News Liste Villagers and Heroes

Patch 5.33 is now live!
Villagers and Heroes
23.10.24 16:48 Community Announcements

Patch Notes 5.33

This small fixit update fixes some of the more pressing problems The Crux has introduced. Here are the details:


  • Added some more gathering spots to the NW Crux:
  • Pomegranete
  • Goldfinned Bass Fish
  • Lavender Silk Nests
  • Teak Trees
  • Decreased the number of Cruxian Militia required to complete the quest, "Crossing the Crux" from 20 to 10. Also, add more Cruxian Militia to the NW Crux entrance, so that it will hopefully be less of a bottleneck.
  • Slightly increased the drop rate of the quest item, "Steel Claw". Also, added more Nectar Gnats to the Cider Mill dump.
  • Reduced respawn times of bounties in the Crux from 5min to 2min. Bounties that are required for quests respawn after 1min.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused Frontier bounties to turn green (instead of blue) and be much weaker.
  • Fixed an issue that caused epic+ rarity gear to be less powerful than uncommon and lower. Specifically this seemed to be an issue with level 91+ gear.
  • Fixed missing quest icon above Rikey in the Zorian Marshland.
  • Possibly fixed a bug that was causing crashes and disconnects in the Haunted Moors event zone.
  • Fixed issue that caused character to vanish in the NW Crux at -8 380 -168 (bottom left of E3).
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the following bounties from appearing on the map:
  • Quindo
  • Reox
  • Reoxanna
  • Sanka
  • Echolls
  • Brago
  • Vinxi
  • Mausella
  • Keto
  • Feto
  • Meto
  • Jeto
  • Fixed an issue that prevented level 95 players from getting 10x XP in the Crux from mobs and bounties.
  • The quest, "Marketplace Visa" in the NW Crux can now only be started after completing the quest, "Vocabulary Hunt".
  • Fixed an issue in Summer's Hollow that caused the text overlay, "An Apparition appears" to appear repeatedly.

Mobile Only

  • Fixed issue that caused name of mushroom to not appear at 408 340 -67 (top left of F4) in the NW Crux.
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Release:17.04.2014 Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Entwickler: Mad Otter Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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