Greetings Shifters! ✊????
It’s Gamescom times, but we unfortunately aren’t attending this year. Instead we're staying at home working hard on the game in preparation for the exciting things ahead! We’ll share some news on that with you down below, but first a little update on some of the things we’ve been working on this month:
Conjures are back!
We’ve been working on making the conjures (summons) work properly, and added a conjure skill to every class! Conjured beasts are not only helpful in fights to draw aggro and do damage, they can also be ridden. Any passive skill that requires riding will work both when using a conjure and when riding another player.

Scaptor conjure. We’re still working on a proper look for them, so that’s going to change soon as well!
Health drop changes
Also, we’ve experimented with a small change to the health orbs - now they lie on the ground and need to be picked up, instead of automatically being picked up. We wanted to try this change to give you more control over when you want to use that heal, and also add in the co-op trouble of choosing who should get the health boost. ????
New enemy type (kind of)
Some of you may recognize this enemy as the old “demo boss”, now that the “new boss” has more of the right thematic feel (electric) the “old” one has gotten a behavior remake and is now a tougher variant that can shield itself from your attacks.

The "Head-plated" Roker enemy. Name still work in progress, we'll see if we can come up with something better soon!
Finally, we’ve been working on polishing up a couple of new areas, writing, adding quests, and preparing a new build we call “Alpha Act 1”. This version will soon be available to download and playtest early for our discord members and on the playtesting platform G.Round! We’ll provide you with more info on our discord soon, hope you are excited and eager to help us test this new version!
Thank you for your continuous support!
All the best,
/ Narin, Aftnareld Dev