News Liste Urtuk: The Desolation

Update 0.87.08+97 is LIVE
Urtuk: The Desolation
03.02.21 14:17 Community Announcements

Greetings slayers!

We bring you another small bunch of updates, this time it's around the Final boss fight with a brand new Boss and lore and some tweaks around balancing and of course bug fixes.

Here the changelog:

Starting as werebeasts: they are now 'ancient' werebeasts and won't transform to human form, thus keeping their werebeast form forever and loosing their 'super healing' ability.
(Also they won't be affected from the deso bug: they won't loose their extra absorp.slot anymore)

Map Editor: added selection of map sizes
Forsaken defender: added new trait: "Cleansing" (on max focus heal over 2 turns + remove bleeding/poison)
Ranged support won't trigger strongVS anymore

french local. updates
Monster Hunter quest: reduced enemy count a little bit
Party screen: dismantling items won't happen when you're not enough close to th dism.slot

added campaign advisor


final battle updates
Ivadd story line updates
Reflexive skin won't trigger if you're out of breath

Leeching crits: improved scaling
Abomination map updates
Aggressor perk: now upon expeling a member, his items are dropped to player's inventory
'game won' screen overhaul
gx updates
new mutators
Russian loc.updates

Added 'Necromancer' boss gx bonefisher Yesterday 8:48 PM
Blood curse: increased HP penalty (-10% -> -15%)
final battle updates

final battle updates (dead channeler will reduce spawn rate by 50%)
Added 'final battle' biome

Increased maxIterations for map gen.
final battle updates

Final battle gx udpates
added 'Channeler' model
small updates, tweaks

polish loc.updates

This update should in most cases keep your saves playable.



Logo for Urtuk: The Desolation
Release:14.02.2021 Genre: Strategie Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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