We are thrilled to announce that our latest expansion, Wellspring, one filled with massive improvements to crafting and gathering, village life, and so much more, is now live!
With Wellspring, we’ve transformed the weighty and elaborate crafting and gathering elements of the game into a lean, tight system, one which, though now much simplified, still contains the richness and complexity as it ever did before! And get ready for some amazing new Village Projects!
What kinds of things can you expect with this expansion?
Wellspring brings fully customizable environments for villages! Players can choose from a massive array of skies, trees, flowers, terrain, and regions, to truly create the ultimate village for themselves!
Village Politics has received an exciting overhaul! Players can now ‘Govern on the Go!
Wellspring introduces Auto-Gathering and Crafting! No more sore fingers from endless clicking on nodes, or at the various crafting stations!
Countless improvements have been made to gardening, ranching, crafting recipes, and more, all of which seamlessly promote a new fluidity and ease to the villaging aspect of Villagers & Heroes!
Brand new daily login rewards, grouped into monthly calendars with especially lucrative prizes have been added!
Wellspring has much to offer all players. The volume of changes and improvements in this exciting expansion, can hardly be listed out in its entirety here, so we encourage you all to please read the full patch notes, and visit our special Wellspring website.
Happy Spring, Everyone!