Hey, Gas Jockeys! ⛽
Welcome to another Gas Station Simulator - Car Junkyard DLC development sneak peek. Today, I’m excited to share some more information about car parts ⚙️ (assembling and disassembling them, how you can make some profit, etc.) as well as the Chemical Bath which is gonna be another spanking new structure that will be introduced with the DLC. Ready to jump in? ????

Chemical Bath ⚗️
The Chemical Bath is a brand-new structure crucial for the proper functioning of your junkyard. Designed to wash car parts and prepare them for assembly onto freshly prepared wrecks, it's an essential feature that will allow you to restore some rusty car parts that you find while progressing through the game.

Chemical Bath Management ????
Chemicals are vital for efficient cleaning. The more concentration, the more efficient the cleaning process is. As you’ve probably guessed, as soon as the concentration drops to 0%, the cleaning process stops. In order to restart the process, you need to first restore the concentration to 100%. Have a quick look at how it looks currently in the game.

Car Parts Overview ⚙️
Car parts play a crucial role in the Car Junkyard DLC. They are obtained from wrecks delivered to the junkyard, and they can used to build a brand-new vehicle. Car Parts can be separated into two categories ????

- Dedicated Parts: Includes front and rear bumpers, left and right doors, and the hood. These are essential for car customization and they only fit particular car models.
- Universal Parts: Includes rims, spoilers, exhausts, mirrors, engines, and turbos. These parts can be used across different car models.

Each car part has its own tag indicating which particular requirement (performance or design) it will affect. As you’ve probably already guessed, parts with a performance tag will impact stats such as acceleration, top speed, handling, etc. On the other hand, the ones with a design tag will only impact the car's visuals.

Stay up-to-date ????
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, gas jockeys ????So, before we finish, let us know in the comment section down below what you think about the idea of chemical bath and car parts. How do you like some spanking new tools that are on their way to Car Junkyard DLC? The more feedback we collect, the better the DLC will be, I promise. Keep those comments coming, and I’ll do my best to answer them. Last but not least, follow us on social media, and add Car Junkyard DLC to your wishlist if you want to stay in the loop of everything Gas Station Sim. Until the next devlog!
