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Patch 5.39 is now live!
Villagers and Heroes
07.01.25 17:30 Community Announcements

Patch Notes 5.39

Hi Everyone,

We wanted to take a moment to explain the recent changes to level 96-97 gameplay and assure you that this is not a nerf—it’s a recalibration to ensure long-term balance and fun for everyone. Here's what’s happening and why:

What Changed:

  • Previously, there was an unusually large jump in power at level 96 compared to earlier levels. This wasn’t consistent with the smooth progression from levels 1-95.
  • We’ve adjusted the scaling for levels 96 and 97 to match the progression curve that has worked well for the game at all other levels.
  • As part of this, both players and monsters at levels 96-97 will have less health and do less damage. But the balance remains the same—monsters are still more powerful than at level 95, and your character’s power remains in proportion to theirs.

Why This Is a Good Thing:

  • Monsters at levels 96 and 97 were rebalanced too, meaning fights will feel fair and fun.
  • We also gave crafted gear at levels 96-97 a slight boost, so it’s now even better than before.
  • By fixing some bugs in the old system, we’ve ensured a smoother, more consistent gameplay experience moving forward.
  • What It Means for You:
  • Your character is not weaker compared to the game world. The numbers on your gear may look lower, but the effectiveness of your character is exactly as strong—or stronger—against the challenges you face.
  • Raids and level 95 elder runs will now be slightly easier for level 97 players.

Why We Made This Change:

We want to keep the game’s progression balanced and fair for everyone. The old jump at level 96 was fun in the short term but caused problems with balance that could have hurt the game in the long run. This is not just a subtle rebalancing-- it's fixing a design flaw. If we don't make this fix, then the system will remain broken and things will get more and more out of balance. This adjustment ensures everyone enjoys a smooth and rewarding experience, no matter where they are in the game, and provides the game with stability into the future.

We hope this clears up any confusion, but we’re always here to listen. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to share them—we’re committed to making Villagers & Heroes the best experience it can be.

Thank you for your understanding and support!


  • We’ve adjusted the scaling for levels 96 and 97 to match the progression curve that has worked well for the game at all other levels.
  • Harmonic Nectar can now be traded.
  • Gulch now costs 100 Chits to enter (was 222). Rewards have also been adjusted:
  • Myko chest now gives 16 Chits (was 29)
  • Kaal chest now gives 32 Chits (was 78)
  • Aene chest now gives 48 Chits (was 111). Additionally 1% bonus Chit amount is now 300 (was 666).
  • Baun chest now gives 96 Chits (was 144). Additionally 1% bonus Chit amount is now 600 (was 888).
  • Added blockers to the cliffsides in certain Gulch Elder warp points, so that players can't fall off and die.
  • We changed the Ginny Gnogmentation Quest so that:
  • It can be repeated with each Rebirth.
  • It provides a reward of 2 free sockets.
  • We gave level 96 crafted gear a power rating increase of +10. We gave level 97 crafted gear a power rating increase of +15. This is in addition to their natural boosts that come from being the highest level gear available.

Bug Fixes

  • [Fixed] Enhancement sometimes makes the item worse.
  • Fixed an issue that cause Socorro Guild Discount to not apply.
  • The effect, "Gulch Stamp" now only lasts for 30 minutes (was 2 hours).
  • Hopefully fixed an issue that caused players to sometimes get locked out of raids, and required a server reset to fix them.
  • Fixed an issue that caused raid lives to be consumed while the raid wasn't ongoing.
  • After death bosses in the Gulch will now create a portal that teleports players that stand within it to the next section. This portal lasts for 30 seconds.
  • Reduced the bounty respawn timer on some Southwestern Crux bosses, so that if players defeat an early one faster than previously, they can still get all the rewards from the rest.

PC Only

  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause a normal revive to be used after using a Voltan's Resurrect if the "Resurrect" button was tapped extremely quickly.
  • Hopefully fixed an issue that caused stages, and raid lives to not update on the client when joining a raid right as it starts.
Logo for Villagers and Heroes
Release:17.04.2014 Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Entwickler: Mad Otter Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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