Overworld Quality of Life Update - Version
Dwarves… it’s the moment you’ve been waiting for!
Overworld missions are back and better than ever (with more to come in future updates) alongside some other highly requested quality of life features and bug fixes!

Patch Notes
⦿ Overworld missions!
- Overworld missions are scripted to only start after a specific sequence of events have transpired.
- Missions can now reward the player in various ways, not simply by giving Trade or Mountain Lore.
- Only a few missions have been added. More will come soon.
- The Faraway Lands Cave mission correctly hooks into the new Overworld missions.
⦿ Trader profession!
- A new Trader profession has been added. Traders are wise types who work with great fervency to get the best deals.
- A more skilled Trader will yield better trade results.
- A tip is to just allow this profession for a handful of dwarves to keep the rest working diligently in the cave.
⦿ Locations!
- Dwarves will now carry bought things from the Overworld to chests and storage, even without checking 'Take from Inventories' setting.
- Location types, for example the lumber mill, will yield the appropriate output based on what the biome feeds it.
- Locations that have a lot of items of a specific type will sell it at a discount. The amount of items will fluctuate a bit.
- Locations types will now be spread more evenly across the map. For example, it should be rare to find two markets next to each other.
- Locations will now have a wider distribution of items to buy. Yes, that includes lumber, for some location types.
- Many of the locations and hexes have been remade to be prettier and be more optimized.
- The biome a location is on will now determine what is available for a location to produce. You won't be finding that Vendar Lumber in the desert.
- The faction capitals now have a new cool model!
- The Hunter's Lodge has been added, providing hide, bone, and meat.
- Towns and capitals have a minor desire for drinks.
⦿ Fluid sources!
- Fluid sources now re-spawn fluids as intended.
- The fluid sources now need to be discovered before they can start re-spawn any fluid.
⦿ Audio improvements!
- Added sounds for when the player discovers cool stuff in the mountain. Different discoveries are tied to different sounds.
- Dwarves now make more sounds and grunts when moving around. (Only male voices for now - female will come!)
- Many improvements to the Overworld ambience sounds.
- The Brazier now has a sound effect.
⦿ Notifications!
- Notifications have now been added when important things happen.
- Notifications can be configured in various ways per type. For example, to pause the game when a dwarf is downed.
- You can click on them to show the full entry in the log book.
- A new entry type has been added: The monthly report, showing you how the colony has fared.
⦿ Job Priority UI!
- You can now set priorities on the types of jobs (Hauling and Craft/Refill) in a crafting building separately.
- The Job List UI (Page 2 of the Job Broker) has been improved and provides a good overview of the jobs in the colony.
⦿ Overworld Tutorial has been added.
⦿ Key bindings can now be reset to default.
⦿ UI!
- Added tooltips for profession entries in character UI.
- F7 closes Overworld Trade window if it's open.
- Made the item name text bolder in location buy and sell menus.
- Made the note in the Options screen stating that you may need to restart the game to apply the changes a bit more hard to miss.
- Mountain Name is now shown when selecting a savegame.
- "New Mission" button now jumps between locations with new missions.
- Outliner now changes it contents depending on whether Overworld is open or not.
- You can set Favorite professions in the job broker, just like you can in the character sheet. Known issue: The UI doesn't immediately refresh to show the favoriteness.
⦿ Added a faction flag for the Mountainhome.
⦿ Renamed "Rail Tracks" to "Track Section".
⦿ Updated Overworld Grass biome graphics.
Bug fixes:
⦿ '.' is no longer a valid character in savegame names.
⦿ Added icons for sacks.
⦿ Added icons for top grain leather.
⦿ Attribute tooltips no longer show entries for professions where it doesn't make sense, for example hauling critical success.
⦿ Biome region names are now updated if playing in another language than the save was saved in.
⦿ Bone ash is no longer affected by the type of bone used to create it.
⦿ Capital hexes now also get a name.
⦿ Colony name is now correctly set on Mountain Home.
⦿ Crafting a building on top of water no longer remove the water.
⦿ Enemy Waves option now works.
⦿ Fix for dwarves getting stuck in saves just as they were entering/exiting the overworld.
⦿ Fixed bug that would cause the job broker entries to misalign.
⦿ Fixed so that tutorial pop ups won't show up when reloading the game.
⦿ Gelatinous Gluttony and Molasses now have a description.
⦿ Improved a case that could cause dwarves to break out in a left-right dance right before reaching their destination.
⦿ It is no longer possible to move the camera infinitely far on the Overworld.
⦿ Overworld section of Dwarfelopedia is removed. It will return at some point.
⦿ Pens now inherit values.
⦿ Scaled hex tiles for Overworld locations to fit with all other hexes.
⦿ Top grained leather is now only affected by the leather used, not the mushroom oil.
Crash fixes:
⦿ Fixed a crash when selling to locations.
⦿ Removed unnecessary sanity check for dropping off a cliff.