under no illusion, work is already ongoing, with multiple weapon models already created, characters being worked on, and map outlines starting to be put together. We are however determined to respect this theatre and make sure we take the time to ensure we develop and flesh out this new theatre properly. The Pacific update will therefore be implemented in multiple patches to allow time for feedback and further development. We’ll keep you informed of our Pacific development throughout the rest of the year with dev diaries and behind-the-scenes content as we seek to be open and transparent with the community on the game's development and its next big step forward.
As many may have guessed from a teaser we recently posted on our socials, we can confirm that our first map will be Iwo Jima, with two additional maps planned. The USMC and the Japanese will be battling it out in the Pacific initially, which will bring multiple new unique kits and weapons to the game.
We are really grateful for the community's support and feedback as we continue to develop the game into the future! A huge thank you to our playtesters and server hosters as well as the community at large. We hope you share our excitement for what the future will bring!
Over and out, soldiers.