This month we’ve added the fun new feature for you who like to tinker with your items, called “Forge”. With the help of the forge, you can insert different kinds of Alterants (modifiers) that you find while looting out in the world. Alterants have different kinds of bonuses that improve your item. They also have 3 different kinds of shapes, which is important when forging your item, as your items need to have matching Alterant Spaces available.
The different Alterant shapes:

The Forge can be found inside the Dayal's house, your home:

The game world is growing and getting more and more ready to be explored by you soon! The latest area that we have worked on is the place called “Wreck Town”, which is a scavenger settlement located inside a cave. Here scavengers live a bit more safely and trade goods with each other, some of them might be hard to come by in the capital…
A first look at "Wreck Town", an underground scavenger town:

The Forge is now in the updated demo uploaded today for you to try out if you want!
As usual, we’d love to hear your thoughts, let us know here or in our Discord!
✨Other demo updates include:
- New Guard Mission type: Defend Beacon (similar to old Horde mode)
- Made it easier to compare items by giving more space to item stats
- Add Buyback option in store
- Make Use Skill Buttons more clear on Controller
- Add Instructions on how to navigate map
- Added option to add Sprint toggle button in Remap settings
- Current character level is now shown on player HUD
- The NPC Ira stays and helps in the Roker boss fight and can be resurrected by player(s) if taken down
- Sell Prices can now be seen on items outside the store
- Added dialogue option to travel directly to Riveredge Mine level after Arena
????Some Demo Fixes:
- Fixed issue where items sometimes fly up in the air and get stuck
- Fixed so HP is restored again when changing scenes/levels
- Fixed issue where some enemies had too repeating struck sounds
- Fixed issue with light flickering near NPCs in Arena
- Fixed issue where there was not enough nests in Guard Mission to complete the mission
- Fixed issue with interactable objects where the prompt didn’t disappears when player interacts
- Fixed error where Guard Mission tutorial shows wrong button prompt to close tutorial
- Fixed issue where players got stuck after VO intro