Get ready to explore the mountains of Mara because Hammerting is OUT NOW! Grab your pickaxe and (more importantly) a mug of your finest ale, and get digging!
Get a look at our shiny new launch trailer here:
Hammerting is available NOW for £13.39/€16.74/$16.74.
Manage a clan of colourful Dwarves, establish an epic mining operation, craft legendary swords and delve deep for greater glory, riches... and danger.
With a conflict raging on the surface, the Dwarves pledge to delve deep and as master craftspeople, will produce and supply what is needed to support their allies. From humble beginnings, you start with a handful of Dwarves who need to set up their operations quickly. However, as you progress, your small clan will expand and become known throughout the Overworld for their skill and premium craftsmanship.

Key Features
- Build the greatest Dwarf colony in history: Use each Dwarf’s skills to create a sprawling mining colony in your mountain.
- Play together:Grab your friends and dig deep to find untold riches...

- Farming and fishing: They say an army marches on its stomach and an army of hungry Dwarves is not something you want to see… keep them fed!
- Unique Dwarves: Each Dwarf has their own unique skills and personality that can help (or hinder) your efforts.

Pick up Hammerting now for 33% off:
Not only that, but we also have a whopping great patch for you! check out the patch notes:
Release Update - Version
⦿ Multiplayer Co-op Mode!
- A co-op mode can now be played.
- Multiplayer should work across all different stores where Hammerting can be bought seamlessly.
- There's now a new button in the start menu, called 'Multiplayer'.
- If you go there, you'll be able to name and create a lobby. Be sure to name it something unique.
- Let your friends and enemies know the lobby name, and they'll be able to join you as you delve deeper into the caverns.
- You'll all control the dwarves at the same time, and the dwarves will decide which ethereal being (player) they will choose to follow for the time being.
⦿ Hammerting!
- Hammertings can now be held in the Great Hall!
- Holding a Hammerting will grant bonuses to the Mountain Home.
- When holding a Hammerting, all dwarves will meet in the Great Hall to discuss the matter.
- Hammertings can only be held once every two in-game hours.
⦿ Overworld War!
- Factions on the Overworld will now declare war against each other!
- When at war, the factions will send armies toward their enemies if they have high enough Manpower and Might.
- When two armies meet, they will engage in combat until one of them is victorious!
- When an army reaches an enemy location, that location defends itself against the attacker, but its Fortification will take damage.
- If a location reaches 0 Fortification, it will fall and the items it holds will be destroyed.
- A location will prioritize re-building its Fortification over producing new goods to sell.
- When armies have torn down all Fortifications, they will march toward the enemy capital.
- Dwarves can help factions and locations by selling them goods, for example: [list]
- Things that restore building health will increase Fortification.
- Weapons and Armor increases Might.
- Items restoring hunger and morale will increase Manpower.
⦿ Overworld Victory Condition!
- When your relation level with another faction reaches the Esteemed level, you will unlock the Dwarven Subversion mission, in that Faction's capital. Completing this mission will make the faction a permanent ally.
- There is now a victory condition called World Conquest. This is achieved by having your Overworld allies control all overworld locations. Completing this mission will win the game.
⦿ Thought Bubbles!
- Dwarfs will now show thought bubbles over their heads whenever they start a new task showing what they are going to do.
- This can be disabled in the options menu.
⦿ More Materials, Items & Recipes!
- The following crops can now be planted: Sulphur Sprouts, Citadel Mushroom, Sugar Beets, Rime Beets, Grapes, Tomb Lilac, Hops, and Troll Tails.
- Added Troll Cloth, Dwarven Licorice, and Mountain Barley.
- A lot of recipes for fish-based dishes has been added
- Two new wall materials have been added: Ornamental and Runic
⦿ Book of Tings Updated!
- Book of Tings, or Dwarfelopedia as we devs lovingly call it, has been updated with new text and images.
- Increased size of Main Menu and Dwarfelopedia buttons on the top bar.
- The window now changes size after changing the game's resolution.
- Topics are now categorized
- Added Help buttons to various interfaces. These open the corresponding entry in the Dwarfelopedia.
⦿ Significant speedup when dwarves and creatures look for enemies.
⦿ AI
- Adjusted Dwelling spots.
- Adjusted Tavern conversation spots.
- Dwarfs will no longer engage in combat or listen to attack orders if their health is so low that they will retreat once they're close to the enemy.
- Dwarves that have picked something up for hauling will never engage in conversation until the haul job is complete.
- Dwarves that want to talk will prefer going to a nearby Tavern if possible.
- Dwarves who finish a job will now consider going to eat/sleep etc. a bit more before starting the next job.
- Dwarves who have the Militia profession set to Unallowed will not engage in combat.
- Dwarves will no longer replace minecarts at hauling jobs.
- Dwarves will now drop off cliff edges if they get stuck. Wooooooo!
- Enabling a job type for a dwarf now immediately recalculates job assignments.
- Haul jobs that have been started are now less likely to get unassigned.
- Haulers will now clean their inventory before and after a haul job. This prevents items from previous haul jobs to be spread around the base.
⦿ UI
- Added a glow to input buttons in the Crafting UI to draw attention to them.
- Added a popup warning when applying settings in the options menu.
- Added better tooltips to buy/sell-offers.
- Added double-click support for Assign Dwarf in the Dwelling UI.
- Added dwelling upgrade icons, cloth and fiber icons and overworld location icons.
- Added missing tooltips and finishing touches to the Job Broker UI.
- Added storage filters for Seeds, Fish, and Fibers.
- Clicking a build menu that is already opened will now close the menu instead of reopening it.
- Greyed out allowed icons in auto equip menu if auto-equip is not set to custom.
- Knowledges now consistently show Mountain Lore cost first, then Trade Lore cost.
- Log book now has pages.
- Notifications have been changed to show a generic title, to avoid text overflow issues.
- Reworked Dwelling UI.
- Talents are now highlighted if the match one of the dwarf's Favorited profession.
- Tweaked the Ledger filter dropdown menu so it scales after screen height.
⦿ Gameplay
- Dwelling upgrades now have a graphical representation
- Slightly reduced enemy armor
Bug fixes:
⦿ AI
- Dwarves will now fall after dying, instead of becoming stranded in the air.
- Farmers are now responsible for Harvest interactions. Explorers got better things to do!
- Fixed a bug making mano a mano conversations longer than intended.
- Fixed a bug with storages that had Take From Overworld but not Take From Inventories causing dwarfs to juggle items indefinitely.
- Fixed several issues with digging that caused dig dwarves to pause dig jobs after each tile.
- Hauled items now count towards the global inventory. This fixes an issue where dwarfs would get stuck switching between different haul jobs.
- Refill Statusbar-desire now only uses the high-rank utility action for the health bar.
⦿ UI
- Continue button no longer enabled on Game Over screen.
- Dwelling upgrade orders can no longer be set to Maintain mode.
- Fix for Brazilizan-Portugese localization.
- Fixed a bug where the auto-equip button couldn't be toggled.
- Fixed a bug where the dark background would persist after saving a game manually (for real this time)..
- Fixed biome region record on load, so it now shows in tooltips.
- Fixed modifier tooltips in the Job Broker UI.
- Job broker now shows tooltip for favorite profession and favorite profession tooltip now correctly states that it does have some effect on job assignment.
- Player can no longer press the delete button while no save is selected in the load game menu.
- Sacks should now properly show their rarity in text.
⦿ Gameplay
- Available recruits are now kept when saving and loading the game.
- Drain Sink and Drills can now be deactivated.
- Drills no longer work if they have 0 health.
- Hauling from the Overworld to the mountain home chest is now a normal-priority job instead of a low-priority job, as originally intended.
Stability improvements:
• Build configuration and version are now logged at startup.
• Fixed dedicated fullscreen mode crash when starting the game minimized.
• Fixed a bug which could lead to unstable state when joining a conversation.
• Fixed a Vulkan write-after-write hazard when updating the map.
• Fixed crash when opening log book with a large number of entries.
• Fixed an assert that could occur from canceling orders.
• Fixed an assert that could occur from leaving the game on for a long time.
• Fixed an assert when sorting inventory of Overworld location when no items were available.
• Rarity particle FX is now despawned properly.
See you down in the depths…
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