A new update awaits bringing highly requested community features to the Mountains of Mara!
Automation Update - Version
⦿ Cart hauling!
- Carts will now pick up and deliver items just like the dwarves will.
- Don't worry, they will still transport dwarves!
- Platforms are now gone from the game. Use carts instead.
- Platforms are now gone from the game. That's right, the rail and elevator network is now one and the same!
⦿ Combined Railway Station!
- The building previously known as Elevator Station is now known as Rail Station.
- The building previously known as Railway Station has been yeeted. (But will continue to work in your old saves) (And may come back in some form.)
- It can connect both to horizontal and vertical railways.
- Some say it can even connect to Inclined Railways. Extremely obscure reference warning: Or dress up as a stationmaster.
⦿ Inclined Railway!
- Or is it just Incline Railway? Sloped Railway? The debate rages in the dev chat channels.
- This is for those of you who like to build your base diagonally!

⦿ Tool Automatic Upgrading!
- Dwarves will now automatically go to equip new items that are better than the ones they have in the toolbelt.
- This can be turned on and off. There's also an option to customize how you want it to work.
- By default, the autoupgrade logic will attempt to figure out ONE profession per tool that it thinks it should look for when upgrading.
- Unallowed professions are ignored, and Favorited professions are preferred.
- The logic refreshes when the player favorites or allows a profession, and when the dwarf gains a level.

⦿ Equip-from-dwarf!
- It is now possible to equip items directly from a dwarf's inventory.

⦿ Talents Automatic Acquire!.
- It is now possible to set a dwarf to automatically acquire Talents when they level up.
- Double click on any Talent to set it, and all of its requirements, to be auto-acquired.
- Improved Talent tooltip.

⦿ Clean Inventory Action!
- Dwarves will go and drop off items they are carrying that aren't reserved for something else.
- This has a higher priority than general work.
⦿ Crafting Animations!
- Added new animations for Sewing and Writing.
- Different recipes will now use different animations.
⦿ Outliner Customization!
- Added a mission notification on location entries in the outliner.
- Change the height and/or width of the Outliner.
- Change the size for Alert and Dwarf entries.
- Different parts can be moved to the left and right side of the screen.
- Different settings for when you're viewing the Cave and the Overworld.
- List or icon variations for Alert entries.
- Lots of outliner tooltips.
- New icon variant for dwarf entries in outliner.
- Outliner scrollbars are now hidden if the list is too small.
- Rumor has it that parts can even be completely hidden!
⦿ Overworld Improvements!
- A Production Capacity modifier has been added, allowing for location production on the Overworld to differ based on various effects.
- It's now possible to affect Faction Influence on the Overworld by paying a location with Trade Lore.
- New Overworld Missions: Mote & Beam, Axes for the Mill, Dwarven Embassy, Water for the Thirsty.
- Overworld prices are now updated on relevant events.
- Prices on the Overworld are now affected by your standing with the location's faction.
- Various price tweaks.
⦿ Health & Desire Indicators!
- Added a notification when a dwarf becomes unconscious. This is also stored in the logbook.
- Added a tooltip on an unconscious dwarf if there are no healing items available for revival.
- Added new Alerts, warning when there are no Morale/Energy/Health items in the colony.
- Added notification for when a dwarf is attacked.

⦿ Vaults!
- With great automation comes great coin. Now you have somewhere to store it!
- The Small Vault has been added. It can store 10 gold.
- The Large Vault has been added. It can store 50000 gold. Yes, you read that right.
- Vaults are now the primary storage for your Mountainhoard.
- The Mountainhome can store a small amount as well.
- A Vaults Needed Alert is shown when your Mountainhoard is larger than how much can fit inside your vaults. Avoid this, or coin will be continuously wasted.
- Added an indicator by the Mountainhoard UI that's visible when you are over capacity.
- Dwarves will, for now, still go to the Mountainhome Chest to take gold, but it will be magically teleported from an existing vault.
- All coins are in fact magically teleported to and from vaults. In the far future, we may figure out how to make the dwarves carry gold to them.
- Vaults visually display roughly how full they are.

⦿ Win Condition: Righteous Affluence!
- A brand new Cave Mission has been added. Upon completing it, you trigger a Win Condition.
- To complete the mission, you need to construct a Large Vault, and then fill it to the brim!
- You can continue to play even after winning.
- If you manage to do this, let us know! It is not an easy task.
⦿ AI
- Dwarves can now jump or drop vertically into a room. They don't need to enter from exactly level ground any more.
- Dwarves will no longer try to satiate their desires (Health, Morale, Energy) from things on the ground, like mushrooms.
- Dwarves will strongly prefer to continue doing their job, once they've actually started it (not just moving towards it).
- Dwarves have a preference to haul items that are already in their inventory.
- Haul jobs are now given an overall higher score.
- Item equipping and regular move orders are now HIGH_DESIRE actions, rather than PERSONAL_ORDER. This means they will do them slightly less urgently. Move orders for selected dwarves are still PERSONAL_ORDER (the highest priority).
- Jobs are now assigned once per second instead of ten times per second. This improves performance significantly.
- Dwarves now prefer carts with no queue when choosing which one to wait for.
- When waiting for a cart, a dwarf now re-evaluates which cart they should wait for every now and then.
⦿ UI
- Added Tab-controls for Location window.
- Added a warning if you are trying to bind a key that is already taken.
- Added doubleclick to pan to location for location entries.
- Added various tooltips and updated old 'Click to...' tooltips.
- An icon is now shown when a dwarf is about to equip a new tool in a slot. Related tooltips improved.
- Chests, storage and crafting buildings all share the same inventory UI.
- Fixed a bug where Alert icon entries would consume scroll wheel input.
- Fixed rewards panel in notification UI.
- Logbook UI reworked.
- New icon for 'look at' action in notification entry.
- New larger dwarf portraits in Outliner.
- Notifications moved to the center of the screen.
- Remade the tooltip icons for mouse actions.
- Removed superfluous close button from the overworld.
- The camera will now pan to locations when clicked on their entries in the Outliner.
⦿ Fluids.
- Fluid sources should now pump out all of their contents at the start of the game, leaving only a small bonus drip that's triggered on discovery, instead of a minor flood.
- Fluid sources will now provide a bit of vision around them, similarly to grottos.
- Lava will now restore Fuel.
- Reduced the amount of initial fluids spawned on the map.
⦿ Other
- Added female dwarf VO grunts.
- Added models for Pen and Needle.
- Added some Water to the Mountainhome chest.
- Fixed layout for Infirmary.
- Improved various textures and models for the Overworld Desert biome.
- Parchment made from different types of Hide are no longer considered different. One might say they are cut from the same cloth.
- The logbook entry for arriving at the cave no longer pauses the game, it simply shows a notification.
Bug fixes:
⦿ AI
- Dwarven Maps can now be crafted again.
- Dwarves (and other creatures) can now stop moving while traversing down natural cave stairs, without teleporting to the end. This fixes a bug where a dwarf and an enemy were locked in a vinkelvolt!
- Dwarves and creatures spawning from lairs will not get stuck in a jump/drop loop.
- Dwarves are no longer able to run in unexplored areas on the Overworld.
- Dwarves will no longer "forget" to unreserve an item when they go from a mild desire to a high desire. This may have been the cause of some instances of not healing downed friends.
- Dwarves will now be able to haul things between two buildings that are connected by rails, even if there aren't any carts on the rails.
- Elevator rails should now be buildable downwards.
- Fixed a bug by which hauling to locations would stop on account of no inventory space.
- Fixed a bug that would cause dwarves to do the left-right-dance.
- Fixed an issue that would cause dwarves to only stash gold in the dwelling once, and then getting completely stuck.
- Fixed bug that would cause dwarves to think they couldn't haul an item they actually could haul, resulting in them changing jobs overly frequently. This also improves the performance of the game.
- Fixed bug that would cause the wrong Overworld tiles to be explored, thus potentially locking movement.
- Items should no longer be moved into containers with unmatching filters.
- Job broker no longer distributes jobs types into fixed buckets based on how many are working on them. This would frequently cause dwarves to abandon hauling. This feature may return in some form at some point.
- Maintain orders on hand pump now work as expected.
- Overworld mission hauling will now let dwarves haul all needed items if they are able to.
- Overworld missions should no longer be hauled to just one or two items at a time.
- Overworld missions should require the correct amount of items after load.
- Pathfinding is now updated properly when the last tile in a block is removed. This prevents dwarves from getting stuck, standing in the air.
- Recipes that produce the same output item regardless of input (Bone Ash, for example) now works properly with 'local maintain'.
- Regular move order utility scoring no longer reduced by legacy 0.5 multiplier. Also decreased the impact distance had on scoring.
⦿ UI
- Added storage category to Mushroom Oil and Bones.
- Fixed Overworld missions displayed in location UI lists from top to bottom correctly.
- Fixed overflowing texts in Dwelling UI.
- Fixed so equipment values aren't shown in the job broker.
- UI audio scroll and Mute when focus lost checkboxes no longer share space.
- Fixed various text issues.
- Items should now be in the correct langauge even after switching language.
- Notification option 'Notify, pause, and pan to' now works, meaning you can run the game at full speed and still pause at important events.
- Sell and Buy UI works more consistently under the hood. Sorting should now be possible in both tabs.
⦿ Other
- Added a tiny sleep while waiting for game and media thread to sync up.
- Fixed an issue with Overworld debug names that will make logs easier to parse.
- Fixed inheritance issues with crafted bones.
- Locations no longer calculate any reserved item as 'in stock', only those claimed by itself.
- Missions to buy lumber should properly register when buying lumber in bulk.
Stability improvements:
⦿ Fixed a bug where mission items were also considered as viable to be sold for a location. This fix should fix the TRADE_OFFERS/ASSERT( to ); crash, and also that players were unable to buy certain items listed for sale (but were actually mission items).
⦿ Fixed a couple Overworld missions.
⦿ Fixed a couple of bugs relating to moving items between inventories.
⦿ Fixed a crash that could happen when cancelling orders.
⦿ Fixed a crash that could happen when finishing Overworld missions.
⦿ Fixed a crash that could happen when items were moved to a full destination.
⦿ Fixed a crash that could happen when tutorial messages were shown.
⦿ Fixed a tooltip bug that could potentially be Very Bad.
⦿ Fixed crash that could occur in the experimental build when enabling AI path visualization.
⦿ Fixed crash that could occur the first time a mission was started.
⦿ Fixed crash that could occur when too many missions were active at the same time.
⦿ Fixed fluid related crash.
⦿ Fixed is_valid_vehicle_position crash.
⦿ Fixed potential inventory related crash.
⦿ Fixed potential multithreading crash.
⦿ Fixed potential multithreading related startup crash.
⦿ Fixed validation for mission related commands.
⦿ Jobs are now logged by default for easier debugging.
⦿ Reduced Trader XP per sale. Too much of the good stuff can apparently be... too little?
⦿ Removed an unnecessary assertion.
⦿ Removed bad assert.
⦿ We should now get better error reports for GOG and Epic experimental builds, and in stable builds.
Known issues:
- Performance decrease in late game. We have internal optimizations already and will continue to improve this for the next update.
- Two dwarves mining/digging on the same block may appear to make zero progress. We have a fix for this internally that will be in an upcoming update. Workaround: Select one of the dwarves and move them somewhere else, or ensure they do another job.
- The Large Vault graphics are work in progress.
Dig in: https://store.steampowered.com/app/760650/Hammerting/