We will continue to improve the game and implement new features and bug fixes. Of course, your feedback is crucial during this period. If you want to report any issues you encounter more quickly, you can email us at developer@5deniz.com.
Here are all the changes that have been made with the v0.5_201023 update:
Visual Improvements:
- The mission screen interface has been updated, and UX has been improved.
- Fixed the glare issue when changing the character's skin tone in the character creation screen.
- Updated the cutscene for the Woodworkers' mission.
- Changed the character animation in the inventory screen.
- Changed the shapes of the Health and Soul bars to spheres.
- Updated the layout of the ability screen interface.
- Simplified the design of the Soul gauge and added it to the death screen.
- Added environment sound specific to the Shishane district.
- Renewed the map.
- Added a sound effect when performing the sliding move.
- Added a sliding rope sound.
- Updated the animation and sound effects for obtaining or failing a mission.
- Added a tool model for sliding ropes.
- Updated the character's sliding rope animation.
- Updated ability icons.

Mechanical Improvements:
- Nature quests are now added to your quest library as soon as you obtain the compass.
- Added a brief information text about the character's past to the character creation screen.
- Taking fall damage when falling from a height.
- Added a panel in the inventory screen that specifies item attributes.
- Added the ability for the compass to slow down enemies. You need to wait for a certain time to use this ability again.
- Added a new ability to the sword weapon group. This ability freezes all nearby enemies and attacks them with a sword.
- Added a new ability to the shield weapon group, allowing us to throw the shield to hit and damage surrounding enemies before it returns to our character.
- Introduced the ability to cancel an ability during its use in the ability system.
- Can now spend collected "Essence of Nature" items in the realm of the dead.
- More discoverable items are now available in every corner of Istanbul.
- Added more sliding ropes to rooftops.
- Added the mechanic to pick up and throw explosive and poison barrels.
- Added enemy spiders to the game.
- Added draggable boxes.
- Added the ability to initiate a dialogue with the compass.
- Introduced a cinematic skip feature.

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issues with objects obstructing the camera when entering the area where the slaves are held on the ship.
- Resolved an issue that prevented weapon change keys from working while running in combat mode.
- Fixed the issue that prevented us from breaking objects that should be breakable with a bow.
- Fixed a bug that caused the screen to turn white in unknown areas on the fast map screen.
- The fast map screen used to remain on screen even when the game was paused, and this issue has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug that disrupted the game's camera due to a choice in the Woodworkers' mission.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the ability mode to get stuck when using a controller.
- Fixed an issue where the character reacted as if picking up an item for the first time when removing equipment from the character in the inventory screen.
- Fixed a bug that caused quest markers to appear during cinematics.
- Fixed an issue where the in-game interface was not hidden in some places.
- Fixed a bug that allowed the dialogue to continue when the game was paused during the compass's conversation.
- Fixed a bug that falsely detected the character as being outside the area when using stairs.