Gas Station Simulator:
- The loan timer was changed to show the remaining time more accurate
- Various CPU optimizations were addressed
- Popularity values are now loading correctly
- Fixed an issue that caused Rudy not to pick up sand
- RC car correctly rotates in the air
- RC car no longer falls under the landscape
- The popularity sign is now correctly loaded at the beginning of the game
- Rudy now does not stop while turning
- The delivery icon in the PC UI is now correctly displayed
- Sparks from high voltage cables now correctly give light
- Ghost no longer collides with the environment
- A strange object under the cash register was removed
- Garage Employees now have correct rotation while fixing a car
- The second delivery truck now correctly waits until the first one leaves the Warehouse
- Inputs are now correctly blocked while Collectible Cards are inspected
- RC car 2 is now correctly available after buying it
Can Touch This:
- Changing doors now correctly generates navmesh for Customers
Tidal Wave:
- Parking lot assets in the features tab preview are now correctly loaded and unloaded
- Volcano visual issues at the start of the Tidal Wave were addressed
- The Tidal Wave upgrade tree now has the correct information
- Party Spot collision issues were addressed
- Employees no longer scream in a loop after Volcanos eruption
- Issues with the delivery boat driver position were addressed
- Fixed an issue that counted one trash multiple times while throwing it into the ocean
- Some new decoration issues were addressed