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Patch 5.42 is now live!
Villagers and Heroes
26.02.25 13:18 Community Announcements

Patch Notes 5.42.0


  • Relics at Heroic 50+ are now guaranteed to be rarity Epic or better.
  • Removed the level 80 and 85 Elders from the main questline
  • Note: If you currently have a quest objective to defeat the level 80 Elders, speak to Nadia in Dartrey Woods
  • Note: If you currently have a quest objective to defeat the level 85 Elders, speak to Prince Zaan in Glendergan
  • A character who goes by the name of Gladius has joined Arcra and Arcron in one of the rooms in Ardent Castle. He's a bounty hunter who has too many contracts to fill himself. He's looking for some help in tracking down some of the Venerable bosses. He offers rewards of xp, gold, and importantly, elder fragments. Note: we are hoping that his quest chain provides some of the gameplay that some players were missing when the elders were moved to Frontier Zones. The Venerables are not level-scaled, and not player-size-scaled, and provide a method for players to earn elder spells. In this way, higher level players can help lower level players when asked.
  • Enabled mounts in Villar Summit, Shadow's Den, Shadowed Future
  • Added vendor location to the description of Pyrrite medallions
  • Increased stack size of "Fluffy Cotton Candy" from 500 to 9999.
  • Removed Blasting from monster affix pool
  • Villar Summit bridge should be easier to cross
  • Increased odds of getting more Zorian Spores from Rift
  • Increased Fabled Gear drop rate back up to 10%
  • Added traveling vendor to Depths
  • Frontier Balancing
  • Reduced base damage and health of Frontier Elders and bounties
  • Reduced the health of the Bandit Lord Elders
  • Lady's Fate now randomly spawns between 1 and 3 Mirages. The Mirages have less health if multiple spawn at the same time.
  • Fate's Mirages are now ranged archers
  • Reduced health of Fate's Mirages
  • Reduced maximum number of minions Mutagen can have active at a time from 15 to 10
  • Increased cooldowns on Gutgor's abilities
  • Removed Gutgor's final phase
  • Increased duration that Graeme spends outside of his shielded mode
  • Reduced speed and health of Fenella's spiders
  • Reduced difficulty of Beathag encounter
  • Removed pads mechanic from Elk's Shadow
  • Elk's Shadow's spectral goop effect is easier to see
  • Decreased spawn rate of Elk's Shadow shadowlings
  • Reduced Elk's Shadow shadowling damage
  • Decreased difficulty of Valuspa encounter
  • Decreased health of Valax's weary souls
  • Decreased monster density in Villar Summit
  • Made Villarius's effects easier to see
  • Villarius no longer has a final phase
  • Villarius now spawns 4 different types of totems.
  • Droktor's Test subject's explosions now deal damage instantly instead of over time
  • Orog Doomslayer has more health
  • Droktor's test subjects are now stunnable
  • Droktor's test subjects now instantly heal Droktor rather rather than over time
  • Reduced maximum number of healers Quibach can have active at once from 36 to 18
  • Reduced healing power of Quibach's healers
  • Reduced health of Quibach's healers
  • Reduced healing cast rate of Quibach's healers
  • Reduced spawn rate of Quibach healers
  • Increased frequency of Quibach's Demon Burst but lowered its damage
  • Quibach will now use an AoE attack throughout the fight that will clear immunity from all active healers

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed typo in seal of the triumvirate description
  • Fixed Lady's Fate mirage count was not resetting properly when she left combat
  • Fixed malvolio dialog mentions obsidian medallions instead of pyrrite medallions
  • Fixed text for Dartrey Woods on the world map.
  • Fixed edge case where Gutgor could get stuck in shielded phase
  • Fixed floating gathering nodes in Forgotten Quarry
  • Fixed typo in Zheck's dialog
  • Fixed Feeding Leafwads quest marker pointed to the wrong zone
  • Fixed fishing nodes in Bandit's Retreat had wrong rotation
  • Zorian Spores will now drop from Sugarsweet bounties. As a consequence of this change, "Scaling the Summit" bosses will now have an 8-second delay before teleporting players to the next boss, so that player have enough time to collect the dropped Zorian Spores.
  • NOTE: Bonnie and Clyde do not drop Zorian Spores.
  • Fixed rune rarity and level were not displaying correctly in the gnogmentation summary page
  • Fixed portaling to Shadow Future could sometimes land you too close to the portal, causing you to go back to the Depths
  • Fixed terrain issue in Shadow Future
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Release:17.04.2014 Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Entwickler: Mad Otter Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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