Mechanical improvements:
Our market system is designed more interactively compared to the interface design in similar games. You can buy any product you see on the mannequin if you have enough trade items. Markets can be found in various ways in the game. Businesses such as Armorers, Weapon Merchants, Trappers, and Grocers are frequently encountered in Istanbul neighborhoods.

Banks are trade points operating in certain parts of Istanbul. You can use them to convert your pennies to silver coins or silver coins to gold coins. In addition, we would like to announce that we will soon add extra features such as borrowing money from the bank and a Variable Currency Exchange.

Visual improvements:
Banks and various shops are available on the Istanbul map.

Three new pieces of equipment have been added to the game, and you can purchase them from the in-game shops.

The ability screen interface will be completely redesigned to fit the interface we use.