Not gonna lie, folks – 2024 is gonna be exciting for Gas Station Simulator as we plan to release 4 DLCs for the game next year. These DLCs will be pretty varied so you should be able to find something that fit into your needs.

Tidal Wave DLC
Tidal Wave will be the first DLC to be released next year. This DLC is all about running a gas station on a beautiful, tropical island. We're working tirelessly on this brand-new DLC, but I'm still counting on your feedback and suggestions, so don't hesitate to throw it at us in the comments down below. If you wanna learn more about the Tidal Wave DLC, check out its store page:
Shady Deals DLC
Many of you are familiar with Shady Deals since you have been waiting for it so long. We planned to release it earlier, but as we had so many great ideas for it while already in development, the decision has been made to take a breather and try to put those new ideas into the DLC. That took quite a bit of time, hence the delay.
Shady Deals has grown so much since initial development started, it’s more of a game within a game now. While we don’t like term “game-sized DLC” as it has been so misused in the past, there is no way around the fact that it’s precisely where Shady Deals is heading.
Within the next 4-6 weeks we will officially announce a 3rd DLC for 2024. This DLC will be similar in type to Tidal Wave in that it allows you to build gas station in an entirely different setting and environment. If tropics are a bit too much of a jump for you, I guarantee you’re gonna like this one.
The last DLC for 2024 will almost entirely focus on expanding your gas station and adding new activities. While I don’t want to say too much about it just yet, it will be more in-line with what you expect to fit a gas station directly than Airstrip did ;-)
There you have it, our plans for DLCs for 2024. As always, don't hesitate to share your thoughts about it. I'm always open for the feedback, and I'll happily gather most (if not all) your crazy (and not) comments, and pass them along to the production team. Untill the next devlog!
~Your humble marketing guy – Sewek