Hello all!
After some time, and no updates in several months, I am really pleased that Urtuk is now getting a new content in the free DLC!
We have worked on it for some time now, so sorry for not posting any updates during that time.
So what's in the new content update?
In a nutshell:
new faction - The Shattered
new biome the Obsidian
30 minutes of new music
new events, items, objectives, boss maps, game mechanics, and steam achievements
lots of improvements, balances and fixes
.. you can read all the changes and additions in the changelog located in the steam forum.
The new Shattered event is present already in first zone, and you will encounter them quite quickly!
I don't want to spoil the story behind them, so it's up to you to discover more.
However, after fulfilling a special event, you can even unlock them as playable faction!
Please note that the DLC content has been integrated directly into base game, so you don't have to do anything to get this update! Just make sure steam is automatically updating Urtuk.
Unfortunately, with this major update, your saves won't be backwards compatible (sorry!).
The version of Urtuk with the DLC integrated is 1.0.0+81.
With this special day we will be also running a 20% discount for several days!
I hope you'll enjoy the content, and please make sure you'll give us feedback on the new stuff, so we can improve it further! (Best place is steam forum or our discord)