As a thank you to our subscribers, Part One of our long awaited expansion, The Crux, is now available to them! Ardent Society members can enjoy special access into the mysterious realm of Queen Zoria whose tyranny and madness is cruelly felt by the unique race of insect creatures who dwell in this wondrous land, and need the help of intrepid heroes. All new story quests, adventures, sights, and more await in this exciting patch which also comes with a level cap raise, new gear recipes, mounts, and a slew of other game improvements. The Seven Realms just got a little bigger! *Please speak with the NPC in the Zorian Marshlands named Rikey if you have completed the quest, Marshland Reclamation, and are an Ardent Society member to access The Crux.
- Added new high level content: The Crux Part One
- Added two new zones: Northwest Crux and Southwest Crux
- Raised Level Cap to 97
- Added new insect species: the Socorro
- Added multiple new monsters
- Added new crafting recipes for Levels 96 and 97
- Added new special currency: Cruxian Chits
- Added new crafting ingredients: Socorrium, Harmonic Nectar, and Zorian Spores. (Spores can only be found in Raids, The Rift, Frontier zones, and the 95 Elder Chests for players who are level 96)
- New Item Shop Mounts! [list]
- Fernskin Tortoise
- Harlequin Ladybug
- Siltback Scarab
- Sageblade Mantis
- Petalsong Mantis
- Flamewing Mantis
- Reduced the amount of lag that Shadow Weave causes when battling Hox.
- Shadow Weave's blessing: When there are no nearby enemies, and Shadow Weave blesses the Priest with healing and mana, it will do this with one single effect. For example, if the Priest had 10 curses on the target, instead of boosting the player's health and mana by 3% ten times in a row, it will instead boost the player's health and mana by 30% once.
- Made adjustments to "Voice Throwing Tonic" quest and Ardent Memorial Pond so players aren't overwhelmed with quests.
- Removed "Stinger in the Rear" and "Bring down the Boars" quests.
- Made it so that the "No Respect" and "Remembering Spike" quests aren't available until after the "Voice Throwing Tonic" quest is completed.
- Adjusted text to make it clearer where to find Echo in a Bottle and Indigo Bottles.
- Improvements to Elden Forest
- Removed Elden Minnow part of the quest and the fishing gather nodes. Update Adriel's text to reflect the change and aslo edited the OGG voice file.
- Moved wagon and horse so it can be seen when player first enters the world. Also works to partly block the pond to make it less like players enter it. There were quite a few "quit and not come back" that ended in the pond.
- Added two apple trees and a copper deposit to the early clearing.
- Removed the ambient fairies along the path.
- Got rid of one of the Cultists so there is only two to fight.
- Made it so Adriel is always present. When she disappers from one area she appears in the next. Added text to handle these new times where she is visible.
- Added more of the 3D arrows pointing to where the player should go.
- Added blinking arrows pointing to inventory and character when player is told to equip weapon by Adriel.
- Put Gorrem in front of the house in the Cultist Clearing. He will mention that player can get their own house.
- Mallok Phantom now has less health so he is much easier to defeat.
- After Mallok is defeated, put Gorrem close by at the bridge telling player to head back to the dock and take the ship to Summer's Hollow.
- Fixed some text that didn't match action like mention of "cloaked man" that was actually a "mountain beast".
- Fixed all the bypass triggers and made them wider so quest auto-starts and advances if player just runs down the path.
- Added a trigger in the water that works the same as the portal at the end of the dock. Handles problem of players just swimming way of in the ocean.
- Added a 3D bouncing arrow over Adriel's head in Summer's Hollow to where player will end the quest by talking to her.
- Fixed a bug that caused raid boosts to not apply.
- Fixed issue that caused everything to vanish in Ardent City at -106 23 95 (left side of C4).
- Added dye and homestead tab to Harmidel in the Haunted Moors.
- Corrected positioning of Erine in Lake Kiwa (at top of D3).
- Fixed an area in Ardent City at the coords, "-66 -25 106", that caused character to disappear if the camera was all the way zoomed out.
- Blackfury Gorge Zingara had reduced experience and were not dropping Zingara Essence