Introducing the Overworld Update!
Explore new locations, form relationships with different factions and trade items for that precious gold!
Check out what's new:
Overworld Update - Version
⦿ Completely revamped Overworld!
- The map, factions, locations, and roads, are procedurally generated every time you start a new game.
⦿ Overworld locations!
- Different locations want different items, based on the type of location.
- Locations occasionally have higher demand for some items, increasing how much they are willing to pay for it.
- Demand goes down if you buy a lot of that type of item, then slowly comes back over time.
- To sell to a location, a dwarf needs to take the items and walk to it on the Overworld. A tip is to ensure that your dwarves have plenty of carrying capacity, for example by dropping a tool they aren't using.
- When you buy from a location, it's put into its inventory for you to use. A dwarf needs to go and grab the items, just as if it was stored in a chest. A tip is to build a chest or two near your Entrance and set up its filters so that dwarves immediately bring home items you buy.
- By trading with a location, it gains Trade Levels. Whenever you gain a Trade Level, more area near the location is revealed to you. You also gain Trade Lore in this manner.
⦿ Overworld factions!
- Factions control different parts of the map.
- Factions have relationships with each other and with the dwarven Mountainhome.
- Relationships will change dynamically over the course of the game due to various factors.
⦿ The Overworld overhaul is a solid foundation for us to build even more cool stuff upon!
• In the Quality of Life update coming after this update, you can look forward to a new, dynamic mission system, a Trader profession, and many more improvements!
⦿ AI:
- Dwarves could flip between a restoration job and other work. A gentle tweak to remove this behavior has been applied.
- Dwarves idling on an elevator will now try to go somewhere else to idle, freeing it up for the rest of the dwarves.
- Dwarves who need to drop some items to make room for some other item they wish to pick up from a container, can now put it in the container instead of dropping it on the ground.
- Fixed a couple of problems with pathfinding.
- Fixed some instances of jittery dwarf behavior near rooms.
⦿ Audio:
- Added ambience for the Sacred Well.
- Added starting time randomization for ambience layers.
- Removed unnecessary variations of assets.
- Reworked pitch & vol randomization for most events and instruments.
- Reworked mix automation.
- Attenuation is now automated in the mix.
⦿ Crafting:
- Added a Needle tool in a few variants for the Tailor profession.
- Added a Pen tool in a few variants for the Arcanist profession.
- More creatures now spawn bones, and a few new recipes have been added that uses bones.
⦿ UI:
- Made the Talents section larger in Character UI.
- Removed a close button that would show up after selecting a save file in the load menu.
- Save game versions is now shown in the load game screen.
- Slightly tweaked the color for action tooltips ("press 'x' to...").
- The Job List UI has been improved by grouping and combining entries. You can find it by opening the Job Broker page and going to Page 2.
- The Overworld button closes the Overworld if open.
- The Overworld button has a different icon while the Overworld is open.
- The icons for digging and mining have been removed. You can still set the priority for orders, though it isn't very clear at the moment. You can inspect the Job List UI to see the different jobs and their priorities.
- Tweaked item right click menu so the item name has more space and added a large icon of the item in the background of the UI.
- Tweaked the credits menu so that the scrollbar doesn't show up behind the close button. Bug fixes:
⦿ Added vertical scrollbar and arrow notice for Research UI.
⦿ Adjusted button and dialogue box texts in the tutorial that were overflowing in Japanese.
⦿ Dwarves now sometimes splashes when falling into water.
⦿ Fixed how some statusbars would handle when their max value grew.
⦿ Fixed so that Research entries can't consume scroll inputs.
⦿ Fixed stacking (non-Overworld) biome effects. Dwarves could go blind after delving too deep. This was not intentional.
⦿ Fixed textures sometimes not getting set for the first frame an object was rendered.
⦿ Selling items will no longer consider items on the ground.
⦿ Various minor text issues fixed.
Crash fixes:
⦿ The following fixes will possibly help those who encounter the VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST error when playing the game:
- Fixed an out-of-bounds error on the GPU
- Fixed write-after-write hazard with transitioning depth buffer at the same time as clearing it
- Fixed read-after-write synchronization hazard with light system
⦿ Fixed a crash when completing multiple move orders the same frame.
⦿ Fixed crash that could happen for Intel graphics cards when starting the game.
⦿ Fixed crash that could happen when exiting the game.
⦿ Fixed crash that could happen when items used for restoration were destroyed.
⦿ Fixed crash that would happen when a dwarf's target got removed while on a vehicle.
⦿ Potentially fixed a tooltip related crash.
What's coming next you ask?! The next Hammerting update will be a quality of life patch which will bring further improvements and features, such as bigger and better missions, for you to enjoy!
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