Hey, Gas Jockeys! ⛽
I hope you had a fantastic time over Easter and you’ve managed to charge up your batteries, so you can easily face the challenges awaiting you. As for us, we’ve been working tirelessly to bring you guys some new features to the Gas Station Simulator that will enhance your gameplay experience even further.
In today’s announcement, I’d like to shed some light into one particular feature that will allow you to capture some stunning views that you might spot while running your gas station empire. The best thing? It’s already available, so without wasting too much time, let’s talk about the Photo Mode ????

What kind of features does Photo Mode have?
If you’ve ever wanted to stop time for a while and capture your favorite moments at your gas station without irritating UI – it’s all possible now thanks to the Photo Mode. You can freely adjust a plethora of things – from FOV, brightness, and saturation, to focus distance, sharpness, and there is even an option to add some cool looking frames to your photos.

Oh… Did I mention that you have a special photo album where you can keep your photos in one place? How cool is that! Check it out for yourself and let us know what you think.

Celebrate the release of Photo Mode with our giveaway ????
To celebrate the release of Photo Mode we’ve prepared a brand-new giveaway for you. I’d like to highly encourage you to participate, because the prize is definitely worth a try. All you need to do is click this link and you’ll then proceed to the giveaway page. The rest is simple – complete as many tasks as you can, and may the luck be with you.
Some improvements & Bugfixes ????
Just before we finish, our team has also managed to fix a couple of those pesky issues that you guys have encountered recently. Read the whole thing below.
Gas Station Simulator
- Fixed a crash that might occur when an employee starts a new shift
- Fixed a crash that might occur during the loading of a game
- Fixed a crash that might occur during saving Employees data
- Fixed an issue related to car pathing while loading an old save
- Fixed a crash that might occur during workshop minigame
- Workshop employees now have correct rotation
- Fixed a crash that might occur during swapping walls with Hammer Tool
Party Time DLC
- Fixed a crash related to Ice Cream minigame
Tidal Wave DLC
- There is no longer a possibility to unpack the delivery boat if it's waiting in the queue
- NPCs should no longer get stuck in the shower
- Fixed a crash that might occur during fuel delivery
- Various minor UI visual fixes
Stay up-to-date ????
And that is the end of today’s announcement. As per usual, let me know in the comments down below what you guys think about Photo Mode. I cannot wait to see some of your stunning photos from Gas Station Simulator and its DLCs. Unleash your creativity and don’t hesitate to share those wonderful screenshots with us. You can freely do so on our discord server for example on which I’d like to invite all of you right now.