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Raids Season 9: Lives of the Lost
Villagers and Heroes
16.12.24 15:32 Community Announcements
Increased the drop rate of Socorium from mobs and bounties in the Crux. Also increased the drop rate of Nectar in the Crux.
Entry into the Gulch is free for 2hrs entry or until death.
Non-combat zones ("hubs") where players congregate will now show all effects when a player has show all effects turned on, even when the world is filled with a lot of effects. Other zones (ie, combat zones) will still remove these effects when necessary in order to preserve a good frame rate and reduce lag. Hub zones like this currently include: Ardent Hub, Summer's Hollow, Marigold Marina, Darrig Fair, and all Villages.
We removed the very large jump in XP between level 95 and 96. Some characters had a bunch of saved up Quests and Bounties, so to address this, XP reward for players at or above level 95 when doing Quests or Bounty Quests at or below level 95 have been reduced. Other XP rewards were not affected- from raids, killing mobs, etc. Note: this is for all skills- including combat, crafting, and gathering.
The item, "Auto Reviver" now grants 3 seconds of the effect "Blessing of Aegis", which gives invulnerability after dying.
Replaced the Shadowy Apparition model in Summer's Hollow with a better looking one.
Changed the jump in power level for gear, mobs, players when they reach level 96+. There is still a jump in power (damage, health, etc.) at level 96, however it's using a different formula than before.
Reduced maximum stack count of Curse of the Reaper and Curse of the Specter from 15 to 10
Revamped Curse of the Amnesiac
Added a new Heroic Curse: Curse of the Derelict
Added Raid Season 4 legacy rewards to the raid ducat vendor
Further fixes to Rocko dialog during the quest, "Crystal Fish Catcher". A conditional goal will become visible if player loses the required Cruxian Bluegills and direct them to recollect.
Added buttons on PC so when clicking on a character the mods/devs can mute someone for 20 minutes or kick someone for 2 hours.
Blocked players won't be able to send emotes to the person that blocked them.
Added new models for male and female NPCs
Raids have been playbalanced for better harmony between character growth due to dungeoneering and raid difficulty based on the tier of the Raid.
Raid Creation screen: Added double backward arrow for challenge tier, and resized fast forward button to make all UI elements fit.
Added Dungeoneering XP bonus as a perk of being an Ardent Society member.
The main quest arrows will point to NPC with the quest if a player exits a discussion before getting the next main quest.
Made size of quest arrows slightly larger.
Made system level changes to fix issues such as when the curtains in the theatre no long block player's movement. Camera still needs to be blocked by curtain even though player isn't.
Modified the navigation selection code to be more correct and efficient.
Navigation now chooses a more efficient path than the previous method.
Quest arrows now smoothly rotate to direction instead of snapping to direction.
Removed side quest that was required to get a horse from Chauncey.
Inserted a "go see Chauncey" quest just the "go see Priam" quest. Chauncey will give player horse and then player can go on to Priam.
Added more Nav Nodes in Summer's Hollow to keep quest arrows from pointing at walls.
Added LOSBlocker to shapes in Summer's Hollow to again keep quest arrows from pointing at walls that player can't go through.
Removed collisions on theatre curtains and the fences around Chauncey's stables.
When checking paths using nav nodes, adjusted z loc of destination markers slightly upwards because they can be rounded down (ghosting artifact?) which can cause collisions with the terrain block in the navigation code.
Added a Navigation Net to Dagmar Strand. There are now Nav Nodes that will lead the player to all the early main quest locations.
Added a Navigation Net to Marigold Harbor to cover the quest locations there. Also added some LOSBLockers to keep arrow from pointing at walls.
Added a Navigation Net to Gandymead Grove and LOSBLockers need for some cliff areas.
Added Nav Net and LOS blockers to Cronk Island. This is for the first quests there -- more Nav Nodes may be needed for later quests.
Added Nav Net to Briney Caverns
New Features
Added a new item, "Dungeoneering Wisdom Elixir", which bestows an effect, "Dungeoneer Wisdom" that increases Dungeoneering XP rate by 100%.
Each player in a raid will now have lives:
Bronze: 5 lives
Silver: 4 lives
Gold: 3 lives
Platinum: 2 lives
Heroic: 1 lives
When a player dies, then they can consume one of their remaining lives to respawn at their current location with 50% of health and mana upon use. If the player has no more lives remaining, then they have the option to use an Instance Resurrect. If the player has no Instant Resurrects, then they can either instantly leave the raid, or they are auto-kicked after 60 seconds.
NOTE: Lives are not shared between players.
Bug Fixes
Replaced placeholder sphinx icon with cobra.
an issue that prevented 50% of health and mana from being restored when using a raid life.
Hopefully fixed an exploitable area into the Gulch near Vexor.
Sign outside the Gulch will now say, "Open for business!"
Made it so Cruxite Ore can drop in the Ore nodes in Southwest Crux.
Removed collision for a lot of bushes in Ardent Tutorial Cavern, so players won't get stuck in odd places.
Changed the Seamstress so she actually gives additional Crystal See Potions.
Moved some sentry mobs in Northwest Crux away from the teleport pads and entrance portals, so players hopefully won't be attacked while loading in.
Hopefully fixed an issue that caused Kaal Permafrost to last even after he had died.
Hopefully fixed an issue that caused certain players (like healers) to not teleport when a Gulch boss was defeated.
Allowed the Pox Mushroom Tumor drop to be gotten from Southwest Crux Fuzzy Sandozi mushrooms.
swapped recipe book names for "Gulchplate Veteran Helm" and "Gulchplate Veteran Armor".
an issue that caused players to get underneath the lake in the Southwest Crux at "-195 317 18" (near top of D4).
Hopefully fixed an issue that caused Telemachus to not fight in his second phase.
Chauncey so that players are not blocked from getting a horse from him.
Myko's lair in the Gulch no longer saves the position of the player when they log out.
Players will now be teleported after 15 seconds once they defeat Undadar. This should give players enough time to collect Zorian Spores that Undadar drops.
Made sure tutorial arrow goes away when player equips the weapon Adriel gives in Eldon Forest.
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Release:17.04.2014 Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Entwickler: Mad Otter Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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