Mechanical Improvements
Continuously enterable Fitrat (Dream) areas are now clearly open! We have a panel containing a small picture of the content of Fitrat. In addition, a DPS value display and a brief description will provide you with information about the Fitrat.

Jewelry shops have been added to the game; if you want to increase your stats by a certain amount, visit the jewelry shops. However, the jewelry in the jewelry shop will be more expensive than the regular wearable equipment.

There will no longer be any walls or trees blocking the camera. A circular cutting system will support your view.

Collectible hidden parchments have been placed on all maps in the game. These parchments can be exchanged for rewards at a secret NPC in Istanbul. These rewards are treasure maps that will help you get rich faster.

Visual Improvements
Enemy power levels were determined by stats in the game. However, you couldn't initially understand how powerful the opponent was.
We then visually identified the enemies based on the evaluation within our game. In this evaluation, normal enemies have the "Standard" value, followed by the "Gold" value. The most powerful enemy type has the "Emerald" value. The health, armor, damage, and even special abilities of these enemies may vary sequentially.