A new update is live now on the experimental branch!

New game improvements
- Lots of ways to customize your game.
- Colony and Mountain name are generated, and can be changed.
- Mountain name is now the seed for the game.
- Option to choose map size.
- Option to combat challenge level. [Note, not currently enabled.]
- Revamped tutorial screens.
Save game improvements
- Temporary folders from saving game are now cleaned up afterwards.
- 'Time Played' and 'Colony Lifetime' are now shown in savegame list
- Saves now shows last modified time and colony name.
- Added image preview when loading saves.
- Save game list can be sorted in various ways.
- Saves are now ordered by last modified time per default.
- 'Print screen' button will now save a screenshot .png file in the 'tdtd/screenshot' folder
- Shift + 'Print screen' button will now save a screenshot .png file in the "tdtd/screenshot" folder, but with UI disabled
- Control + "Print screen" button will now save a screenshot .png file in the "tdtd/screenshot" folder, but with only UI
- New Biome Region modifiers: Craggy, Dark, Dreary, Eerie, Invigorating, Pleasant, Trodden, Well Lit.
- New Talents: Beast of Burden, Bright Like a Diamond, Eagle Eye, Exquisite Palate, Founding Member, Heart of Steel, Nibbler, Rock Solid, Smelting Tactics.
Optimized character UI
- Creatures can now drop a bit shorter, and jump a bit farther up. This means that whenever dwarves go to pick mushrooms, they'll find their way back.
- Dwarves will no longer look for refill items - mushrooms - in Unexplored areas of the map.
- Creatures who fall into a fluid will be slowed down, reducing falling damage to potentially zero. A fancy effect has been added!
- Creatures who fall will grab ahold of ledges, reducing their chances of falling to bad places.
- Creatures idling near other creatures will move away from them. This results in less doomstacks outside lairs, as the the enemies guarding it will be more spread out nearby.
- Combatants will use a more generous range when actually checking to see if they hit, resulting in fewer swing-and-a-miss.
- Combatants will switch target if a better one is found, resulting in MORE VISCERAL COMBAT and LESS BENNY HILL.
- Falling damage has been increased substantially, but is currently capped so as to not be fatal.
- Command tooltip moved to bottom right corner.
- Crafting UI scales to the full height of the screen.
- DWARF attributes show their corresponding Favorite Professions.
- Improved map tooltip in various ways. Now shows fluids and the Biome Region's modifiers.
- Many new icons.
- Move-to command now has a custom cursor. The cursor is now shown when a dwarf is selected, making it more clear that you can give individual move orders to dwarves.
- Pressing TAB in a craft UI now switches between tabs.
- Version number is now always shown in debug and experimental builds.
- It is now possible to move the camera with the mouse when in command mode.
- The starting Dawnlit Caverns Biome Region does not get any biome modifiers.
- When crafting an item, the input items are now first removed from the inventory, giving space to the new item. Results in fewer Granite Blocks being spewed on the ground.
Bug fixes:
- Combatants cooldown to re-evaluate targets was only reduced in the brief moment in time between two attacks.
- Dwarves can now walk down properly next to Scaffold stairs. Yet another case of the insidious Vinkel Volt fixed!
- Dwarves will now lie down after loading a game, if they are unconscious.
- Goblin animations fixed.
- Movement fix for sometimes getting stuck after stopping a movement behavior early.
- Orders should not be able to overwrite already existing layer data. Previously, placing a new stairs order could cause nearby places to not be reachable.
- Recruits will now get random talents matching their current level.
- Camera will no longer fall all the way to the Underworld after interacting with the action menu.
- Fix for overflowing text in Dwarfelopedia new tutorial event.
- Opening and closing menu now unpauses the game.
- The 'Base Production Value' column in the character UI now works as described, ignoring the items in the toolbelt.
- The 'Stranded Dwarves' alert will no longer count Dwarves who are falling.
- Cave Missions would sometimes not properly evaluate their conditions upon start, causing them to be done and not done at the same time.
- Dwelling and Cook House room layouts no longer has vestigial layout bump.
- Fixed bug where drill animation stopped working after load.
- Fixed footprint for dwarf statue.
- Mushroom swig uses any shroom.
- The same random generator instance should now always be used.
Crash fixes:
- Correct cursor used for weird DPI scalings.
- Fixed crash when clicking alerts just as they disappeared.