Added: Totems now marked on the compass UI by default
Added: Simple in game loading screen while teleport code is waiting for level streaming (if needed)
Added: Sort by name support to waypoint UI
Added: Search by name support to waypoint UI
Added: Search by name support to server list UI
Added: "ServerPassword=" config variable to ServerSettings.ini, dedicated servers now can be locked by password
Added: Support to unlock waypoints when character is spawned and where it is enabled via DT
Added: New fast travel point to the lava biome
Added: back player carry & player carry release code
Added: Carried player can now also exit carry mode by pressing the "use" [def: E] button
Added: Proper carry request notification + system message
Added: Clan / group / carry invites can be accepted or declined via Player Interaction Radial menu (holding v activates player interaction radial)
Added: Experimental code to try restart/reload server and map after 1 day uptime when no online players to avoid networking issues caused by uptime
Added: Auto move to options (pressing WASD gonna start/stop movement - if opposite direction)
Added: Auto run key bind, press numlock to run forward continuously
Added: Show construction placement result / return text via construction placement UI
Updated: Destroying constructions now returns 100% of the needed materials if they get destroyed 5 minutes after placement, it returns 50% of materials after the 5 minute timer has run out
Updated: Hot springs assets and textures
Updated: Pawn teleport code refactored
Updated: Carry / Grab Refactor #1: added new inheritable carry component class to replace old grab component uber class; reimplemented / re-added generic item grab which works like it worked before, multiple grabdata assets are now supported to support different carry types in the future (like head, leg, arms); cleaned up and removed old grabcomponent files / code
Updated: First and second island
Updated: landscape textures
Fixed: Character HUD / chat UI showing when exiting from photo mode and UI's are hidden by option
Fixed: Various carry issues known from an older build which included the first version of the carry mechanic
Fixed: Smell / scent spawn in single player
Fixed: Set global chat as default chat instead of local
Fixed: Fast travel teleports, unstuck teleports and teleport admin command
Removed: Various debug logs
Also a few peeks at some of the other things we are working on:

New Foliage

Eastern Dragon Re-Work

If you want to see more frequent news on upcoming game updates make sure to join us on Discord!
Want to report a bug or want to know what other things we have on our to-do list visit our Trello Board!