Added: Option to enable profanity filter settings in UI options
Added: Upscaling Options to video settings
Added: FidelityFX 3 upscale method
Added: DLSS 3.5 upscale method
Added: Temporal Super Resolution upscale method
Added: Option to disable upscale tech and use native render resolution + AA
Added: "Enable dynamic resolution" settings
Added: Nvidia Image Scaler upscaling tech as option
Added: Intel XeSS upscaling method
Added: Dynamic input bind hints UI to show available controls on various UI screens
Added: Patch notes to main menu
Added: Large grill model (spawns various food items)
Fixed: Construction rotation not working even if yaw or pitch rotation was enabled via database
Fixed: Ability UI input reading issue
Fixed: /me chat command
Fixed: Gizaley Cara and Sonotol Cara waypoint saving issues
Fixed: Character limit exploit
Fixed: Accept/decline clan invite commands
Fixed: A bunch of minor input / UI issues
Fixed: Missing water ripples
Fixed: Interaction / Ability UI not showing correct keys
Fixed: Missing input/key rebind options
Fixed: Interaction UI overlapping issue
Possible Fix: For main menu under terrain spawn
Possible Fix: For UI scaling issue caused by 4k resolution
Possible Fix: For server crash
Updated: Chat profanity filter moved to client side
Updated: Video settings: Settings now applied only if "apply" button is being pressed
Updated: FPS limit using dropdown box instead of type in text box
Updated: Sentry crash reporter (all crashes are now automatically processed and sent via sentry)
Updated: Hay level asset and textures; great library building (wip); bench models and bench scales to fit the Ka'sai
Removed: "Key bind already in use" check to allow key rebinds / changes
Removed: Santa from Altuis
The Dev Kitchen
Wyvern work in progress animations
Eastern Dragon Concepts (model is currently being worked on)

Lindworm skin concept

Lindworm animations

Various level art

Fae skin mod

If you want to see more frequent news on upcoming game updates make sure to join us on Discord!
Want to report a bug or want to know what other things we have on our to-do list visit our Trello Board!