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Über das Spiel

Führe einen Klan bunt zusammengewürfelter Zwerge, etabliere einen epischen Bergwerksbetrieb, fertige legendäre Schwerter und grabe tiefer für mehr Ruhm, Reichtum und … Gefahr.
Während an der Oberfläche der Krieg tobt, graben die Zwerge als wahre Meister ihres Handwerks immer tiefer, um ihren Verbündeten durch die Produktion und Bereitstellung von allem Nötigen zu helfen. Alles beginnt ganz einfach mit einer Handvoll Zwerge, die schnell den Betrieb aufbauen müssen. Doch dein kleiner Klan wächst mit deinen Fortschritten und wird sich im Oberreich für seine Fertigkeiten und erstklassige Handwerkstechnik einen Namen machen.
Verbündete an der Oberfläche werden alle möglichen Wünsche haben. So werden die Zwerge gebeten, eine Vielzahl an Silberschwertern für den Kampf gegen eine Vampirarmee zu fertigen. Für die Krönung einer Elfenprinzessin wird nichts Geringeres als eine Legendäre Diamantbesetzte Goldkrone der göttlichen Herrschaft +3 verlangt.
Jede Lieferung, die die Ansprüche der Überwelt erfüllt, bringt dich dem Triumph über das Böse einen Schritt näher.
Wenn deine Zwerge ihre Fertigkeiten verbessern und deine Basis sich erweitert, verringerst du die manuelle Arbeit durch den Bau von Fließbändern und Liften.
Geraten Åglöfs edle Abstammung und Vargskrevas bescheidene Herkunft aneinander? Hat dein Erforscher Angst vor der Dunkelheit? Hat dein Handwerksmeister seine Ballmer Peak erreicht? Nutze die Stärken als auch die Schwächen deiner Zwerge aus, um Erfolg zu haben.
Jeder Zwerg definiert sich durch seine ganz individuellen und detaillierten Werte, seine Zwergenabstammung, Charakterzüge, Fähigkeiten, Ausrüstung, Bewegungsmuster und mehr, während sie von Ereignissen in ihren Leben geprägt werden.
Jeder kann ein Eisenschwert fertigen, aber nur Zwerge bringen einen Kristallhöhlendrachen dazu, dass sie ihren feurigen Plasmaatem verkauft, welchen sie dann in eine Andthril-Untergangsschmiede pumpen können und daraus ein … Eisenschwert +2 zu schmieden.
Mit jedem Hammerschlag auf einen Amboss hat ein geschickter Zwerg eine bessere Chance, ein wichtiges Ergebnis zu erzielen, damit du bessere Ausstattung erhältst.
Zwerge halten viel von Liften, aber nicht so viel vom freien Fall. Daher haben sie ihre eigene Ansicht zu Höllliften. Mitglieder des Klans Stahlbraue beispielsweise bevorzugen einen traditionellen, gerade nach unten gegrabenen Schacht, ein 300 Meter langes, von einem Kran gespanntes Seil und ein Fass zum Hineinstellen. Die ins Fass eingebaute Bar ist natürlich gut mit Ale gefüllt.
Nur in den tiefsten Tiefen findet man die stärksten Materialien, das heißeste Magma, die seltensten Schätze und die gefährlichsten Bedingungen.
Die Suche nach dem schnellsten und sichersten Weg nach unten – und wieder nach oben – ist ein Hauptanlliegen, aber dir stehen viele einzigartige Zwergeninstrumente zur Verfügung, die dir dabei helfen.
Dazu gehören Flüssigkeiten- und Physikmechanik, um Lava in deine Öfen zu pumpen, Bier zu brauen, Fackeln zur Erhellung von Unbekanntem in einen Schacht zu werfen und vieles mehr.
Willst du Hammerting deine persönliche Note verleihen? Kein Problem, du kannst nach Herzenslust Mods installieren.
Du kannst gebündelte SDK benutzen, um vorgefertigte Mods zu erstellen und einem Spielinhalt etwas hinzuzufügen oder diesen zu ersetzen.
Das ist nicht nur auf „Daten“-Inhalte wie Textures beschränkt, du kannst auch komplett neue Systeme im heimischen C++ skripten und schreiben.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel core i5-2300 | AMD Phenom II X6 1090T
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660, 2 GB | AMD Radeon R7 360, 2 GB
- Software: Windows 10
- HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- MISC: Requires the graphics card to be compatible with Vulkan 1.1
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch,Spanisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i5-6600 | AMD Ryzen 3 1300X
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 780, 3 GB | AMD Radeon R9 290, 4 GB
- Software: Windows 10
- HD: 4 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- MISC: Requires the graphics card to be compatible with Vulkan 1.1
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch,Spanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 07:52
Unfertig, wenig Content
Ob das Problem von den Entwicklern oder Publishern ausgeht, weiß ich nicht, aber ich werde definitiv kein Spiel mehr von einem der beiden kaufen
0/10 Sith-Punkten, nur verräterische Jedi würden dieses Spiel empfehlen
PS.: bevor irgendwelche Leute denken, ich hätte es nicht gespielt: die Zeit aus der Beta und Demo wird hier nicht angezeigt
Aber es war schon damals nicht wirklich gut, ich hatte die Hoffnung auf kommende Updates mit dem vollen Release gesetzt. Da hat sich aber halt leider nichts getan
Nicht Empfohlen
1219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 09:44
1. Ständige abstürze des Spiels.
2. Die Grafik stürzt ab und das Game ist grün, verpixelt oder eine Fehlermeldung taucht auf, und ihr müsst, dass Spiel neu starten.
3. Die KI ist vollkommen grenzdebil Zwerge fallen in löcher oder Abgründe und sterben dort
4. Late Game spiel Mechaniken, wenn man es dann so weit schafft funktionieren nicht richtig, usw.
Wenn ihr trotz allem das Spiel kauft viel Spaß ;).
986 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 00:22
- frequent updates.
- interesting roadmap
- lovely game design and artwork (finding big ore veins is always a 'WOW' moment).
- cool fantasy theme (if you like LotR you prolly gonna like this game too).
- fast and easy to learn.
- there were bugs obviously, but it was okay since there werent any game breaking ones
- time flew by playing this game (finished this game in one playthrough of ~12 hours - enough for a early access/demo imo).
- kept on digging for another 3 hours after finishing the main objective just because I felt like there are more secrets to unravel.
- that being said, I felt like there were big secrets hidden in the depths, sadly I couldnt find any.
- each overworld city has only one repeating quest, at one point I just memorized what they wanted and set those things on autobuild, the war efforts quests cycle a bit more but are in general the same ones too.
- youre skipping ore tiers alot of times so there is little to no use in building low tier ores, i.e I found silver before iron and mithril before orichalcum.
- money is a bit useless right now since there is no trading and the better dwarves to hire only cost up to 80 silver - I had masses of gold coin in silver tier selling silver tools.
- also a lot of items have almost no use right now (i.e. there is no reason for me to craft ruby gems since I cant do anything with the money).
- AI is quiet clonky right now, for example dwarf 1 is bringing all the materials for a bridge but now has to wait for dwarf 2 who will finish the bridge while dwarf 1 is standing right next to it doing nothing (or another task) instead of building it himself
- it feels like clearing monster caves doesn't matter because they just keep spawning randomly in dark places
- was bit disappointed finding out the explorable regions are only around 2/3 of the whole map.
- was a lot dissapointed finding no big boss monsters like gold hoarding dragons.
- obviously improvements to the bugs and the AI
- some secrets of the mountain would actually make it worth to keep on digging even after finishing the main objective/finding big nodes of top tier ore (maybe giving you buffs like faster digging or increased combat strength after finding them, or in order to activate a ancient statue it needs 3 stars of mara etc.).
- make quests more random; maybe introduce a time limit for ALL quests.
- give a reason to follow the tier order, I'm thinking of 'you need tier 3 to dig this deep' or 'you need iron tools to mine silver'.
- introduce trading, I'm having some sort of reputation system in my mind linking to the quest system.
- BIIIIIIGGER map; overall we are inside the highest mountain of these lands and not inside some hobbits' backyard hill (not just downwards bigger but also upwards - maybe digging out of the mountain peak and building on top?).
- make monster spawns a tiny bit more predictable; random spawning is okay but not randomly in my base just because a brazzier is a bit out of touch.
- big boss monsters?
- my favorite idea: the evil forces from the war effort campaign are invading you at random moments, coming through the mountain entrance, trying to stop you helping the good guys - like the game gives you a 5 minute timer to ready up in advance (would also be a good opportunity to tie in a rep system i.e. if you have good rep with your neighbors they'll send you reinforcements or thin out the enemy army before the battle or they ignore you if you didn't finish their quests).
TL;DR: Pretty good early access. Needs some good polishing though but overall its worth trying out or at least keeping an eye out.
Thank you for reading.
2186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 17:47
Hammerting weiß von Beginn an wie es sich zu verkaufen hat und macht das auch wirklich gut. Die Präsentation ist fehlerlos, hebt die Stärken des Spiels hervor und verspricht auch nichts, dass das Spiel nicht einhalten würde. Eher im Gegenteil – Das Spiel weiß erst so richtig zu überzeugen, wenn man die Basics verstanden hat und weiß wie die grundlegende Pipeline an Aufgaben verläuft.
Auch halten die kleinen Problemchen des Spieles sich absolut in Grenzen und anhand einiger Indikatoren im Spiel wie der Aufbau der Welt oder die noch ungenutzte Auswahl der Kampagnen, so wie vieler interessanter Features aus der Road Map wie Automation, einem Fluid System oder Beziehungen zwischen den einzelnen Zwergen lassen anmuten, dass Warpzone Studios noch sehr viel mit ihrem Erstlingswerk hier vor hat.
Andererseits muss man aber auch sagen, dass das Potenzial zwar gewaltig ist, viele der angekündigten Dinge aber noch nicht im Spiel vorhanden sind. Und auch wenn ich bereits viele Stunden in Hammerting verbringen konnte, kann ich mir vorstellen, dass es den einen oder anderen Spieler gibt, den der aktuelle Content noch nicht auf Dauer hooked. Dazu sind 25€ für ein Early Access-Spiel jetzt auch nicht gerade ein Schnäppchen.
Mit Team17 als erfahrendem Publisher im Rücken und einem jetzt schon sehr gut ausgearbeitetem Grundspiel habe ich da aber gewiss keine Bedenken. Jeder, der etwas mit dem Genre anfangen kann, sollte jetzt schon beruhigt zugreifen können. Auch für jeden anderen Spieler ist es definitiv einen Blick wert. Ich kann mir sehr gut vorstellen, dass es zu einem bekannteren Vertreter seines Genres wird, wenn die angepeilten Pläne umgesetzt werden.
63 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 07:14
Ist Early Access, also vlt kommt das ja noch, aber aktuell echt schwierig.
Das Grundprinzip ist aber sehr cool. Wenn ein Turtorial verfügbar ist und ich lerne wie das Spiel geht, kann ich mir vorstellen, recht viel Zeit in meine Eigene Zwergenkolonie zu stecken. Bis dahin bleibe ich gespannt.
Da das Spiel in meinen Augen viel Potential hat empfehle ich es. Aber vor dem Turtorial nur für Leute die gerne zäh alles selbst herausfinden! Ansonsten würde ich warten bis die Early Access durch ist, dann aber auf jeden Fall zuschlagen! :-)
1732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 16:58
Selber Aufbau wie Wiggles, gleiches Spielhändling nur mit Zwerge halt und Spaß beim buddeln, forschen und entdecken.
Der Clou ist wohl das jeder Mapneustart ein Unikat sein soll, da alles per Zufall neu generiert wird. Lange Weile sollte dann wohl nicht aufkommen.
Nun das war das Positive an dem Game.
Die negative Seite zeigt wie bei Wiggles schon damals das die KI irgendwann rumspakt wenn sie von der Basis aus weit entfernte Dinge ausführen soll und dieses aber nicht tut und stattdesen die Befehle völlig ignoriert.
Dieses ist stark verbesserungswürdig.
Folgende Bugs sind mir noch aufgefallen:
- Der Cursor zieht manchmal aus unerklärbaren Gründen einfach runter = Esc behebt dieses wieder sofort
- Fahrstuhl = mehrere Zwerge wollten gleichzeitig diesen nutzen, Resultat war das alle einfach warteten, nur die Zerstörung
des Fahrstuhls hat dieses wieder behoben
- Den senkrechten Bohrer habe ich einfach nicht zum laufen gebracht obwohl alle Skills auf die Zwerge lagen
und die Maschine volle Energie anzeigt hat (Hilfestellung / Fehler ???)
Zur Verbesserung:
- Die Bewegung mit der Maus sollte einfacher von der Hand gehen und nicht so versteift sein und ich gezwungen werde
die WASD-Tasten zu benutzen
- Metallplatte ist nicht gleich Metallplatte, aber die Produktion eines Gegenstand kann schon mal zum erliegen kommen da
die KI halt nur bestimmte Metallplatten will.
Man sollte dieses expliziet schon selber bestimmen können welche Metallplatten oder andere metallische Gegenstände
herstellen möchte, sonst sind halt
Produktionsfehler vorherbestimmt
- Ich habe mehr als 10 Zwerge, nur kann ich ab den 10 Zwerg keinen Zwerg bestimmte Gegenstände (Äxte,Schwerter etc..)
zuweisen, da diese einfach bei der Bestimmung nicht mit aufgeführt werden.
Nicht des so trotz, das Spiel befindet sich noch in der Early Access-Phase. Ich finde das Spiel bis jetzt richtig Klasse und habe es auch persönlich gekauft
und hoffe daher das die Entwickler auch das Werk vollenden und die o.g. Bugs und Ratschläge ernst nehmen.
So das ich in Zukunft auch länger mehr als die 25 Stunden Spielzeit die ich bis jetzt damit vollbracht habe, vollbringen kann ;) .
Grüße Karustus.
Nicht Empfohlen
1249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 06:30
Erstens sehen die Zwerge nicht wirklich aus wie Zwerge und weibliche Zwerge sehen nicht sehr weiblich aus. Die Animationen sind schrecklich, statt schöne Animationen zu haben wie sie Handwerken wird in jeder Werkstatt wie blöd an die Wand geklopft, was ja beim Steinbruch noch ansehbar ist, aber beim Pergament machen sieht das einfach dämlich aus. Aber selbst die schlagen Animatin sieht albern aus. Die schlagen nämlich scheinbar nicht mit Werkzeug sondern mit dem Köpfen alles ein, denn statt nur der Arm mit Werkzeug nach vorne/unten geht, geht der ganze Oberkörper mit.
Wenn ein Zwerg vor nem Feind flieht kann er 20 Blöcke hochklettern, aber wenn man ne Treppe baut kann er aus dem ausgehobenen Loch nicht mal 2 Blöcke hochklettern und sitzt dann solange im Loch bis ein anderer Zwerg dann endlich die Treppe baut.
Neue Zwerge bekommt man nur durch kaufen, allerdings hat man nie genug Geld, denn das reißen sich die Vorhandenen Zwergen unter den Nagel.
Alles liegt rum und wird nicht ins Lager geräumt, selbst wenn sie nichts zu tun haben und nur untätig rumstehen, so daß wenn dann Material benötigt wird, durch die ganze Mine gelaufen werden muß.
Steuerung und UI ist ein graus. Die Talentbäume sind langweilig alle müßen das gleiche lernen, also von Individualität ist da nichts zu merken.
Auch den Wissenschaftsbaum find ich nicht so schön da gefällt mir der Technikbaum von den Wiggles viel besser da er viel logischer ist, hier kann man z.B. komplexeres Gießen lernen und muß dann feststellen das einem das nicht wirklich was bringt denn um die große Gießerei bauen zu können muß man erstmal komplexes Steinmetzen lernen, weil man daraus dann den Mörtel braucht.
Man ist viel zu sehr von der Oberwelt abhängig.
Dann stellt sich die Frage für was Mauern sind, zum Schutz definitiv nicht, denn Mobs spawnen mitten in der Base, vorm Schlafzimmer, vorm Steinbruch, vorm Lager usw. und ich red jetzt nicht von tief unten im Berg, nein direkt die Ebene wo auch der Eingang ist. (Nachtrag: selbst wenn Mobs vor der Tür/Mauer spawnen rennen sie einfach durch).
Auch das man Kisten Lager nicht sortieren/ordnen kann damit die aufgeräumt aussehen und nicht wie Schweizer Käse (wegen den leeren Plätzen) ist sehr unschön.
Selbst A Game of Dwarves hat mehr Charme als dieses Spiel.
Man kann noch nicht mal einzelnen Zwergen explizit was Auftragen man kann zwar Arbeiten zuweisen wie du machst Feldarbeit die anderen nicht, aber man kann ihm nicht dann explizit sagen bau mal da den Gang, weil er grad nix zu tun hat.
572 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 14:57
1356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 10:37
Sie wuseln sich durch den Berg, bauen, hämmern und trinken nur Bier, irgendwie sympatisch, die Kleinen. Natürlich gefällt mir auch das Gameplay, die Grafik und eben, Zwerge! Es ist noch nicht fertig und ich freue mich auf das, was wohl noch so kommen wird, aber gefallen tut es mir jetzt schon.
3477 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 21:41
Man übernimmt eine Gemeinschaft von Zwergen und versucht als Angehöriger der Methis Liga die Horde des Grauens zu besiegen.
Das alles, bis jetzt, indirekt. Sowohl die Zwerge im eigenen, RIESIGEN Berg, als auch die Kämpfe an der Oberfläche steuert man indirekt. Den Krieg zb beeinflusst man durch das liefern, oder nicht liefern, von Resourcen die immer wieder angefordert werden. Bleibt eine Kriegsmission eine(leider nicht genau angezeigte Zeit) unerledigt zählt sie als verloren.
Auch gibt es bisher nur Nahkämpfer und keine Magie für die Zwerge im eigenen Berg was gerade bei mehreren Gegnern durchaus gefährlich werden kann.
Man baut und erforscht Gebäude, Gebäudeupgrades, oder Fertigungsprozesse und Materialien.
Der Berg läd zum erkunden ein, man kann jede Menge entdecken, abbauen und herstellen. Das alles in ordentlicher Grafik.
ABER es ist Early Access und einiges läuft noch nicht sehr rund:
Das man sehr viele Möglichkeiten hat Zwerge zu spezialisieren und individuell auszurüsten erkauft man sich mit, zum Teil, unübersichtlichen und nicht sehr eingängigen Menüs und crafting optionen. Gerade das Herstellen von Werkzeugen dürfte etwas vereinfacht werden. SEHR wichtig auch zb die zahl der Zwerge zu erhöhen die sich um Verletzte kümmern da sonst ein Zwerg nach dem anderen bewusstlos geschlagen wird und stirbt.
Wenn man da mal dahintergestiegen ist, soo schwer ist es auch nicht, dann geht das recht einfach aber es ist bei weitem nicht das intuitive rechtsklick-fertig.
Aufzüge haben immer noch die Gefahr das Zwerge feststecken bleiben und verhungern statt von der Plattform zu gehen. Das kann auch beim Abbauen von Blöcken unter Minihöhlen passieren.
Es ist essentiell wichtig immer eine gewisse Menge Geld zu haben aber dieser Teil des Handelns wird einem, leider, nur sehr unzureichend erklärt. Man verkauft evtl Dinge die man später für eine Quest dringend braucht.
Auch störend, aber bereits angekündigt das es überdacht wird, ist das man bestimme Resourcen wie Holz NUR über Überwelt Missionen bekommt aber unbedingt zb für Behausungen braucht.
Grundsätzlich aber absolut spielbar, wenn auch mit Kinderkrankheiten die bei einer Early Access Version aber zu erwarten sind.
Über der Preis kann man streiten, ich bin da optimistsich und hoffe einfach das noch genug nachkommt.
Ich persönlich habe den Kauf NICHT bereut, stehe auch gerne für Rückfragen zur Verfügung :)
525 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 18:56
Hoffentlich ist es in einem Jahr wirklich fertig so wie es in der Early Access Vita steht, aber bis dahin sollte man es lieber meiden...
Man kann es sich kaufen wenn man nicht zu viel derzeit erwartet, aber den absoluten Spielspaß bietet es halt leider noch nicht.
6237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 10:07
Bahnhöfe sind total sinnlos, schwer zu bauen und deswegen oft ohne Funktion. Mörtel und Rattenhaut sind absolute Mangelware und deswegen sind Quest oft nicht erfüllbar, bzw. ohne Mörtel kann man nicht bauen.
927 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 01:13
Nicht Empfohlen
49 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 17:33
so 0,8Std. aufn Tacho und mich freut's schon nicht mehr. Müsste mich zwingen das Game wieder anzuwerfen.
Das ist schon mal kein gutes Zeichen, da ich Aufbau- und Managmentspiele echt liebe.
Craft the World (184Std.) hab ich ordentlich gesuchtet nur hier bei Hammerthing springt der Funke nicht rüber.
Nette Ideen mit Oberwelt, Aufträge, Items, Charakteranpassungen usw.
Stimmige Höhlen
Ruckelfreie Grafik
Animationen der Zwerge sehr hölzern
Grafikdesign der Zwerge absolut hässlich (rosa Haare usw.)
Steuerung geht absolut nicht schön von der Hand zbs. Buddelaufträge, Flächenauswahl der Zwerge
Benutzeroberfläche und Texte sehr unübersichtlich
Trotz Early-Access kann ich das Game im jetzigen Zustand leider nicht empfehlen.
338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 12:38
Einziges Manko:
An manchen Stellen aber zu kompliziert, wo kriegt man Holz her, wo kauft man es. Die Quests aus der Überwelt passen ab und an nicht zum Fortschritt des Spielers, das sollte man noch anpassen.
Ansonsten wirklich super super Spiel !
458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 21:32
Habe es mir direkt nach dem Release geholt und bin trotz gewisser Probleme sehr begeistert.
Zu den Problemen gehören Abstürze und kleinere Bugs.
Für mich ist das zu verschmerzen. Einzig beim Preis hätte man auch 5-10€ weniger verlangen können (bin aber auch ein sehr geiziger Mensch).
Abschließend würde ich jedem empfehlen die Demo zu testen und sich das Spiel bei einem Preis von 25€ nur zu kaufen wenn es einen wirklich gepackt hat.
Mich hat es gepackt und ich bereue den Kauf NICHT.
871 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 20:29
- The building and exploring is fun
- Graphics
- Feels a bit like rimworld in the very early stage (pre-steam release)
- Missing content obv. (Early alpha..)
- There are base attacks from the mine but no real defense just a door ( which stops everything xD) I mean where are my dwarven balistas ....
- So many stats which are a bit hard to understand. At least for me they have no meaning because i did not understand what happens if they fail something. A dwarf lvl 20 feels the same as a lvl 1...
There are a few bugs atm. :
- Crash to desktop if you finish or take to many overland quests (thank god for autosaves...)
What do i wish for ?
- I want attacks on my Base to mean something. I want to build with defense in mind... Kobold attacks maybe?^^
- Better control over my dwarfs... I need a way to control them one by one and also per group which is very hard to do atm (can i even mark them all together?)
- Statsystem overhaul...
The game has quite a bit potential but there are some big flaws for now.... But i had fun playing it for while and since we are in Early Alpha on launch day it can only get better :)
For now i recommend the game :)
207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 15:30
Die Grafiken sind okay, die Kamerabewegung gut und die kontextbezogenen Hilfen ergänzen fehlendes Wissen. Grafik und Musik sind Geschmackssache, da kann ich nicht für jemand anderen entscheiden. Ebenso muss jede/r selbst entscheiden, was ihm das Spiel wert ist.
Das Spiel und die Hilfen sind fast ganz (hey, es ist Early Access) ins Deutsche übersetzt und der Rest wird sicher bald folgen. Hoffe ich. Man kommt aber jetzt bereits damit ganz gut klar.
Falls jemand Entscheidungshilfe benötigt, ist er herzlich eingeladen, meinen ersten Eindruck vom Spiel mit anzuschauen:
Ich habe den Kauf (im Inet...) nicht bereut, mir macht das Spiel großen Spaß! Daher eine klare Kaufempfehlung!
Nicht Empfohlen
2336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 16:34
I loved what this game was supposed to be, and was getting closer to when it was actively worked on.
The clunky product we have here is a clear disappointment compared to true labors of love that ended up being gems, even if they weren't on first release.
Because the product isn't making 'enough' money, they have abandoned it in favor of making a new product. While I am sympathetic to game devs needing to eat, it's disingenuous to release a product with features that were scheduled for full release not implemented, then abandon the product in literally 3 months time.
Avoid this game, avoid this studio. If I could go back I would have never bought this game, nor talked it up to my friends.
Nicht Empfohlen
1088 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 07:11
Nicht Empfohlen
2924 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 03:19
Yes, Team17 has formally released the game, unfinished, and posted there will be no more 'major updates'. Let me be clear on the unfinished part, there are still placeholder tools that do nothing but are clearly intended to be used, there is a end game goal that doesn't actually do anything, there is no balance to the tools, weapons, food and most buildings have at least 1 useful thing they do while having a host of other things they can do that have no use or produce a higher tier item that has the same stats as the lower one (see unbalanced). Such as the food which even at higher levels of complexity is still giving the same health, hunger etc as the cheapest food. If you play long enough / make a large enough base you will will have a game breaking bug that will cause a crash every time you load your game. Which is where I am at for the fourth time now.
It's got more than 2hours of content and you won't realize how unfinished it is until you start really looking at your production and the values of your foods, weapons and tools. You'll first think you just don't understand what all these oddly names stats mean, preciousness, hardness, resilience, etc. you'll try to look it up but you won't get a clear answer even in the wiki as to what type of handle is best for pickaxes, swords, spears, ladles and hammers and what head is best. So yes, you can have fun matching different handles to heads and making cool sounding tools with the 10+ ores in the game but if you care about what combination is better or about putting the best equipment you can on your dwarf then this game is not for you. If you want to build everything, dig everything, completely explorer everything this game is not for you. If you want to site down for 2-6 hours to play something and then never load that save again, just start new and fight to establish the early game you will probably have fun.
This game is so close to done it's sad. I wish and hope that the dev team can touch the game up here and there to truly finish it but I'm not holding my breath and with no mod support I can't hope for the mod community to pull this thru.
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628 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 19:22
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9757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 16:18
This is mostly due to a known issue since the farming update in which certain crops are both the product of farming and the seed for farming. Meaning that in many cases the farming item is used in crafting, meaning your dwarves don't replant it and thus run out of the resource with no good way of recovering it. On the forums the developers have said that they are aware of this issue and have a fix, but that will be in a later update. In other words, the game was released with a game-breaking issue that they knew about and failed to fix before launch and rather than delaying the 1.0 release until the issue was resolved called it good for launch anyways.
These are the kinds of issues that one could and should expect during early access, not on a full release.
16446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 22:01
Oh boy, what a long journey. (Most of my play time is in experimental branch of early access, I've seen my share of things being implemented, improved and polished)
Please be aware!
This game can be complex (I started again and again until I found way that fits me) and requires certain amount of micromanagement, which decrease with progress in Automation - elevators, rails, cog drills. Set your production chains right and just sit and watch your colony prosper - or fail.
I've noticed that players rating is not exactly the best, which I personally don't understand at all.
Some things can indeed be done better/be implemented, but devs are doing their best and working on it. Also they are open to feedback and suggestions - Discord is a great place to discuss things, ask for a help/advice and even talk with devs.
291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.21 00:59
52 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 11:26
3596 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.21 13:01
2. Control: It is really hard to control the dwarves. I move the dwarf around and want to pick up something I come across, the dwarf I move goes back and another one comes. Also when I try to assign an item for a particular job(I tried to assign ladle instead of an axe) in the character menu, the dwarf goes and changes it to axe immediately. It is kinda annoying.
3. The storage: I haven't really gone far into the game yet but i didn't quite get what the storage is for. All the raw materials (like ores) stay on the ground and all the crafted items stay in the workshops inventory. So what does the storage do?
4. There really needs to be a function so that the materials on the ground are picked.
Overall I liked the idea of the game and it is fun to explorer the depths of the mountain. I don't really know if there is an idea behind all of the things mentioned above but I think they need to be improved.
Nicht Empfohlen
7443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 02:50
1166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 23:22
I would normally play a game for a couple 100 hours before writing a review. I've only played this game for 18 hours so take my comments with a grain of salt.
You start with a dynamically generated mountain and the first thing that pops up is the tutorial. You can skip it. I went through it. It was short, to the point.
Once you’re in the game, the gameplay is very similar to Craft the World (CW):
- Most obviously, your people are dwarfs in both games
- Both games use a side view of the mountain, where you can dig out blocks, craft stuff, build stuff, and watch your young dwarfs turn into sturdy digging machines.
- Both games have traits for the dwarfs. In CW you’re limited to 3 per dwarf (Swimming, fighter, climber, etc). In Hammerting they use professions instead like Rimworld. Like in Rimworld, the more a dwarf does a specific job, the more experience they gain, the level on the job goes up, and the dwarf does the job better. Like CW each dwarf can level up. Unlike CW I found the level of the dwarf in Hammerting didn’t seem to really matter (but that may be because I hadn’t played enough yet). The tools they used and their skill in a job seemed to override any affect the dwarf’s level applied.
- Both games have the grind machine which I personally love, with a good size crafting system.
- One major different – in CW you can dig to the surface to get resources like wood and animals. In Hammerting, you’re stuck in the mountain for digging/crafting, but can send you dwarfs to neighbouring towns for trade.
- Another major difference – In CW you make a bed or a table, which provide the dwarfs with needed services. In Hammerting you build an entire room at once to provide a service. It gives the game a very X-Com look to it.
- Both have “bosses” to beat and different biomes to explore throughout the mountain
Some things I liked about Hammerting:
- I found the rail system in Hammerting enjoyable, mainly because it not only had horizontal and slanted rails, but also elevators for your carts. Getting around is amazingly fast once you’ve got your rails going.
- In Hammerting there are towns to trade with outside of the mountain. And I found it refreshing that the the crafting system requires resources that you can’t get inside the mountain, like wood. It made the crafting system feel more realistic.
- The technology tree is like many games, but it was neat to see two new type of currencies used, that I’m sure have been used in other games, but felt right together in this game. The first is how much of the mountain you’ve explored. The second is how much trading you’ve done with the outside world. It literally forces you to expand into the mountain and out into the world in order to get more technology.
- The tools/weapons have multiple parts that can be made of different materials – leads to a large variety of weapons and tools.
Some key things that you should be aware of before buying this game. If they bother you, you might want to wait for the game to be developed a bit further.
- The game crashes. Not often, but at least every few hours. I couldn’t see a pattern to the crashing, but anything since the last save is lost. The game does autosave regularly, so not a huge deal, but if you hate losing any progress, I’d recommend waiting until this game is more stable.
- The economics system is very basic.
- There are 4 things you have to manage to keep your dwarfs alive:
1. Health – I don’t need to explain this. Health at 0, dwarf dead.
2. Energy – This is actually a hunger meter. As long as you have food, the dwarf will keep this full
3. Morale – This is actually a thirst meter. As long as you have water, the dwarf will keep this full
4. Greed – This is actually just a maintenance cost indicator – in other words, how much do you have to pay your dwarf to keep him around.
I found the names (except Health) were very confusing, and there was no real help in the tooltips or help system.
- There is a meter for each nation outside the mountain, indicating whether you’re at war or peace. There’s also an indicator for how well they like you, and on a different screen an indicator of how well you like them. I did notice when I increased how much they liked me, I got better prices in when trading with them. But it feels like there is a plan in place to be able to ally and go to war with the outside nations, but it’s definitely not implemented yet.
All in all, I’d recommend giving Hammerting a shot. I enjoyed it and am looking forward to playing it again once it has been developed a bit further.
6583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 07:27
1093 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 22:09
But in the end, I had a ton of fun playing what's there now. The basics for a really good game are there. It's a ton of fun to start a mountainhome, slowly expand, manage jobs, find new resources and special buildings etc.
But after a while, it gets worse and worse, the AI issues get more severe the bigger your mountainhome grows, and when a dwarf bugs out somewhere it's hard to find because there's 20 other dwarves still doing their jobs. Also the overworld has no real point yet, and it feels like a couple other features are still missing completely, making the mid to endgame into a grind that's just not very interesting yet, and can be frustrating when you have to restart the game a couple of times to un-bug dwarves etc.
Still, I enjoyed it at it's current state, and I'm definitely looking forward to playing it more when it's more fleshed out.
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831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 10:52
I haven't encountered any major bugs, but the AI still has huge problems. They still keep getting stuck, sometimes run between two same spots back and fourth, run against walls or just don't want to build stuff.
A current example while writing this reviews is that my god damn dwarves don't want to build some rail tracks. The path is accessible (they always run by it) the tracks are on the ground but the game keeps telling me no tracks are found, while I have several hundred stashed.
All in all the game looks really promising. But looking how far back the reviews go talking about the broken AI, that is still broken, I can't recommend the game in it's current state.
799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 15:10
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1688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 05:32
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742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 22:35
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951 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 04:17
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4712 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 07:01
654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 12:32
I love the room design and the overall vibe of the game. Super chill and can be played at a really relaxed pace. I would like to see them add more rooms in future, and work on the accessibility of the UI as it is functional, but feels like it could be optimised and at times feels like it is a bit small. I also would like to see more 'knowledge' unlockables and more 'filling' to the game.
Ultimately, it does feel like there is no real endgame at this point in development. Hoping for a lot more content to help fill out the mountain, but very happy to support the early access!
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1867 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 10:43
Game currently revolve around explore more, trade more open research.
Research furthers what you can do. Basically just more craftable things.
Very little challenge. Layback gaming.
But there several breaking issue.
1) dwarf can get stuck and nothing u can do will unstuck them
2) flooding from wall water holes is awful. Currently the dwarf are hybrid mer-dwarf they wont drown. But to stop and drain the water is management horror.
3) there lots of mircomanagement in crafting both a bane and blessing.
4) there no animal husbandry. No hog farm. bacon need to be traded for.
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377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 16:11
Then what exactly are they going for?! Everything just seems so very... meh whatever. Because it doesn't really matter one way or another.
Even Craft The World does it all better. I sure hope things will be significantly different once this game makes it out of EA. For now, I regret buying it.
1277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 18:55
PROS: Beautiful game! Fun concept and the update to the Overworld is interesting.
LOTS more work needed and I hope the developers continue to improve it!
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584 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 06:37
What I like
I enjoy the art art style of the environment, buildings and UI quite a lot.
The game had much more to offer than I had expected.
Chill colony builder, as I had hoped.
If the following downsides weren't so stressful, this game would make a great addition to my chillout game section.
The problems
UI & Game mechanics
The game completely crushed me with the amount of
information. I thought I had seen everything after Oxygen Not Included and Factorio, but figuring out the details comes close to Europe Universalis frustration levels.
The UI looks good, yes. But there's two things wrong: First, it overloads you with text and stats about every little part of what you are about to craft. Second, it provides you no easy way of making sense of some highly interweaved mechanics (dwarf stats and crafted tool stats).
Game mechanics
Dwarves have stats and a skilltree both of which influence their effectiveness in given jobs. Naturally I would soon begin to specialise them into basic categories like fighters, metalworkers, stoneworkers, etc.
However each of the stats influences about 6 different jobs and every job has a primary and secondary attribute. If you want to find out what jobs should be blocked for that dwarf, you have to do a whole lot of reading back and forth between the stat infopanels. In fact, I've spent about 2 hours total doing just that over the course of a long gameplay session.
Because it gets even more convoluted with the skilltree. It usually adds either stat points or job proficiency. One would assume that there are several career paths to be followed but it becomes very quickly obvious that the skills are even more locked to each other, wildly distributed over all stat points, that specialising is too tiresome and not worth it. In fact I stopped distributing skillpoints and only blocked jobs where I knew I had at max one dwarf working it (e.g. cooking).
But that's not it, sorry.
I'm glad we have equipment to craft and it even has different parts which affect the effectiveness of the given tool or weapon. It furthermore affected by the chosen material. Now it becomes really complex ... there's no easy way to know in advance which combination works well. So you got to craft a prototype of every combination first and try it. Doing this means going through 3-5 submenus depending on what you're doing for dozens of different parts. This is extremely time consuming in itself making up easily a third of my gametime.
At the very last chosing the loadout for a single dwarf brings us back to the skillpoint problem again as it is not clear what kind of specialty he has (I mean it is, if you invest another 5 minutes figuring it out). And if you don't block the jobs in all dwarves, unspecialised ones will block the working areas of your specialists.
Oof, this all boils down to ...
Micromanagement hell
The aforementioned is already very tiresome, but you also need to equip every single tool manually to every single dwarf. If you want to explore somewhere, you have to do it manually. If you give far away work orders, they will probably not do it by themselves. If you craft something with a auto-order without checking from what parts it was made, it could fill up the storage with parts made from the wrong material and you have to redo that again as well. I have spent a ton of time clicking through crafting menus and modifying the proper amounts for auto-crafted parts.
Lesser problems
- The animations right now are straight up horrible. It physically hurts watching those dwarves do anything.
- Major balancing problem at the start of the game. There is a critical resource you can only get randomly by exploring (possibly not at all) or by trading in the overworld. The latter however takes some time to be set up and if you idle too long your dwarves will not be able to work before you know what's going on. The forum posts state this as well but they tell you to do missions, just like the ingame tutorial. However in 7 hours gameplay I have not encountered any kind of missions.
- No guarding post or patrol. It does make sense to have a few specialised fighters with good weapons. However they will never automatically take care of the enemies other dwarves encounter, unless they lure them closer.
Review updates
After about 8 hours into the game I now experience frequent crashes to desktop. This is the second within the hour. Will check back with the game when the next update comes.
I like it - I almost gave it a recommendation. But the needless complexity through obfuscation and micromanagement hell are more stressful to me than relaxing.
I was thinking a few times about refunding (because major flaws like these are rarely fixed during Early Access). I definitely got a false impression from the reviews before buying and expected something simpler but much more polished.
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769 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 11:26
Games are ment to give you enjoyment, not rage.
Overall this game feels very unpolished. If you have any resources laying on the ground and you will build a block on it, the resources will just disappear and wont be lifted a level upwards. These little details are very frustrating. Wait until it will leave early access.
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99 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 02:46
I am really looking forward to playing it once a few more kinks are iron out and the game has been updated more. Currently I ran into an issue with the combat where my Dwarves kept trying to attack a slime spawner, I couldn't cancel the attack and so they ended up in an endless loop trying to kill this spawner with little to no health. I couldn't get them to do any crafting and they kept running back and ended up all dying. Very frustrating.
So I would advise you wait until they fix the combat commands in a future update.
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703 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 02:05
6240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.21 07:09
Definitely a big yes from me !
4109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 20:54
Best Dwarven hold or mining simulator currently available.
Nice and atmospheric. Lots of Mist under the Mountain.
Reclaim ancient sites and knowledge from a Fallen Realm. Destiny awaits!
Surface-dwellers have Proper appreciation for dwarven craft, and keep their requests nice and short (although the payments are miserly, GrumbleGrumble).
Mining Carts. Oh yes. If only they could go up and down inclines.
Dwarves go off exploring on their own, watching them leap chasms and struggle up cliffs is endearing, and they don't get killed (too) often.
The pesky Surface-dwellers keep pestering me about some war or something up above. It doesn't take long to address their needs once the hold is up and running, but takes precious seconds away from planning my next mine shaft.
Carts and Elevators can be a bit fiddly, making proper Dwarven logistics a challenge, but this is Right and Proper.
Learning to equip Cooks with a ladle so Proper brewing can commence wasn't obvious, and took some trial and error.
Not nearly enough Ancient and Terrible Foe in the deep (at present). Obviously we aren't digging too Deep or too Greedily (yet).
Swords seem to be better than Axes in combat in the early game. This is a Travesty. This cannot be!
846 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 18:09
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3695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 00:36
Following the tasks list, you quickly build a quarry, smelter and forge. Lots of interesting things going on as you unlock new techs, discover what each buliding does and your dwarves are exploring the immediate surroundings and ferrying resources around. This initial game experience fades very quickly with subsequent playthroughs.
I usually recruit up to 8 dwarves fairly quickly and top out at 12, but each dwarf wants its own dwelling and the dwellings are as large as the forge and quarry, so you end up digging a massive area with lots of poorly trained and poorly equipped dwarves for the rest of the early game. The purpose of a dwelling is so that the dwarves can pilfer your gold and move it to their home, thus satisfying their greed meter. It's a cool idea, but it's not clear why you care about the greed meter and for that matter building houses for them only serves to make an alert go away. You only use gold to recruit new dwarves and making gold is easy as you get plenty through trade and you can sell anything you make.
Next you build farm, cookhouse, infirmary; all of which serve to replenish your dwarves energy and health bars. At the moment, dwarves aren't sensible in which items they consume. So they will for example drink water instead of beer to replenish morale, even though water is an ingredient in beer and beer is notionally the thing they say they want to fix morale problems. They will run all over the map to eat raw mushrooms, instead of using a bandage or eating something you've cooked. Either way, these buildings allow you to survive exploring the map, where you run in to various monster lairs.
More pacing problems emerge in the mid game with the main problem being that the map is far bigger than the current content warrents. Dwarves take a long time to traverse the map. You can speed that up by building rail (horizontal) and elevators (vertical), but that tech comes a bit too late. The mid game goal is to find certain biomes and lairs. In theory this would provide you with new resources to do new things. In practice, you make tools and weapons out of copper, then iron and then there is a huge delay until you find something better. Even if you find better ores, you can't use them until the very end of the tech tree. For all the variety available with (after iron) orichalcum, adamantine, hard metal, platinum and mithrill, most of those late game metals have the same properties, so it feels like there are really only 3 teirs. After making some hard metal picks and then oricalcum weapons, I found there was no compelling upgrade for the last half of the game.
The last half of the game was spend just digging downward to find the bottom of the map. At the beginning of the game you are told to find the God of the Forge. When you do, it's just a passive monument and that objective is ticked off. No bonus, nothing else to do. Hopefully this is an EA limitation with the content being witheld. The final objective was to wait for enough overworld battles to occur before the good guys won. Honestly, the overworld feels so disconnected it could be replaced with a trade screen where you can set recurring trades and get access to new trades as your fame increases or something.
I have played the early/mid game a handful, but there hasn't been a lot of variety in how I've done that. The map being random is of no significant conseqence to the way I would approach either building the main part of the base, or exploring the map or building transportation routes. Speed: fastest; shift-queue long elevator segments, wait for dwarves to gain visibility on the next few tiles down and place the next evelvator segment.
Other issues
At the moment there are just 16 buildings in total.
- The Tavern and the Great Hall are completely passive. You get nothing from building them, they can't do anything and your dwarves won't interact with them in any way.
- The Foundry and Smithy are functionally identical to their small versions, with one exception. The small quarry can't build one item that is needed for the largest buildlings. Really pointless teiring at the moment, and those buildings are obnoxiously large.
You can specialise your dwarves through a typically clunky tick-box grid of all dwarves and all possible jobs. The more you specalise, the more dwarves will invariably be doing nothing at certain points in the game. If you allow a stonemason to haul, he will make one brick and then haul it to a trade deal, while other haulers stand idle.
You can't control where dwarves go. The only way to keep your stonemason and blacksmiths near their respective workshops is to forbid them from having mining and hauling jobs. Worse, when it comes to combat and lairs, it's very difficult to prevent your dwarves from attacking once they can path to a given lair. Often, one lone explorer goes in and dies.
You either have a resource in total abundance or you have none. It felt like I smelted a million copper but there was still plenty around. Conversely, to equip all of my dwarves with good equipment, I needed less than 50 oricalcum. When you finally find saphire/diamonds, the are in absolute abundance. Unfortunately there is really no significant use for them apart from making a dwarf spend ages cutting and polishing them in to ever more valuable versions before selling them.
Challenge really only comes from combat and unfortunately you have very poor ability to control how combat plays out. You hope you've equipped and leveled your dwarves well enough. You could micromanage a dwarf on low health to try and run away. The overworld is no challenge at all. You might fail to meet their demands once by accident but there's plenty of slack there.
This game is much closer to Craft The World than Oxygen Not Included, but where Craft The World knows it could be a flash game and keeps things nice and cartoony-simple, Hammerting has a lot of unnecessary complexity for what it's trying to do.
530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 15:56
Hammerting has a huge amount of potential. I love what this game could be.
It has what I want from a dwarf colony manager: mining, smithing, and delving deep into a hostile mountain. There's even some automation with drills you stick to a wall, and with more support for automation to come.
But there are flaws. Dwarf job management is bad, to be frank. Something similar to job priories like Rimworld has are sorely needed. It can be a struggle to get your dwarves to do what you want. Additionally, your dwarves will get stuck. The main way to explore deeper is to build stairs/scaffolding down. Your dwarves will often stop building and instead jump off the scaffolding, leaving themselves stranded until another dwarf comes to finish the job.
I enjoyed my time with it, but I'll wait for some patches before picking it up again.
2078 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.21 01:44
2841 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 16:22
1011 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 00:43
These are the main issues that need to be addressed before the game can really be great.
1. Pathfinding.
This is the biggest issue by far. I've started 4 or 5 games and every time, once I started digging a certain distance from my home base, my dwarves just lost their minds and starved to death since they couldn't figure out how to use the stairs or elevators to get home all of a sudden.
2. Building priorities.
This one is a problem because the dwarves just don't seem to want to build certain structures at all, but they will immediately run to other structures even if the distance is much greater. Adding a way to set priority would solve this issue.
3. Direct commands.
There needs to be a way to issue direct commands to your dwarves. There will always be situations where you just need to have a dwarf drop what their AI is telling them to do and run to something else. having this ability would help to cover over some spots where the AI is weak.
4. Misc. issues.
The talent tree is kind of lacking in choices, as talents further down the tree require all talents at the top.
Storage becomes more and more of an issue the further you go. Not so much that you have too many items, but more that you struggle to find specific items when you need them. Adding a set of tabs at the top of storage containers with item types would help a lot I think. Perhaps even add a global storage list to see everything you own would be a good idea.
Combat is an issue currently since you can't issue direct orders. You can only issue attack orders on an enemy, then all dwarves rush to attack it, but this is a problem since most of the time, a single dwarf will be much closer than the rest, and they will rush to their death before they have backup. Adding a direct command option would resolve this.
There are other issues to be addressed, including adding a little more variety to the underground and interesting overworld events, but these are all do-able if the devs stick with it. I have a lot of hope for this game in the long run.
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6028 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 23:28
To slow the pace of the game, they have bottle necked building larger buildings by making you use bones, which can be a serious pain. No real way to farm them as your dwarves will simply go wipe out the graveyard and cut off your supply. Beyond the initial hour of getting things set up and not starving in the process or getting murdered by rats/slimes the game gets tedious pretty fast. By mid to late game all you are doing is supplying the above world which quickly becomes boring. This game lacks a grander purpose past fulfilling supply orders, I keep going back hoping for some sort of magic to have happened but other than building an initial base over and over and then watching it grind to a halt as all the dwarves get stuck, there isn't much to it.
Fun for an hour or two, then usually the base gets scrapped and it's time to start over because there isn't really anything exciting left to do.
1337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 15:19
Mithril not included - With Flaws
Hamerting plays like Oxygen not included but with dwarfs and with real 3D graphics (but still locked in a side view 2D perspective)
The Good
- It runs on Linux almost out of the Box (using Proton-GE) even on an older Laptop with a GTX 950m
- No crashes so far (2x 8h sessions)
- Nice graphics and animation
- Pleasant Soundtrack
- Interesting concept: Gameplay includes elements of Shop Manager sims where items can be produced to be used inside the base, used to fulfill quests or sold for cash.
- Movement of the dwarfs is rather entertaining: They will walk, jump and slide up/down smooth walls. They can climb several times their own body height. This is an advantage over the replicants in ONI who cannot move more than 2 blocks vertically.
- Research is gained through trade and by exploring the cave instead of using research stations
- There is a win/lose condition related to the war going on in the overworld: Fail to help your side too often and they will lose their cities one by one until none remain. Help them and your side will eventually take all enemy cities.
The Bad
- The AI
- The AI
- The AI
Let me elaborate: your dwarfs behave less intelligent than the Lemmings on the C64.
- They will repeatedly mine the block they stand on and fall down (fortunately they are ridiculously tough and fall damage is unlikely to kill them)
- They will run past or stand near an unconcious dwarf without trying to revive, even with medicine equipped.
- Trying to build stairs downwards is an exercises in futility: Dwarf digs hole for stairs and cannot climb out. Even if 5 dwarfs are already in the hole, the next dwarf will just jump into the pit with them
- Dwarfs cancel order immediately as soon as they get new ones. In combination with the above that means that dwarfs carrying the supplies to finally finish the stairs and allow the trapped dwarfs to finally get out, will drop everything to rummage through a chest because the order to rummage through the chest was slightly closer than the constructed stairs
- Elevator are Dwarf-Traps: Frequently several of them will get stuck on a platform or station waiting for... something
- There is no priority order. It is not possible to order your dwarfs to build one specific building before the surrounding ones.
- Some buildings like Elevator Rails can be built just fine, but somehow cannot be deconstructed because the dwarfs cannot reach the location
- Even for small buildings like small stairs, A dwarf will carry material for at most 1 such building. If you have 20 or so stairs to build and each stair needs the previous one to be completed, you are looking at hours of build times.
- Related to the win/lose condition: It takes very long, even if no quest is ever failed until your own side wins the war. There are no direct means of influencing how long it takes. If no battle pops up you will just have to wait.
This sounds like a bad game, and yet I dumped in over a dozen hours over 2 days without feeling bored (but feeling very frustrated at times). Overall I recommend it under the assumption that all those issues will be fixed before the full release.
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7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 17:23
670 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 19:57
The music and ambient design is very fitting for this game and even after hours of play it still is a joy to listen to.
Building and structure management has an interesting and very successful approach. It has a fun first and planning second approach by separating things into 2 layers. The first layer is where walkways, bridges, and extra elements like doors or torches are built. the 2nd layer goes behind the first with rooms built into the walls behind it. It allows for fun and interesting layouts where you can design layouts orderly or slam them in chaotic and all over the place with walkways be built before, during or after the process.
There is no immediate doomsday approaching like we see in games like Oxygen Not Included where unbalanced systems or too slow of progressiom result in the collapse of your colony. In Hammerting you get to choose the pace. You decide how and when to expand, you decide how and when to explore, you decide how and when to learn new things. Instead, the challenge comes from how complicated you decide it will be.
There is an overworld element where a war is raging between the forces of good and bad and you are the dwarves not fighting in it (yet. who knows if its a feature being added in later) but you are the driving force behind equipping your side with items, tools, and even food they may need. Its really fun.
In terms of the challenge it can come in several different ways. You can open up lots of paths to explore and risk more ways monsters can approach from, or even what monster lairs you will discover. You can create custom items and tools for each and every dwarf customized to their specific tailored tasks using different types of handles, heads, and even the ores used in its crafting. You can even take on lots of different crafting jobs and try to keep up with the demand of all of them working simultaneously together. You are always in control.
The game is currently in early access and there are some bugs in it but they are all minor in the sense that all of the major game functions still work. For me personally I've encountered doors not working properly so everything passes through them like they aren't even there, and dwarves get stuck on the elevator you can start to build later on. But other then that the game works great and the developers are already working on fixing them.
And for the streamers and content creators, all your dwarves names are customizable which is always an added plus.
If you are on the fence about the game, you should get it. its fantastic for both new players to this type of genre and veterans will find some new fun elements added in to everything they already love.
400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 22:27
Hammerting is a colony builder / simulation game with a fantasy setting that is out in Early Access now. It's missing some basic things, like an interactive tutorial, so it's a bit hard to get into unless you do a lot of trial and error. It seems rather challenging, but maybe it's because I don't quite understand all of the mechanics yet. If you want to be a part of how the final game will shape up by offering your thoughts and suggestions, now is a good time to get into it, otherwise, it's reasonable to wait for the full release.
You control a group of 3 dwarves to start and you will be able to hire more. Their job is to build a city underground. You start with mining and this creates paths through to the caves where you will get your raw materials, and so of course as building simulators go, you will be able to gradually use your resources to progress the game.
You will see some objectives on the right-hand side of the screen. By completing the objectives, you will earn knowledge points. The points can be used to unlock new things, like new rooms, etc. It's somewhat akin to research upgrades, because these newer rooms will allow you to use the materials that you have found or mined and make other things.
You will also have other objectives in the overworld. In order to be successful in this game, you will need to finish those. You have competitors/enemies, and you will want to try to do everything efficiently and quickly, in order to always be a step or two ahead of the others.
Be careful when navigating the caves and tunnels, since you are digging deeper underground. You may have trouble getting back up if you fall down ledges. You will also have to face enemies who spawn underground and they can and certainly will kill you when given the chance.
As mentioned, the game in its current state does not have a tutorial. There are some written information that pops up to give you some instruction but I do feel that an interactive tutorial would be so much better for this game. I hope that will be added before the game's release.
There is not a difficulty setting either, I do think that would be helpful for different people of varying skill levels as well. Newcomers to the genre may want an easier difficulty to get used to both the style of play and also the game itself. In some parts you can face a lot of fights, so having some extra room to breathe as an option would be nice.
The graphics are very nice, the details are smooth even when zoomed in.
I like the music because it's very relaxing.
The game can be fully played with a mouse and a keyboard.
€24.99 for an early access game isn't cheap. One would expect a finished game for that price. The game does offer a lot of content.
Hammerting is a quite good building simulator with its own unique style and gameplay. The fantasy setting will appeal to those who like that. There is a good amount of game content already even though it's in Early Access. If you want to help with the game's development by playing and providing your thoughts and troubleshooting any issues, now is a good time to get into it. Though if you would rather wait for a full product, definitely come back to it once it's done, because it's definitely a game worth playing in the genre.
With the lack of an interactive tutorial in its current state, I had trouble with understanding everything that was around me and I have died three times so far. So I do hope that is implemented before the full release. It's rather challenging as a game but also because there are some parts of the game that you have to learn through trial and error, so expect to make some mistakes in order to improve.
I enjoyed my time with the game, and I think you will too.
I received the product for free. I did not receive any compensation to write this review. The opinions represented here are entirely my own and were not influenced in any way.
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422 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 04:32
I'll tell you my experience of all the 5 different runs I've tried within 3 hours of gameplay.
Playthrough #1 Learning the game spawns next a slime cave. Dwarves run in ignoring the enemies that attack them. Causing all my dwarves to be unconscious. RIP dwarves.
Playthrough #2 Started building my base having a strong foothold. Unfortunately due to how my place was generated I had to expand fast. By doing so my dwarves started exploring getting killed by slimes again. (Figured out that it was the exploration job causing the issue).
Playthrough #3 ran out of food because i didn't understand you could place multiple farms around.
Playthrough #4 Bad world generation so just restarted after 10 minutes.
Playthrough #5 after learning the mechanics started to have a semi-successful run... People start dying due to greed. Unsure how to fix... Encounters a crash that kills my game.
This game is brutal for the wrong reasons why at this moment in time I'd tell you definately to avoid this game until the game is fixed and in a decent enough state.
650 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 13:04
The raging war between the Leagues of Methis and the Dread Horde has intensified on The Overworld. To help the war effort of the Leagues of Methis, a group of dwarves are heading to the highest peak of the Mara mountain to a cave that was abandoned by their race a long time ago. There, they will establish a camp and dig in all directions to find precious minerals to make weapons for the League of Methis. Not only that, the food supply and all the other commodities need to be set up to keep these little fellows happy in their new camp. After all, who knows what they will be crossing path with while digging day in day out. I have a feeling that these 4-foot-10-inch people are taking on a difficult challenge, way beyond their height. Their morale and confidence has hit the roof since they heard that you’ll be the one who will steer them through the tunnels of Hammerting!
Hammerting is a strategy/colony sim/resource management game developed by Warpzones Studios and published by Team 17 on the 28th of October 2020 on the Steam platform. The game has been released as an early access and therefore is under development.
Some of the games released as an early access do not have a tutorial, and Hammerting falls in that category. If you are slightly familiar with this genre of game, you’ll probably figure out what to do reasonably quickly. If not, it will be a trial and error type of gaming experience until you get up and running.
They are two main screens in this game, which are inside the mountain (mine) and The Overlord map. On the map, you’ll have several towns and other locations where you’ll be able to monitor the battle between the leagues of Methis and the Dread Horde. As you progress through the game, orange and yellowish arrows with an exclamation point on them will appear, which indicate missions that you can accept and complete. Most of these missions are to provide specific goods to that location, and you’ll be rewarded with land resources or coins. But the main gameplay is the mine screen which is where you’ll start the game with three dwarves.
On the top left of your screen, you’ll find a tab with several icons. The most important icons (buttons) are the Overworld map which you can refer back to in order to see the evolution of the battles and to access missions as well. There is also a small technology tree, mountain lore, trade points and how many dwarves you have in your colony. And of course, currency. Make sure you have enough mountain lore and trade points, as you’ll need them to learn new technologies.
On the right side of your screen are displayed your tab dwarves, active missions (cave and land) and a few other bits. And at the bottom of the screen you have all the actions, such as building new structures, scaffold stairs, attack, dig, mine etcetera.
I like the fog of war within the mine and you have to send your dwarves to explore or dig to see further inside the mine. And let me tell you it is a big map! Not only will you receive Mountain lore points for exploring, but you might encounter strange creatures, skeletons, and rats that will attack you on sight. You’ll also find graves of fallen heroes, old camps, carts, plenty of mushrooms and a few other things to rummage. You can sell them if you’d like to.
The most important thing is to keep your dwarves’ colony stocked with plenty of commodities, as well as paying them so they keep their morale up and greed satisfied, otherwise you’ll be stuffed! I had several plays through and each time I seemed to make progress with the cave, land missions and exploring the mountain even further, but I kept hitting a wall with the currency system in the game. With three dwarves it was ok, but very slow in terms of buildings rooms, crafting or just transporting goods to the storage room and chests, even with accelerating the gameplay. But with 4+ dwarves I would keep hitting the number 0 at some point in the game and then it would all go pear-shaped.
I like the character menu, which you’ll need to use frequently as each of your little fellows will gain experience each time they mine, explore and complete tasks, but there are no key bindings so you have to constantly click on the individual tab to have their menu pop up so you can distribute the achievement points you receive into their 5 different attributes. It’s madness!
I experienced several bugs which made me restart the game a few times. The main one is when one or two of your fellows are making some sort of protest by being stuck to the wall, and that’s it, you can’t do a thing!
Don’t get me wrong, I actually like what I’ve seen so far, and I like that each of my plays through was different as the cave is randomised at the start. Most importantly, I had fun. I would not have persisted if I didn’t think the game had a solid base, and the developers also give you some information on what’s coming up when you login into the game. Graphically, the game looks great! It’s important to remember that this is an early access game.
+ Nice graphics
+ Each playthrough is different
+ Good character menu (attributes, skills etcetera)
+ Fun and addictive gameplay
+ Trading cards
- No key bindings
- The currency system is not quite right
- Several bugs
- No achievement as yet
Explore and mine the highest mountain in Overworld to support your allied war efforts in Hammerting.
Key provided by the developer/publisher for review purposes. Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!
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174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 16:04
Small sidenote: I'm fairly new to these types of games. The only other game that is much similar to this that I've played for about 100 hours was Oxygen Not Included.
1. Technology tree. Badly structured and unclear. I spent nearly 100 points into something I cannot even utilize, because it requires something from a different branch. I had to restart 1 playthrough because of this. I know it's my own fault for not reading everything thoroughly, but still.
2. Priority system. Or lack of. So I queue up about ten dozen of small actions and suddenly get invaded by slimes. Half of my colony dies because it took me forever to cancel all actions I initiated. Afterwards I had to redo all the actions which was tedious.
3. Storage system. I've build about 20 chests near the Overworld entrance, easily accessible for my workers and my colony keeps them full. YET FOR SOME REASON, CERTAIN MATERIALS AND INGREDIENTS ARE LEFT COMPLETELY IGNORED INSIDE THE CHESTS AND ARE NEVER, EVER USED. Honestly, this is my #1 most annoying problem with the game.
4. Workers equipment tab. Or lack of. Equipping my colony with new gear is extremely frustrating.
5. Constant shortage of Lumber. Which bottlenecks my progress the most. I do all the missions/quests and I'm still always out of lumber. I've explored the mountain pretty deep and can't find anything to help me to increase the supply of lumber. I dunno maybe I just have unlucky RNG with this.
6. War Effort. I don't see any point in it. There are no clear indications for any benefit to me in helping the war effort other than getting occasional 3 coppers and some bacon.
7. Trading, market, economy. I keep losing all my money all the time and I've no clue how or why. Despite me constantly fulfilling trading shipments. If you're intent on keeping this sytem in the game, then game ought to have reverse trading requests. i.e. The player requesting a shipment of 20x lumber in Exchange for some rocks or Iron bars. Something like that. No?
Other than that the music, graphics, sounds and sound effects and the whole concept is very attractive. But currently I just cannot continue with the game, because of so many small frustrating things. I reckon the game came into Early Access a bit too early.
983 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 15:17
However, as the game's still in early access, there are some pressing issues that really need to be rectified by the devs as soon as possible.
- Unexpected crashes
No warning; no errors - the game will just close itself.
- Bugs and glitches - 1. Please add an Unstuck button for dwarves that will teleport them to the entrance of the cave. 2. Please fix the Support Beam bug which prevented my dwarves from crafting said item
Way too many times I've had a dwarf or two getting stuck in the most unexpected of places, like on the platform of the elevator in the railway cart. Considering that point below, I don't exactly have a lot of dwarves to spare so every glitched dwarf makes the game that much tougher to play.
Also, the Support Beam bug is one super annoying bug that can't be easily resolved - tried re-queuing the crafting task, destroying and rebuilding the smithy, etc but no dice. The only way I've managed to fix this is by starting a new game and hope this time the bug won't appear.
- Increase the money-earning rate - This means both quests and cost per item sold. Hasten the time needed for items to be sold.
I honestly suspect I'm not getting my full payout whenever I complete a quest that rewards money. I've played the game twice now, and I've noticed that it's impossible to have more than 5 dwarves because it's just impossible to earn enough cash to recruit new dwarves. I've tried selling items but since most items sell for mere coppers and they aren't instantly sold as I'd expect, by the time everything was sold, my existing dwarves had already claimed all my earned cash as their wages, leaving me with nothing.
- League of Methis losing consistently once I've progressed to Tier 5 of the Arcane Lore/beyond
I've played through the game twice and in both playthroughs, I've noticed that the League will consistently start losing their battles despite my efforts completing the Overworld Missions once I've progressed far enough in the game. It's like no matter what I do, the game intends on me losing the game. That's not a really good feeling to have. P/S: Adding that I think I know why - the important battle-deciding missions aren't getting completed in time because the dwarves aren't putting the items into the Great Mountainhome Chest even though I already have the items crafted.
- The interface for any storage items in this game can be made more user friendly.
Scrolling through the list of materials sometimes doesn't work, for instance - it adjusted the camera view (zoom in and out) instead. I'd rather have a pop up with the entire list of items so I can check the ones I want more easily.
- Destroying a stack of scaffold stairs from the top down.
I've noticed that the dwarves are clever enough to leave rocks to stand on as they clear massive parts of the cave for a room, but for some weird reason, they aren't clever enough to destroy a stack of scaffold stairs from the top down and not the other way around.
- Add a Gathering tool that functions much like the Mining tool but this is only for gathering stuff that are already dropped on the ground.
Despite killing a bunch of skeletons that dropped a bunch of bones, I can't seem to get my dwarves to pick those bones up so I can craft bone ash. A Gathering tool would be immensely useful here, just so I can prioritize which items to haul back up to my base first.
- Add a Rally tool
Sometimes, I want to rally all my dwarves just so I could take out a rathole or a graveyard with minimal casualties. Currently, I can't do that.
- More campaigns please!
This is probably in the works but more campaigns please :)
I'll add some more when I have any.
Despite its current flaws, I still think Hammerting is on the right path. The devs just needs to take in all the player feedback they can get, and fix and polish their game.
Side Note
If you like this review and would like to follow me for more, please feel free to drop by my curator page: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/33780629-The-Midcore-Gamer/
297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 02:15
Your band of Dwarfs is tasked with starting a mining colony in an unexplored mountain. You mine, craft, build and go above ground to get new missions and aid in the battles (by giving resources). You run into creatures in the caves and will have to do combat with them. Each dwarf in the colony gains experience and levels up, which you then get to assign their attributes points. They also have traits that can be good or bad. You also earn research points for doing various things, which you can spend to unlock new tech.
Overall it is worth $25 in my opinion, especially if you are into these types of games and do not mind the early access process. I think as long as the game developers keep working on it and adding more content that this game has the potential to become one of the better colony management games.
Here is my first hour of game play if you want to see the game in action.
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289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 21:11
Warpzone Studios
Team 17
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos