Deep in the Mountains of Mara there is so much to discover, and the latest update adds even more!
You will now come across fluids, such as water & lava, while exploring! ????????

Fluids are in the game!
- Starting a new game is required to get fluids, and definitely something we recommend. (You can still acquire water in the farm, so old save games will still work.)
- Two types of fluids: Water and Lava. Don't step in the lava, unless you're a Lava Slime or a Lava Rat, in which case it's all good.
- A Hand Pump building to help you pump up the fluids from the cave.
- A Drain Sink building to pour them back into the cave.
- Fluid sources that dole out fluids from time to time.
- Lava pouring onto Water will spawn Granite blocks.
- Small fluid puddles dries up after a while.
- Effects are now listed in the character screen. (There are currently only fluid based effects)
- Dwarves idling in a fluid will opt to go elsewhere.
- Dwarves and creatures are more keen to avoid lava than water.

Tavern and Brewery!
- 6 Tavern recipes, such as Warrior's Feast and Noble Dinner.
- 7 new ingredients, such as Yeast and Cinnamon.
- 14 drink recipes, such as Mulled Wine and Dragon's Tears.
- 9 Knowledges, for example Gastronomic Heritage and Social Gatherings
Biome Regions!
- All separate biome areas on the map now go by the name Biome Region.
- They all have a difficulty level, increasing with depth. This is not currently used, but it's there now so we can build upon it at some point.
- They have different modifiers applied to them, so one might be extra wet, another may be dark, and so on.
- Dwarves can no longer be recruited willy-nilly. A certain level of Sovereignty is required.
- Sovereignty is currently gained from various Knowledges, and from exploring and finding Dwarf Guardian statues.
- The Mountainhome's current Sovereignty is shown in the top bar.
- New Cave Mission: Establishing Sovereignty
- Recruitment screen shows Sovereignty to make it clear why you can't recruit a dwarf.
Job Priority!
- Jobs have three levels of priorities.
- You can now set these on construction orders on the map, using the new button in the action menu, or with the "." hotkey.
- You can also get an overview of all the current jobs in the second page of the Job Broker UI. From here you can set priorities and move the camera around to the different jobs.
- Game now shows the Job Priority of construction orders, if they differ from 'Normal'.
• A lot of tooltips for entities on the map now show the entity's name instead of its archetype name. For instance a renamed stone chest will now show the chest's actual name instead of just "Stone Chest"
• A new enemy, the Rimeling, now spawns in the Frozen Waste biome.
• Player must now give attack order on lair in order for dwarves to attack it.
- CPU speed improvements to global light system.
- Map system is now a lot smarter when handling graphics updates.
- Removed obsolete pathfinding queries from buildings.
- Optimized refill sensor.
- Fixed memory leak whenever gold was given to the Mountainhome.
- Global light system now prioritizes visible blocks for the player.
Enemy Waves!
- Enemy waves from lairs will now initially spawn weak waves and then, incrementally, stronger ones.
- Lairs won't spawn waves until some time has passed in the beginning.
- Enemy waves will now properly find buildings with health and move to a position where they can attack it.
- General Tip: Waves spawn much more frequently once you've discovered a lair, so be careful when exploring.
- Fixed save/load issue with enemy lairs.
• Map generation has been tweaked a bit due to code refactoring.
• Map generation no longer adds a bump next to the Entrance and other cave rooms.
• Bumped max attribute values to 30.
• Clicking dwarf portrait when zoomed out should now select dwarf, rather than zoom to it.
• Creatures' tooltips display their main modifier.
• Small stone bridge costs slabs instead of ingots. Reduced cost of stairway from 3x to 2x.
• Interact positions has a bit wider search radius for game paths. Fixes sometimes not being able to build long elevator rails upwards. (Tentative change, may be reverted)
• You can now double-click to buy a talent.
• Yeast can be made from shrooms.
• Tweaked Cave Mission dependencies to make them appear a bit more slowly in the beginning.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed dwarves sometimes not using items from an inventory to refuel a building or heal another dwarf.
- Many creatures had a faulty climb animation, occasionally causing them to get stuck in the so called "vinkel volt".
- Attack orders are now removed when the target has zero health.
- Recipes now accepts any mushrooms.
- Dwarves can haul things from sacred well and other neutral buildings.
- Combatants will now prefer to attack over approaching an enemy, and prefer to approach a nearby enemy over moving to a marked attack target.
- Fixed haul jobs sometimes stopped working. A bug made haul jobs incorrectly think they already had enough items incoming, making them refuse new workers.
• Added F7 for recruitment to the options menu.
• Entities that have modifiers added/removed under their lifetime now gets updated names/icons.
• Fixed storages ejecting all items when pasting a new filter to them.
• Lime should no longer have negative Fecundity.
• Fixed overflowing texts in inventory and ledger filter.
• Fixed hover and click for input select in craft UI. Hidden the unused specific material boxes in craft entries (until they're actually used).
• Fixed a size bug for research entries.
• It's no longer possible to place buildings or dig commands on Cornerstone.
• Text width fix for harvesting.
• Mountainhome now has a hover effect on the Overworld map.
• Base production value listed in character screen is now proper base value, ignoring any items or other entities that may affect it.
Crash fixes:
- Vulkan implementation now falls back to system RAM when out of GPU RAM, instead of crashing. GPU RAM will always be chosen if possible though. Fixes VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY on low-end systems.
- Fixed a rare crash that occurred when the game started.
- Fixed crash when clicking fast enough to spawn two popups. Could happen with the storages filter button, and items' right click menu.
- Fixed crash when pasting storage filter settings too quickly.
- Fixed infinite loop when spawning enemy waves.
- Fixed a crash that would happen after issuing a new construction order.
- Fixed a crash that would happen when an event type was registered while an event was being triggered.
- Fixed a few crashes that could happen when a UI showed an entity that died.
As you can see... there's so much more to dig in to! Enjoy!