Mechanical Improvements
From now on, you can access the "reality mirror" from the Fitrat maps whenever you want. If your enemies have a higher level than you, you can return to the real world with these mirrors. (This situation does not apply to the Fitrat maps in the main mission.)

"Memory mirrors" showing us the events that our character experienced in the past, have been added to the Fitrat maps. You can interact with these memory mirrors to watch the past.

The compass now has a slot on the interface. You can use the compass by pressing "C”.

Let us briefly inform you about the Fitrat traps currently in the idea stage. First of all, I would like to mention that there are several traps. These traps will appear in a part of the game. They will generally make it harder for you in the Fitrat maps related to the compass and will be presented with enemies at the same time.

A new collectible item has been added. This item can be traded with the NPC in the "Fitrat of Death" and a certain amount of health can be gained. This collectible item is only found in Fitrat maps.

Visual Improvements
We are working on four Fitrat maps related to the compass. In a part of the game, the compass breaks and loses its abilities. You must find and complete these Fitrat maps to regain its old and new features.

"Bergüzar's apartment," our home where we will live with Bergüzar, is being redesigned.